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About Confuscious

  • Birthday 12/03/1953

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  1. For the people in this forum who were thinking that their government was not treating them well, here are the plans for the PENSION from the new Flemish Government. (Translated by Google from Dutch). 1️⃣ a "pension malus", this is a permanent expropriation of your accrued pension rights if you stop before the age of 66 – and soon 67 – without having worked enough years effectively; 2️⃣ a new interpretation of "the career years", which means that most people will lose a year or more; 3️⃣ a complete abolition of the scheme for heavy professions in the private sector (the SWT will disappear after 35 years of work in a heavy profession) and a major dismantling of the scheme for heavy professions in the public sector (police, fire brigade, postmen, teachers will have to work for at least 41 years before they can take early retirement – if they do so after those 41 years, they will also lose a portion of their pension). 4️⃣ "the malus": up to 25 percent of your pension lost through the expropriation of your accrued rights; 5️⃣ a structural reduction of the civil servant pension, via the calculation at 45 years instead of the last 10 years: civil servants lose approximately 20 percent of their pension; 6️⃣ all periods of technical unemployment and SWT to be calculated on the basis of a limited fictitious salary. The equalizations for "landing paths", which should make working longer more feasible, are also being limited or even abolished 🤦‍♂️. The survivor's pension, which offers a safety net to the surviving spouse over the age of 50, is disappearing. The same applies to the divorce pension and the family pension. "Everyone for themselves", is the logic. The Arizona coalition also seems to want to cut the minimum pension. This will now be calculated on the basis of "effective work performance". How exactly this will happen is not explained further.
  2. Read my original post again!!!!! I am running LINUX MINT!!!!
  3. I am consistently surprised that people keep giving "advises" which were not asked for and consistently want to get appraisal for their ranting and accusations. Like accusing me now for posting insults in YouTube and the UNFOUNDED accusations he posted before. What's next? Accusing me of planning the 7/11 attack on the twin towers? I have pity with that person. Must be spending his whole day looking at accusing people in posts in Aseannow while living in Thailand. What a pathetic person. He reminds me of an old German guy in out village who used to spend his whole day at his computer, reading how people get around the software keys and in the evening he came to the local pub telling his rants to everybody and expecting the consumers to buy hin a drink. Pathetic. Microsoft Windows keep evolving and is adapting their OS to the new versions of the PROCESSOR, the version 8, which has code for a lot of hardware that was not exsisting 2 years ago. "C" ports instead of USB ports, SSD instead of physical hard disks, Memory cards, etc. Using Windows 23H2/24H2 on an older system can lead to data loss or computer malfunctioning. I take their advice anytime above the "ILL ADVICES" in this group of how to cheat Microsoft.
  4. You could as well ask a fox not to eat the chickens. Will never work.
  5. WHO is asking for ADVICE? I told in my OP that I made already the decision to install LINUX on my notebook because of the continuous hassle with Microsoft and asked the OPINION of other users on this decision. I am fully aware of the existing "Cheats" on the Internet to install an upgrade on your system despite the warnings of Microsoft, but that was not what I had in mind. Of course, some readers here need to get a course on READING ENGLISH.
  6. It will not get any better when AI gets a full swing and 90% of the posts are AI generated videos/reels with false information.
  7. Just like "Teflon Tony", there are many people everywhere who stands above the law and enjoy some priorities that are not apply to others. That's how it works in almost every country.
  8. With a forward ticket to Dubai? Before he is arrested again and would face a jailterm?
  9. I was told by the ThaiVisa/AseanNow guru's and Mod's many times that there is no such thing as a "Retirement visa". Things has obviously been changed since then and now there exsists a "Retirment Visa".
  10. I have seen such price "errors" frequently on Shoppee, Lazada and many others. Ebay isnotoreus in that "scam". An item is being sold at a very low price, but the shipping costs are extremely high. At the end, these items tend to be more expensive as the regular ones.
  11. Introduce the Sharia Law. If you are caught stealing, your hand will be chopped off. Easy peasy
  12. By the way, Windows 12 will most likely will be running from the Microsoft servers, not from your system. Just like the big companies where you have one mainframe with the OS and the hardware and a lot of basic computers with a minimal hardware connected to the mainframe by LAN. Microsoft will charge users to keep running Windows 12 on a monthly fee.
  13. There will always be "smart" asses (Centigrade32) who will publish a "cheat" to let windows 12 run on an old XT computer. The point is that when Microsoft warns you not to do it and they start dumping their own old "Surface" tablets below the market price you know that something fishy is going on. I followed the advice of Microsoft and installed Linux Mint and I am very pleased with that decision. I made my notebook Dual-Boot so I can still run windows 10 22H2 when needed.
  14. It's the Thai way of making "tamboon", a donation to the Bouddhist monks. When making a donation, they should not question the monk or the temple. That is up to Kharma. They made a donation with good intentions and that is what counts.
  15. Why do people loan money from a loan shark in the first place? They are fully aware of the tactics of loan sharks and should stay away from taking a loan from them. The LAW need to be changed and making loan sharks a criminal offence.

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