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Indrid Cold

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Posts posted by Indrid Cold

  1. @Indrid, if you start the offending and insulting, by calling me a Nazi - then be prepare and brave enough to also receive some response back. You state that you have freedom of speech... well, so do I :-)

    I felt offended by how you responded long before the nazi comment but who started is a rather sandbox thing to me. I allso think i recevied your comments with proper bravery and i never said you can not think the way you do, off courese you can, for now but what happens if the ones controling thinking takes over i doubt you could. Anyway i leave you with this and i wish there is way for you to get some peace with this neonazi thing because there are certain forces at play that neither you nor i can do anything about.

  2. 1. Banning of Neo-Nazi Symbols of any kind.

    2. Education, Education and more Education so history does not repeat itself.

    ... and 3. SERIOUS jail-time, for them, who just do not "get it".

    What does any society benefit from promoting or allowing pro-Nazism, hate, racism etc.? A good reason why many countries also have implemented bans and laws against Neo-Nazism and why many people get offended by it.

    And then when you and your likes have jail the nazis you can all say someting similiar to sieg heil cant you? because to me you are the nazi here and i hate nazis, get it?

    Nope, I don't get it and I am starting to wonder, if you know what a Neo-Nazi actually is and believes in? If you hate Nazis, then it makes no sense to me, how you can approve of Nazi-symbols or Neo-Nazis of any kind.

    Any chance you are hanging too much out at Khaosan Road and smoking a bit too much? You realize the world has changed since the 1960s... right? Ever heard of 9/11? or seen what Neo-Nazis do to people, they do not approve of?

    Maybe you should google "Neo-Nazi" or "Extremists" and read a bit about it. Or maybe you should bring one of your Thai-friends to meet a real Neo-Nazi and hear what he has to say about your friend. I am sure you would be surprised...

    It is not a surprise to me that you are familiar with kaosan road and the smoking going around and i just stick to what i said before, to me you are the nazi here and until your ideas has leverage i am allowed to think like that and even put it writing, that is called freedome maybe you should try google since that word must have no meaning to you. Btw it is you ranting about neonazis i have not mentioned them because they are of little if any interest to me, i am still talking about tshirh sellers in hua hin that peddels nsdap flag printed clothing. Oh and yes does insulting people hiding behind your comp makes you feel brave and superior?

  3. 1. Banning of Neo-Nazi Symbols of any kind.

    2. Education, Education and more Education so history does not repeat itself.

    ... and 3. SERIOUS jail-time, for them, who just do not "get it".

    What does any society benefit from promoting or allowing pro-Nazism, hate, racism etc.? A good reason why many countries also have implemented bans and laws against Neo-Nazism and why many people get offended by it.

    And then when you and your likes have jail the nazis you can all say someting similiar to sieg heil cant you? because to me you are the nazi here and i hate nazis, get it?

    • Like 1
  4. I'm not saying those are not nazi swastikas, I'm saying that to Thais they probably have no idea of the nazi connotations, just the Hindu/Buddhist ones.

    Oh they know. It is easier for everyone to attribute the behaviour to lack of education, culture etc. The sad reality is that the prominent display of Nazi type symbols is intentional. The Thais who sell the Nazi style tshirts here on the Hua Hin beach area don't give a sh*t. They've been told off by German tourists repeatedly, and still sell the garbage.

    Or maybe they just think feeding their families are more important then the opinion of german tourists.

    Well they for sure will not make money of the german tourists, by pissing them off. How smart is that????

    Im sure they sell good since they are still there, they are not dumb just because you think so.

  5. I love Thailand and its people, but one thing I do not like is their ability many times just accept, what morally is wrong and lack the ability to actually discuss it without them "losing face". All Thais I know are very proved of their country, but at the same time they laugh or ignore things that makes their country look bad - like e.g. the nazi symbols and corruption.

    Morally wrong to you might not be morally wrong to others or is it you that sets some kind of worlwide morale standard to us all? Same goes for what mite make thailand look bad.

    Well, with the Swastika (Nazi-version) being internationally known as a powerful symbol of racism and hate, I doubt Thailand would improve it reputation towards e.g. tourists, if all Thais started wearing Nazi T-shirts.

    If it did not hurt Thailand, then why did the schools here go out and say that they where sorry, for dressing up as Nazis? Could someone "smart" maybe had told them that they where on the wrong track?

    When it comes to the Nazi-swastika, there are some international basic moral rules. People and countries respect these rules, because nobody wants history to repeat itself and also nobody (except neo-nazis) wants to promote racism and hate.

    Anyone (who is not a neo-nazi) protecting the Nazi-swastika, are in my opinion unknowing of its real meaning. Printed on red and white, it has nothing to do with religion or anything else. It is a clear symbol of racism and hate... Nothing else. If that makes Thailand and Thais look good, then I would like to know how?

    Lets for a second pretend im a nazi so what do you and your friends have in mind for me and my nazi friends? correctional camps or just lines us up to be shot or do you have a less nazi way of dealing with it? because you have not yet presented a solution to your problem.

  6. I'm not saying those are not nazi swastikas, I'm saying that to Thais they probably have no idea of the nazi connotations, just the Hindu/Buddhist ones.

    Oh they know. It is easier for everyone to attribute the behaviour to lack of education, culture etc. The sad reality is that the prominent display of Nazi type symbols is intentional. The Thais who sell the Nazi style tshirts here on the Hua Hin beach area don't give a sh*t. They've been told off by German tourists repeatedly, and still sell the garbage.

    Or maybe they just think feeding their families are more important then the opinion of german tourists.

  7. I love Thailand and its people, but one thing I do not like is their ability many times just accept, what morally is wrong and lack the ability to actually discuss it without them "losing face". All Thais I know are very proved of their country, but at the same time they laugh or ignore things that makes their country look bad - like e.g. the nazi symbols and corruption.

    Morally wrong to you might not be morally wrong to others or is it you that sets some kind of worlwide morale standard to us all? Same goes for what mite make thailand look bad.
  8. sleeping under palms on a jungle island exposes you to a lot more then just what you digested, it could be that your friend got this effect from more factors then just the drink. Many times herbs/natrual ingridiens are added just for add/hide flavour. It could allso be that the local fishermen drinks this every morning and are well past the paralyzing state.

  9. My GFs daughter wanted an iphone i gave her my galaxy mini and bought a new 2000 bath phone for me, she is very happy with the galaxy mini and i have a phone that does what i want it to. She wanted a new zoomer x i bought a second hand fino for our family, she thinks im a super guy supplying a decent motorbike for us and there was some bath over for an old rx 100 to me. Now she wants an ipad, I am thinking about giving her a cheaper pad on her bithday next month, im pretty sure she will appreciate it. It is not about being cheap, she is still a rather good 15 year old and i will not spoil her into a brat.

    • Like 2
  10. So why do you, and others, automatically assume that this is a scam?

    1. They hear about all the time on the bar stool

    2. They read about these things on Thaivisa

    3. Personal experience and thinks it must apply to everyone

    4. Like making the OP paranoid

    5. ....

    #4. Some healthy paranoia is good to have.

    • Like 1
  11. I knew this would happen, don't know why I posted here but I'll play along with the various trolls. I talk with her on Skype last night, she has obviously been in an accident, it's hard to fake things like a cast on the arm and road rash that bad.

    As for the missing bike and other personal effects, I can't prove it. But then again she isn't answering her phone when her mother calls or when I call, so it's likely that is really missing. She wasn't wearing the ring her grandmother gave her, in two years I've never seen her take it off. She also wasn't wearing her Buddha pendant, again I've never seen her without it.

    Oh yeah, I called her parents after she had been missing for 48 hours to verify she decided she wasn't finished with me, she hadn't called them. She didn't go to work on Friday or Saturday either (called them as well).

    But obviously this is an attempt to get money out of me. As for the comments about other countries, I've been knocked out twice in the last five years, both times I woke up with all my valuables still intact. Once the person who found me even came into the hospital with me to make sure I was going to make it. But I guess it's a different culture, most people I know stop and help someone when they find them bleeding on the side of the road. They don't stop to rob them.

    But she asks for money? And why are you so upset over the answers you get here? they are obvious to happen.

  12. I pay for some things that are of use to me too. 5k bath car 600 internet and about 6/700 electric. I dont know how much the old mother benefits from that but i get a decent place to live. I am not counting the pocket money i give for the teengare when she goes to school and that varies a lot depending on her mood.

  13. p.s. bikes are dangerous even if your a professional driver, not recomended for the faint of heart

    Bikes are dangerous particularly if you're a "professional" rider...

    Peanuts are dangerous too if you choke on them, have some faith and it will be ok.

    The problem is that the local riders/divers all seem to be choking on peanuts at the same time when ever l go out for a drive. sad.png

    But you are still alive, see, faith.

  14. Big bike not a scooter! and not a silly one. Ducati Monster or Kawasaki Ninja are nice.

    Inconvenient in a city.

    Besides not being able to pass in tiny spaces, finding parking space can be problematic.

    Have you ever had a bike like the ones i mentioned? They are no wider then a scooter and they will fit at the scooter parking. And are imo far more convenient if you how to handle them.

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