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Posts posted by Bkungbank

  1. Tip of the ice berg baraku only small percentage most youth have beer bars located in very near to University places, these youth holding drinking party after classes nobody are making complaint about it?

    The damage are more severe as a 'Baraku ' only cost about 200-300 Baht for whole night sitting but beers costing about 70-90 Baht for a bottle and few youth can consume up to 10-20 bottles .

  2. Laozi quote :

    “Do not conquer the world with force, for force only causes resistance. Thorns spring up when an army passes. Years of misery follow a great victory. Do only what needs to be done without using violence.”
    The people are losing faith on the judiciary system, this are very dangerous scenario as it happen in front of us now.
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  3. I rented an apartment last time the shower room window gets rust due to splashing water, I think it's normal for bathroom gets wet as the shower cap near to the window frame. it's design faulty not mine the owner insist I who did it and deducted my deposit for that. In THAILAND SOMETIMES they are the right one and farang most are fall to victims but in Japan if they are wrong there are dare to admit their mistake and apologize .

  4. Today men needs more then normal, need something new and special that's when devil's enter. Everybody knows the Dubai man did cheat but why he has still gain many supporters the reason given was simple the other side cheated more.

    Monk buying private jet, having sex etc doing hiding behind yellow robes which cover up himself from anything wrong, Dubai man are more daring to admit that him who do it compare with those monks hiding under religion but the faith are the same ' HXXL '

  5. Last time Aeon banks ATM was free now they don't even accepted 6 digits password only 4 digits, the actual cost is 150 Baht it more cheaper if you send by Western Union check with as sometimes do have some promotion rates, that's why you can see many ATM machine around you, banks have to pay rental to the shop owner for electricity and other charges will deduct from your wallet. Try to t.t and open a local account to saved more on exchange rates.

  6. The Chinese mainly focus on Africa which have plenty of resources mining as it's a real treat to local over there, Chinese have tour around the world since Cheng Ho before Christopher Columbus find America and gun powder was invented by Chinese if Chinese are have a real treat to the new world today history book change already. Chinese are not interested in war but making money that's the nature of Chinese people , only Ching Dynasty place were raided by western power.

    Today America largest debtors were Chinese government as they buying bond from federal reserved .Now days treat not from bullet but green paper.

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  7. Malaysia have serious security problems, in Sabah kidnapped Chinese tourist, Plane lost no action taken after radar shown missing plane, fighter jets should be send immediately to check hijacked or accident but no action were taken only after few hours later,

    Oil tanker was taken in Malaysia water which a huge security breach on nation security, snatching handbag and robbing happen on daily even . Due to poor leadership only concern about corruption and strong ego.

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  8. Property noting to lose if buying a car every year the market value will drop but house and condo will raise, if you don't need short terms return it's okay in contract mention in 1 years you are entitle to stay for few nights for free if not mistaken.Keep it for few years then it's yours even can go for mortgage the condo when you need cash after it already pay back the only worried about raising sea level in 40-50 years due to global warming.

  9. Death sentence impose on drug dealers then others will think twice before go into such trade, here go to jail few years release back to poison others by selling drug to society many family and life broken by these irresponsible people. It's right to live eat but when such money do harm others people living it's not right. I don't mean to cruel as human life are precious but since there don't care about other life why should we too?

  10. Myanmar doesn't have good record too, As Asean members are not allowed to interfere other countries internal affairs, Singapore don't have much opposition parties, Malaysia worst jail opposition leader another 5 years, Cambodia opposition just return back to fight for democracy, Laos as other member mention in earlier post. These people have smell socks , so it's not right to comment about Thai politic situation.

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  11. It happen to someone who is nearly finish financial as may ladies though getting a farang husband able to get luxury goods but we understand we need saving for the children as demand was not meet it ends this way, police will not help much get someone who you know have back power will solved. House will sold and you might kick our or already out, Hotel rental not the answer get a small apartment for monthly rental 4,000-5,000 Baht better near the house so the poor kid have father to look after.

    Don't blame yourself it's money talk as when she going to compare that's end of it.

    Consult a lawyer that you might able to award one of the children by court then leave or find a good wife for kid later, try not to find bar girls and I am not talk bad but most are poor and need support family, now have many middle class ladies available and sure won't slap you like this, cool down with your friends and get a cold beer try not to think too much as time pass by things will get better. Plan to get income to raise your children bank saving will be empty one day work hard for your kids when they grown up I am sure the will decide who is right and wrong , they will loved you much then other people. Look forward as the world still turning..

  12. It happen to someone who is nearly finish financial as may ladies though getting a farang husband able to get luxury goods but we understand we need saving for the children as demand was not meet it ends this way, police will not help much get someone who you know have back power will solved. House will sold and you might kick our or already out, Hotel rental not the answer get a small apartment for monthly rental 4,000-5,000 Baht better near the house so the poor kid have father to look after.

    Don't blame yourself it's money talk as when she going to compare that's end of it.

    Consult a lawyer that you might able to award one of the children by court then leave or find a good wife for kid later, try not to find bar girls and I am not talk bad but most are poor and need support family, now have many middle class ladies available and sure won't slap you like this, cool down with your friends and get a cold beer try not to think too much as time pass by things will get better. Plan to get income to raise your children bank saving will be empty one day work hard for your kids when they grown up I am sure the will decide who is right and wrong , they will loved you much then other people. Look forward as the world still turning..

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