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Posts posted by Hulkster

  1. I said a week ago it was a hijacking either by crew or passengers and was laughed at as being a conspiracy theorist despite it being the only theory that made sense.

    Maybe the pilot just snapped with his wife and child leaving him. When the co-pilot went to the toilet he locked the door in a moment of madness. Sometimes people drive into oncoming traffic. He locked the door, then maybe panicked, changed his mind, but didn't know what to do because he'd almost certainly be arrested and jailed for having locked his co-pilot out of the cockpit.

    Now he's thinking, the wife and child has left, his job is his life and he's going to lose that for locking his co-pilot out, and he'll probably be arrested and jailed. Then he panics some more turning the communication equipment off, etc. He's in such a panic he's reverting to some child like state where he thinks if they can't see me I can't get into trouble. Who knows.

    There's that, or a hijacker or multiple hijackers managed to enter the cockpit, lock the door, threatened the pilot with weapon (we can all attest to having got scissors or something past airport screening), and forced him to turn off one by one the transponder and other communication devices. The "all right good night" message where he breaks protocol was maybe the pilot trying to tell air traffic that he's not following protocol because he's under duress (ie. an Islamist hijacker has a knife to his throat).

    They're saying the plane is off the west coast of Australia. Maybe the hijacker wanted to fly the plane to Perth and commit a 9/11 style attack. When it became apparent to the pilot that it was a suicide mission he deliberately took the plane off course into the Indian Ocean. The Islamist hijacker was lost flying in the expanse of the Indian Ocean, the plane ran out of fuel and crashed in the water.

  2. I have been saying for the last 5 days that it was most likely hijacked by crew or passengers.

    I was labelled a "conspiracy theorist" for my troubles despite it being the most likely and logical explanation.

    The Malaysians had been avoiding it and sending people on a wild goose chase in the Gulf of Thailand because the truth will be a huge black eye against Malaysia Airlines and KLIA security.

    I don't expect an apology to be forthcoming...

    Hijacked planes land eventually, usually in rogue states, and the hijackers issue demands and such.

    Nothing of that nature has happened so far...

    Unlikely to happen now.

    I said hijacked by crew or passengers.

    It might be in Pakistan, it might be in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

    People were mocking the idea a hijacking only yesterday despite the only reasonable and logical explanation being a hijacking.

  3. Where are the people on here who were rolling their eyes at the "conspiracy theories"?

    It was either one of the Muslim pilots who waited until the other pilot took a toilet break.

    Or the plane was hijacked by the two Iranians, the Uyghur with flight knowledge and probably 2-3 other hijackers most likely Malaysians hailing from parts of the country operating under Sharia law.

    Who is laughing at these "conspiracy theories" now?

    I don't know, sane people maybe?

    Clearly a minority.

    Now they're admitting it's almost certainly a hijacking either by crew or passengers...

    I won't hold my breath for an apology...

  4. No wreckage... the pilots turning off the transponders - there was no malfunction, that plane had an EXCELLENT service record...

    There has been foul play.... that plane can easily be painted over or just replacing a normal flight with this flight filled with explosives or biological germ warfare...

    Conspiracy theorists always operate on not having all of the information to hand which is why there are so many dumb theories on so many subjects. Whenever a theory is proved to wrong it is never acknowledged by a dumb conspiracy theorist cuz they just make up another theory and continue. All they are looking for is anything that can confirm said dumb theory while ignoring everything that contradicts it.

    Wait for all of the information to come out and then make your own conclusion if need be. Just stop guessing.

    It clearly points to a hijacking, whether by a pilot or passengers. It's the most likely explanation. It's hardly a "conspiracy theory" to suggest it was most likely a hijacking.

  5. Where are the people on here who were rolling their eyes at the "conspiracy theories"?

    It was either one of the Muslim pilots who waited until the other pilot took a toilet break.

    Or the plane was hijacked by the two Iranians, the Uyghur with flight knowledge and probably 2-3 other hijackers most likely Malaysians hailing from parts of the country operating under Sharia law.

    Who is laughing at these "conspiracy theories" now?

    Still just an assumption, but nothing makes sense and I'm sure the Military knows more.

    Everything is an theory just like structural disintegration is.

    There were people ridiculing the idea of a hijacking as a "conspiracy theory" though.

    At this point it makes more sense than virtually all other theories.

  6. If it wasn't for the US a dozen countries would still be chasing a phantom plane in the Gulf of Thailand.

    At least China has shut up with the "demanding answers" rhetoric after they sent out search parties looking for wreckage they spotted in the Gulf of Thailand on Google Maps or whatever it was. Their faces would be as red as their flag.

    Malaysia at this point is hoping no-one finds the plane. The US finding the plane in the Indian Ocean will be a monumental loss of face.

    This is the future you have to look forward to in the "Asian century"...

  7. Where are the people on here who were rolling their eyes at the "conspiracy theories"?

    It was either one of the Muslim pilots who waited until the other pilot took a toilet break.

    Or the plane was hijacked by the two Iranians, the Uyghur with flight knowledge and probably 2-3 other hijackers most likely Malaysians hailing from parts of the country operating under Sharia law.

    Who is laughing at these "conspiracy theories" now?

  8. MH370: PDRM and Interpol investigates passenger of Uyghur ethnicity Astro Awani | Updated: March 13, 2014

    KUALA LUMPUR: The Royal Malaysia Police and the international police, Interpol is currently investigating the background of a man of Uyghur ethnicity who boarded the Malaysia Airlines (MAS) plane MH370.

    A local daily, Harian Metro reported, that this was confirmed by Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department Director, Datuk Hadi Ho Abdullah.

    “We are still investigating the matter,” he said without further comments.

    It was reported that the 35-year-old man of Uyghur ethnicity is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at a university in Turkey and holds a Ph D.

    He had also previously done research on flight simulations.

    The attention is focused on this man because of the skills he possessed.

    The investigation is also done as the government is not ruling out terrorism as a cause for the missing Boeing 777-MH370, last Saturday.

    Uyghur is a group from the Turkish ethnicity who lives in China.

    Cr: http://english.astroawani.com/news/show/mh370-pdrm-and-interpol-investigates-passenger-of-uyghur-ethnicity-31765

    So we have two young Iranians with fake passports and a Uyghur who has flying knowledge.

    That's three potential hijackers. There were five hijackers on each of the 9/11 flights, so we need two more.

    Malaysia might want to look at some of the locals on board the plane. Maybe those who hail from the regions of Malaysia under Sharia law...

  9. A military airbase....for refueling? And then on to where? Incredible story..... But wait.... why no ransom...why no warbling old ladies dancing around in the goat field? How could this be a hostage situation if no ransom notes/demands are made? Or are these being kept quiet? Perhaps for a surprise rescue?

    Did you give thought to the possibility that if it is a hijacking, the people behind it may want to use the aircraft as a weapon. Or as a weapon delivery platform.

    Scary isn't it ? Hope none of Syria's confiscated chemical weapons fell into the wrong hands.

    But someone would have to change the on-board flight number identification.

    Hasn't the past week demonstrated how slow and clueless certain countries are to dealing with a plane that has merely had its transponder turned off?

  10. Yes. The CIA doesn't hijack planes in order to kill infidels or create mayhem and mass destruction. Countries like Iran carry out terrorist attacks in order to maximise death and destruction.

    Terrorists are likely behind this. Everyone could be dead in the middle of the Indian Ocean, or the plane could have been flown to Pakistan and loaded with nukes or biological weapons.

  11. The Iranian government said these two guys had clean records, but a country that funds terrorist attacks throughout the world would say that wouldn't they?

    Both guys had no criminal records, but you don't use terrorists with criminal records do you?

    The Iranian government denied having anything to do with the Iranian bombers in Bangkok who blew off their legs

    Curiously enough those Bangkok bombers also spent time in Pattaya before carrying out their failed mission--much like the two men on the plane.

    I guess it's all coincidental.

    Why the need to fly together and how did they meet? Bought the tickets at the same time, flying on the same flight. Wouldn't you hedge your bets and go on different flights?

  12. The Straits of Malacca is one of the busiest shipping channels in the world. Even if the plane hit the water largely intact, it still would have broken up or the fuselage would have split and something would surely have risen to the surface after 4 days.

    It's baffling. Maybe it crashed into the jungles of Aceh.

    Either way, it seems like a hijacking is most probable explanation. If it's not the two Iranians and other people onboard, then Malaysia's inadequate security procedures is still to blame.

  13. http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2014/03/12/Missing-MH370-Thai-Navy-may-cease-hunt/

    All the world is looking for the plane......but thai will suspend...blink.png

    As they should. Malaysia seems to be hiding information and has allowed countries to waste a lot of time and resources searching for phantom planes in the Gulf of Thailand.

    I agree. The countries involved in search in the wrong area should bill Malaysia for the

    wasted fuel and time...... At this point the interesting question becomes what is

    Malaysia trying to cover up ??

    Just an incompetent, nepotistic, third world nation desperately trying to save face.

    The lax security procedures at KLIA allowed what I assume to be Iranian hijackers to pass security with weapons in their possession, and Malaysian immigration completely dropped the ball in not detecting their fake passports.

    Malaysia more or less lets anyone in their country no questions asked. Security procedures at KLIA are a joke compared to any airport in a first world nation. I suppose being a Muslim country with parts of it under Sharia law they thought they weren't susceptible to being targeted by Islamic terrorists.

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