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Posts posted by mickymouse1

  1. 6 hours ago, smedly said:

    you know what is funny 


    Chinese are not well travelled people - they are brought here on very well fine tuned packages - plane - bus - hotel - bus - eating - bus - hotel - rinse repeat, being ripped off at every opportunity possible - they think it is all normal because they don't know any better - they are herded everywhere - charged a fortune and after 10 days shipped off home thinking - well that is what a holiday is...……..they have no concept of travel 


    we from the west are always well travelled - it is very hard for us to understand what exactly is going on with these Chinese (so called) tourists - they just don't know any better and are being taken advantage of - very sad really and is just massive exploitation of people that don't know any better or different


    and no it isn't really funny at all

    I am a bit puzzled here 55

  2. 18 hours ago, seajae said:

    This shows just how bad/stupid teachers are in Thailand, they are not capable of rational thinking and as several thais think that you dont really have to repay loans if you dont want to.  Teachers are meant to be smart but not here, they keep borrowing because they have a govt job and think they will be taken care of, maybe all teachers need to be taught basic economics, those approving the loans are just as bad, in any other country they would look at what you earn and have to pay out each time they are paid instead of just saying yes but in reality it is the teachers fault for wanting to live above their means. Time for the govt to stop bailing them out and have creditors seize personal property so that they learn they cannot just keep borrowing, we have had a few teachers over the years try to get us to loan them money but we refuse point blank because we know they will never pay it back, the lenders need to do the same thing or wear the defaulted loans

    I don't think all Teachers are as stupid as you claimed. Low salaries and high cost of living drove some but indeed not all to borrow. 

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