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Posts posted by mickymouse1

  1. 53 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

    According to Chinese state backed The Paper, a majority stake in the port was recently bought by a Singaporean investor, who then appointed her. 

    "Hutchison Port Holdings, a former majority shareholder of the Guangdong province-based port company, sold its 70 percent stake to a Singaporean investor and also brought in other investors afterward, state-backed The Paper reported today, citing the Hong Kong-based former parent".



    Two points not yet raised are:

    She, and her brother, will have to tread carefully as the Chinese take a dim view towards corruption.  (When it suits them).

    This could well be used as a bargaining chip by the Chinese later.  It's highly unlikely that state approval wasn't required for this decision affecting the only container port for the Shantou SEZ, and one of 25 designated "National key ports", and the Chinese aren't known for playing the short game.



    That is exactly  what I suspected.The family bought big stake not major shares in that port and thereby shot the appointment. Very obvious without any reports or announcement. If A Singaporean investor/company then it is indeed their money laundering arm.

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