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Posts posted by jrincon17

  1. Whilst I think Cobras are rife and not endangered, what is the difference between a truck full of chickens, pigs or cobras no matter what their fate?

    I'll agree partially. I usually see several cobras in my yard every year, but they are not raised to feed people as are the other animals you mention. They are part of the local ecosystem.

    I would move ! Hate them things, lol

  2. Is the daughter willing to come back to testify or is this a matter of they want justice done magically. Regretfully but unavoidably, you need to have victims relive their experience through testimony if you want prosecution ... even in his country.

    From what I've seen it would probably be re-enacted with the alleged rapist taking part with a stupid grin.

    It seems like it's the loss of income that's the main reason for this statement.

    The only reason this is seeing the light of day is $$$$ money $$ money $$ money or the lack of it to some in this case


    Mr Minister said"the incident could not be considered rape” Referring to a police report that said that they had had a meal together. This is an outrageous statement at best. What it is saying is that in Thailand, you can eat a meal with a lady, offer her a lift to her hotel and on the way brutally bash and rape her, and ho hum, it is OK. Outrageous.

    ​Lets Hope that the pressure holds people accountable. If every Thai Visa members wrote to a Krabi tourist operator and let them know their thoughts, action might come with the people being effected saying nail the bu$#@rd and give genuine justice.

    As a concerned human being and a father , I would write to them. Anyone have an email address?

  3. Well , think about if your daughter would have the same story .....I am sure he wants to warn people and he is right .... How can someone confess his crime go to jail and then suddenly say ..Sorry NOT ME ....then be free ? very hard to understand for European mind .... after 20 years here I still dont understand either . Welcome to the land of smile ..... not good advertising before the high season .

    Not just the European mind , mankinds mind !

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