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Posts posted by Hulkster

  1. The powers that be have tried everything. Wanted elections, got them, wasn't good enough. Yingluck resigns, got it, wasn't good enough. Tried to shut down Bangkok, but the Bangkok middle and upper class didn't have the heart or conviction to stick it out more than a week.

    It was always going to come to this if the arrogant Bangkok elite didn't get their way.

    They finally got Yingluck on trumped up charges.

    When the red shirts come to town and destroy Bangkok don't blame the red shirts. They have no choice but to go to war.

    They didn't want elections until reform had been completed. Yingluck didn't resign. She dissolved parliament. Bangkok is still pretty much shut down, even though there aren't that many protesters out there every night.

    What is trumped up about Yingluck enabling corruption in the rice scheme in which she is the committee head?

    An unelected cabal representing the wishes of the elite is only "reform" in Thailand. For all intents and purposes Yingluck resigned and called an election. Democrats didn't want to participate because they'd lose. They were banking on a judicial or military coup. Looks like they'll get their judicial coup.

    Unfortunately for people living in Bangkok the red shirts are going to bring a lot of pain. The really have no alternative if they want their political rights respected.

    If she had resigned, she would not be care-taker PM. She didn't resign.

    The Democrats didn't want to be involved in the election because they didn't want to legitimise it. The same as in 2006 with Thaksin, Yingluck wanted to use an election to enable the continuation of their corrupt policies.

    I don't agree with an appointed government, but I do think it is time for Yingluck (and her relatives) to go. Put another PTP MP in her place that isn't beholden to Thaksin. That is the only way I can see Thailand moving forward.

    Whether or not the Democrats take part in an election doesn't legitimise it. The arrogance of the Bangkok elite! They're a political party that hasn't won an election in two decades.

    Yingluck is virtually powerless right now.

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  2. The powers that be have tried everything. Wanted elections, got them, wasn't good enough. Yingluck resigns, got it, wasn't good enough. Tried to shut down Bangkok, but the Bangkok middle and upper class didn't have the heart or conviction to stick it out more than a week.

    It was always going to come to this if the arrogant Bangkok elite didn't get their way.

    They finally got Yingluck on trumped up charges.

    When the red shirts come to town and destroy Bangkok don't blame the red shirts. They have no choice but to go to war.

    They didn't want elections until reform had been completed. Yingluck didn't resign. She dissolved parliament. Bangkok is still pretty much shut down, even though there aren't that many protesters out there every night.

    What is trumped up about Yingluck enabling corruption in the rice scheme in which she is the committee head?

    An unelected cabal representing the wishes of the elite is only "reform" in Thailand. For all intents and purposes Yingluck resigned and called an election. Democrats didn't want to participate because they'd lose. They were banking on a judicial or military coup. Looks like they'll get their judicial coup.

    Unfortunately for people living in Bangkok the red shirts are going to bring a lot of pain. The really have no alternative if they want their political rights respected.

  3. Somehow, I think this is not the end of the Shinwatra’s. They will more than likely have another proxy lined up to replace her as soon as they get the whisper that it’s time to cut and run or hide out in Chang Mai for-a-while. This anarchy is becoming so boring now; it’s like watching an old b/w rerun of 'Gone with the Wind'.

    Just wait for Yingluck to be sentenced by the kangaroo court.

    It won't be Gone with the Wind. Bangkok will resemble the set of a post apocalyptic horror movie when the red shirts are through.

  4. The powers that be have tried everything. Wanted elections, got them, wasn't good enough. Yingluck resigns, got it, wasn't good enough. Tried to shut down Bangkok, but the Bangkok middle and upper class didn't have the heart or conviction to stick it out more than a week.

    It was always going to come to this if the arrogant Bangkok elite didn't get their way.

    They finally got Yingluck on trumped up charges.

    When the red shirts come to town and destroy Bangkok don't blame the red shirts. They have no choice but to go to war.

  5. The cheek of these Thai authorities.

    I mean, has anyone told them that he's part-maori and from a broken family??

    It's not his fault he stole something and was belligerent to police officers!!

    It's society's.

    And he was drunk too! Just a young man having some drinks with the boys to celebrate.

    The bartenders would have seen that he was inebriated yet they kept selling alcohol to him!!

    How is he to blame for any of this??

  6. Easy to rack up a high score when there is no other major political party such as the Democrats contesting.

    And whose fault is that..??

    If ''the people'' were as against this govt as Suthep claims, then they had the option to submit a ''No Vote'' or simply vote for another party. If enough of ''the people'' were against this govt then they wouldn't even get near an overall majority.

    False claims from ''He who stops Bangkok'' or just pore voting..??

    Right on the nail. If enough voters supported Suthep's ideology, Puea Thai would have never received this amount of votes. It clearly shows the majority of Thais want Puea Thai to lead them. How hard is it for the Democrats to accept that?

    ummm what amount of votes?

    In the 2011 election there was a higher number of total votes because there weren't violent thugs intimidating people at polling centers.

    People can be excused for staying home.

  7. Puea Thai wins more seats than in the last election. That clearly shows that the majority of Thais do not support the lunatic Suthep.

    The votes are not in yet............................ Also as a 3 horse race..what do you expect?

    ps: And 2 of those horses are lame.. CTP and BJT

    Not Puea Thai's fault is it? Yingluck told Abhisit and the Democrats to participate in the elections but they refused. No right to complain if you dont participate.

    But you have to look at it from the Democrats perspective.

    Had the participated in the election they would have looked ridiculous shutting down Bangkok for weeks on end saying they represent the will of the Thai people yet only getting 20% of the vote. giggle.gif

    Better to not participate and pretend you could have won the election if you participated.

  8. Actually, they got 48.41% of valid votes. They got 44.72% when including "None of the above" votes, and invalid votes.

    How many did the democrats get?

    Why is that relevant?

    Trying to determine who represents the will of the people. blink.png

    The democrats clearly don't.

    We'll find out in a few weeks who the people want to lead them.

    It's not for little wannabe megalomanics with delusions of grandeur to impose a dictatorship that represents the interests of the Bangkok elite.

  9. The blog has elements of pure drivel in it, overlaid with supposition and just plain errors.

    PT did not win a 'mere 48%' which equates to 35%. It won 48.41% of all votes cast. Those that do not cast votes do not count in a democratic system. They were the biggest party and were able to put together a government. That is how democracy works.

    Does Thaksin run Thailand under PT. Only an idiot would deem it possible. Think for a brief moment what it takes to run a country like this day to day. Does Yingluck talk to him? Probably, but the 48.41% who voted PT were aware of that when they voted. Whether you like it or not, that does not invalidate her government.

    Do the world's financial institutions support the current government? I imagine they do as it's presided over a very strong economic period for the country. Real incomes have doubled, manufacturing is booming and Thailand rode out the world financial crisis - one of the few countries that did. The credit reports are good and Thai banks are above average in their Moody's ratings. And it's in Thailand's interest to be part of a system that provides huge numbers of jobs and international credit etc. You'll note that 1500 Japanese businesses have said today they will leave Thailand if Suthep succeeds. Do you have any idea of what a disaster that would be for Thailand. The well to do protesting in the streets perhaps should take note of the fact that they will be substantially less well off if Yingluck resigns as they are demanding.

    It's an impending disaster for Thailand and all Thais.

    Actually, they got 48.41% of valid votes. They got 44.72% when including "None of the above" votes, and invalid votes.

    How many did the democrats get?

  10. That's the great thing about a democracy. A bad government won't stay in power!

    If what you claim is true then the PTP won't win the election!

    In a few weeks we'll see who really does represent the will of the people!!

    Zimbabwe ...

    Thailand has free and fair elections. Zimbabwe doesn't.

    The people will decide in a few weeks.

  11. So if you feel rage, then it is okay to burn buildings?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Sure, depending how bad you've been treated. The rural poor have always been viewed and treated as second-class citizens in their own country. The finally have a voice, a government has made developing the poorest parts of the country a priority, and this riles the Bangkok elite. That money should be funnelled into their pockets instead! In the eyes of the elite Thailand=Bangkok and no-one else matters.

    They have to fight to protect their rights otherwise the elite will snatch it from them time and time again. If the Thais weren't so tolerant telling each other "mai pen rai" this war would have been fought decades ago.

    Is this the anarchist's version of democracy? Or straight from the red hand book?

    The red shirts simply want to be able to exercise their political rights without the country's elite trampling all over them. If that eventually means resorting to violence because other measures have failed then that is probably what they'll resort to. They simply want a just outcome.

    The yellow shirts want an unjust outcome. They want to impose unelected rulers that represent the interests of a minority on the majority. They want a dictatorship that represents the interests of the Bangkok elite.

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