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Posts posted by Bkungbank

  1. From my personal view, just do what ever you can best but your responsible been a father is forever, if really can't afford private school go to government school there are many famous government school here in Thailand,

    She should understand that you don't have job now for few months she should bare as she is taking over the company that you and her setup together.

    Out court settlement was better here in Thailand.

  2. Some used black magic to curse on the victim as he will always thinking of her, so I think your husband is beyond his control as some believed that he is under her curse, That lady have been telling lie to get sympathy from your ex-husband if a person who practice religion sex way no-no things to do more over taken other person husband will be punish in hell, if that man is not married then it's okay for her to fall in loved with.

    I can see why your ex didn't give you any assets as he is under her control as some bad monks also found to practice black magic charm with his hair or date of birth,so you should ask local for help to get a good master to release him from spell.

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  3. Thai Chinese have been localize with language but in Malaysia Chinese still speak their own Chinese language at home compare Thai Chinese speak Thai at home

    IN Chinese New Year all still celebrate the same in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Thai- Chinese are very lucky can become PM, like ex-PM Thanksin, Ying Luck, Chuan,

    Chawalit etc . In Malaysia Chinese still consider second class citizen in University Chinese have less change to study and other benefit for Malays only.

    They have same business success when ever or which country they go.

  4. When the street power went too far, somebody have to contain it or else in future everybody just walk into the street and do what ever they wish by not abiding laws and orders then the country is ruin.

    I agreed very much with people's power in some Middle east countries used to over thrown corrupted government but if too long and too fierce then it hurts other in economy and investment.

  5. Buy a transformer from DC to AC then buy a used car battery just used as normal fan then day time you can charge your battery it runs 4-6 hours depend on your fan speed or to save budget you can buy small fan in car accessories shop which run on DC but very powerful, you can ask for shop assistance direct connect to battery.

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