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Posts posted by mickymouse1

  1. On 7/16/2020 at 7:38 PM, darksidedog said:

    I can actually sympathise with him to a certain degree. There have after all been many cargo flights from everywhere continuously throughout the whole pandemic, not to mention military stops, so inevitable something would sneak in. And to give credit where it is due, they picked it up with this guy, rather than miss it and let him spread it everywhere. Serves as a warning though that when the country reopens, they need to be seriously on the ball.

    Picked what? When? Where? 

  2. 5 hours ago, Wiggy said:

    No surprise. It has ceased being an embassy and has become a trade mission.

    I dont think the Embassy is there to bail out all those dodgy characters. He lives in the kingdom for 15 years, obviously he has a residence. That means he has a monthly income. He was on a leisure trip to see his mates and enjoy the weekend. Cough up m8,cough up and stop being an A.H

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