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  • Birthday 12/03/1953

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  1. https://www.thaielder.com/nursinghome/province/30/Korat Nakhon Ratchasima?sort_type=0
  2. Hence the video is not available on AN.
  3. Impossible to have enough memory to listen to their "yakyak". Maybe possible in 20 years.
  4. Sad to realize that a country like Thailand, whose King is among the richest persons of the world, can not provide better care for their citizens. Specially somebody who served the nation as a police/militar and bomb diffusor. Shame on you Thailand.
  5. Korat has several nursing homes. Not only directed to the "elderly", but also for disabled persons or revalidating persons. The are quite good compared to the Western nursery homes and much more affordable. Most of the people who are located there are Thais, but there are also foreigners. One particular foreigner I knew, who was married to a Thai, went to such a home to live his final days after being diagnosed with Cancer. Most of the homes are located nearby a hospital and offer medical care too. The home where the foreigner used to spend his final days was like a small apartment and the rental price was 18,000 Baht.
  6. At this rate, the near future will be that man will chose to be living with a robot who can do almost the whole household (Elon Musks robot) and offer the same, or better, sexual pleasure as a woman (Chinese robots). Without the usual "head ache" or menstruation problems. Marrying a "robot" will make you lose all your assets if she wants to file a divorce. And best of all, the robot will not get praignant and produce babies.
  7. I wonder how much in today's USA politics is coming from Trump himself and how much is dictated by Musk. Analog to Thai politics where most of the government decisions are dictated by Thaksin.
  8. What really happened at the White House. AI video shows Zelensky punching Trump in the face, knocking him out. The future of AI is both exciting and scary..mp4
  9. What really happened at the White House. AI video shows Zelensky punching Trump in the face, knocking him out. The future of AI is both exciting and scary..mp4
  10. Europe's plans were in the make long before Trump came in. Europe was planning already a long time to have their own army, instead relying always on the USA and the NATO pact. Trump escalated the plans for an European army with his attitude towards other countries. This is not the only plan Europe was making. Europe was also planning to ditch the USD for their trade and push the EUR for trading with other countries. And in the last years, they are planning to have their own digital currency. IMHO, the USA will leave Ukraine and Europe will step in to help Ukraine to join the NATO starting WW3. Putin made it very clear that he will never allow Ukraine to join the NATO.
  11. The United States, per the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, is contractually bound to defend Ukraine. That Memorandum was signed three years after the collapse of the former Soviet Union and at the time, Ukraine had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the WORLD behind the United States and Russia. To coerce Ukraine into transferring its arsenal to its former fellow Soviet state Russia (for further arms reductions), President Bill Clinton, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, and Great Britain's Prime Minister John Major assured Ukraine of its sovereignty and defense in exchange for eliminating its nuclear capabilities. No one alive at the time would have imagined that within 30 years, Russia, under its Dictator Vladimir Putin, would break the treaty--twice--by invading Ukraine and that the U.S., led (in name) by a sick Putin sycophant named Donald Trump, would take sides with Russia by falsely blaming Ukraine for the latest war, and by demanding that Ukraine beg and bow for U.S. assistance that, per that old Budapest Memorandum, it "should" be providing anyway! Trust, if Ukraine was still sitting on the world's third largest nuclear arsenal, Russia NEVER would have invaded and Trump wouldn't be trying to pimp the nation's vast mineral resources. But just like the U.S. has broken treaty after treaty with Indigenous American tribes over the past 200 plus years, I believe that Ukraine MUST turn to the European Union to supply all of its armament needs! Indeed, as a longtime student of world history, I also believe that several old U.S. allies like Taiwan, South Korea, Germany and Japan had better be prepared for anything because the U.S., at least while under MAGA control, is NOT to be trusted to uphold treaties that provide for mutual defense and stability.
  12. I am not a regular user of Skype, but I did use it many times. I wonder if it will be possible to backup the messages before Microsoft stop the service.
  13. https://www.quora.com/Has-a-small-dog-under-25-lbs-ever-killed-any-human https://time.com/5280769/dog-attack-dachshund-woman-oklahoma-death/
  14. A dog is family of the Wolves and have the same instinct. Once the instinct is triggered they will attack anything that stand in their way. Dog owners shall be held responsable for the actions of their dogs and made to pay the damage they have caused by every possible way. Confiscate their house(s), Car(s), Motorbike(s), bank accounts and salaries, etc. until they have paid for the damages of the dogs. There should be also a forced insurance for dog owners like in most Western countries to ensure that the victims will be paid. https://commercevillagevet.com/3-aggressive-dog-breeds-revealed-youll-surprised/#:~:text=The Dachshund.,Jack Russells came in third. The study involved researchers from the University of Pennsylvania as well as 6,000 dog owners. The number one aggressive breed out of the 33 dogs surveyed? The Dachshund. Yes – the wiener dog! The study found that “one in five dachshunds have bitten or tried to bite strangers, and a similar number have attacked other dogs; one in 12 have snapped at their owners.” Number two on the list is an even more diminutive breed – the Chihuahua, while Jack Russells came in third.
  15. To be fair, small pets are known to also attack people. Ever past a chihuahua with his barking and showing his teeth to anybody passing near? I know personally cases where a little "Poodle" attacked people and bit them in the face. Not less dangerous as a Pitbull.
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