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Posts posted by Hulkster

  1. I just want to say that I called it!

    Posted 2014-03-09 16:46:52

    The stolen passports could mean something but mean completely nothing. Malaysia lets anyone cross their borders with few questions. Kuala Lumpur is a human trafficking hub. Who knows what these guys were involved in.

    Then again, they might have been Iranian terrorists. Didn't the Iranian terrorists who blew off their own legs in Bangkok spend time in Pattaya before their failed mission?

    The guys who blew their legs off in On Nut didn't look like the Mujahideen either...

  2. The stolen passports could mean something but mean completely nothing. Malaysia lets anyone cross their borders with few questions. Kuala Lumpur is a human trafficking hub. Who knows what these guys were involved in.

    Then again, they might have been Iranian terrorists. Didn't the Iranian terrorists who blew off their own legs in Bangkok spend time in Pattaya before their failed mission?

    Can you back the human trafficking part?

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Back what? Kuala Lumpur is a human trafficking hub. This is hardly news.

  3. Here's the problem! I own a restaurant/bar and I can tell you frugal and cheap charlie mean the same thing! Does not matter where you are from. Example ! 2 customers come in the restaurant and order 2 steaks and rave about how good the steak and the service is! When the bill is presented in the area of 7 to 8 hundred baht, not even a baht left! Now where I come from if you have a great experience with the food and the service you leave an average of 15%! If you can't leave that then you have no business being here! These people who serve you live on a mere existence and when you cheap charlies come in it makes me shriek!! Same as man who wants to sit and watch olympics for 3 hour

    s with a water and not reorder taking up a table of 5!! Ignorance and cheapness at it's best!! I tip according to service and quality! If you can't do that than you are certainly outclassed and everyone knows who the cheap charlies are!! By the way you know who you are and we do too!

    Give your staff a pay rise if you think they do such a wonderful job.

  4. So what's Suthep up to tonight?

    Dreaming of tractors boys, dreaming of tractors.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwub.png

    You are indeed lost.

    As will the farmers be when the next promised payment from this bankrupt government fails to appear.

    Not bankrupt. Money is everywhere in Thailand. The country is booming. Jobs everywhere. The baht even strengthened today. The market has zero fear that the government won't come up with the money.

    Of course if the democrats, suthep, the courts and their Sino-Thai backers don't stop pouring fuel on this fire and a civil war erupts, then the market will see things differently. But that will be the fault of the Bangkok elite.

    I don't usually comment. but gees, what are you smoking? baht is strengthened today? for how much? compared to the last 3 months? try google "thai baht" and look at the graph. i do really hope that your post was a sarcasm.

    That's more to do with the USD strengthening. The rupiah and ringgit have similarly weakened. The baht is still strong.

    The market is not worried. The government is not broke.

  5. So what's Suthep up to tonight?

    Dreaming of tractors boys, dreaming of tractors.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwub.png

    You are indeed lost.

    As will the farmers be when the next promised payment from this bankrupt government fails to appear.

    Not bankrupt. Money is everywhere in Thailand. The country is booming. Jobs everywhere. The baht even strengthened today. The market has zero fear that the government won't come up with the money.

    Of course if the democrats, suthep, the courts and their Sino-Thai backers don't stop pouring fuel on this fire and a civil war erupts, then the market will see things differently. But that will be the fault of the Bangkok elite.

  6. I think the baht strengthened today. Not bad in a country where the government supposedly can't pay farmers if you were to believe the elite's propagandists.

    Yingluck was forced into dissolving parliament and calling elections. Without that a bill would have been passed by now allowing the farmers to be paid. So what? It's not like that money vanishes. It's redistributed to the poorest part of the country fueling more economic growth in the region. Sure, the scheme will have to be revised in future and is not sustainable, but it is in the short term.

    Some of you are hysterical.

    Thailand is awash with money. The Bangkok Sino-Thais wouldn't buy the rice bonds to stick to Yingluck. Right now her hands are tied because she's caretaker PM. Baht is still strong. The market doesn't think the government is broke.

  7. The courts said you're allowed to protest without consequence. I hope to see them soon in Bangkok. It's the only way that the Sino-Thais will take them seriously and respect their political rights.

    Rightly or wrongly, rural people see this as another coup executed by the Sino-Thai elite who want to install a government that will enrich them even more at the expense of rural Thais. That's the perception and it's a perception held by rural Thais for good reason.

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  8. For the country to move ahead, we need to understand the grievances of the people protesting on the streets and those whose protest is registered with a no-vote or by simply not voting in the recent snap election. Only then can we draw up a roadmap for the future of the country. Such a roadmap must include a return to free and fair elections, accepted by all sides, and a clear, credible commitment to irreversible and comprehensive reforms.

    So why are we in this political deadlock? Why have millions taken to the streets? Why was there a boycott of the elections and why did an overwhelming majority of eligible voters who could go to vote unimpeded refuse to do so or actively submitted a no-vote? The answers to these questions will enable us to identify the needed components for the roadmap.

    Ignoring the lies about the election being "boycotted", notice it's all from his insular Bangkok perspective. No attempt to reach out to and include rural Thais in the conversation. No attempt to understand why they have resoundingly rejected the policies of the Democrats for two decades. Just lies, exaggerations and mistruths that help further his cause.

    The message to rural voters is that the Sino-Thais still know what's best for you. You can have your democracy but on our terms only.

  9. getting a bit cocky isn't he? will be his undoing.

    No drone shots of the mob today = business as usual = poor turnout.

    getting desperate to wrap this up, but how? he don't have the numbers of backing.

    I'll agree with the cocky bit, but what makes you think he doesn't have the numbers. Do you expect everyone to go to the protest all the time?

    That's generally how a protest works. And sure, not everyone is there all the time, but sufficient numbers of people are coming and going to maintain the protest.

    Asoke during the day is tumbleweed and crickets.

  10. The turning point will be when the democrats, yellow shirts, suthep, courts, army, and most importantly their Sino-Thai backers pulling the strings (and other persons I dare not mention) finally get what they want which is denying government to the democratically elected PTP. They all want the old power structure where it was their snouts in the trough. Corruption is bad only when they don't benefit.

    This will the turning point.

    At this point get the next flight out of Bangkok.

    Bangkok is going to burn when the red shirts arrive en masse.

    This arrogant Bangkok elite think they can live in a bubble where their decisions don't have any bad consequences. You can't throw money at this and make it go away.

    The red shirts will fight this to the death because whether rightly or wrongly they will view this as nothing short as another coup orchestrated by the Bangkok elite against the rural poor.

    We saw in 2010 how relatively easy it was to burn a shopping mall down. They will want nothing short of total vengeance if they're denied their democratically elected government.

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  11. The Bangkok elite are going all out in a last ditch effort before the result of the election makes a mockery of their claims.

    They wanted an election, Yingluck called their bluff, then they didn't want an election. They knew they'd get slaughtered at the polls.

    Shutdowns lost momentum after about a week. They've consolidated the protest sites and would still be lucky to have a dozen people during the day at Asoke.

    Now it's a last ditch effort to overthrow the government.

    The judicial coup is in motion and as a back up they're going to paralyze the airports.

    Thailand's a lost cause.

    I'd love to know who's paying these Somchais for their time and fuel.

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