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Posts posted by francescoassisi

  1. why bother, the thai people do not give a shit about their own country, all that matters is money. Just look at the filth and crap all over the place, they have no respect for anything. This is so disheartening, it is a beautiful country but the people just dont care about it. How do you teach people to respect their own country when they are lazy and too proud to do the right thing, it is easier to throw your rubbish in the street than it is to bin it. They really nned a clean up Thailand day but no one would attend because it would mean working and that would cause too many to loose face, pathetic......

    The answer is education.

    But first you need to have a government that has a long term goal and a vision for the future.

    The answer is enforcement of the law.

    What laws..... Thailand has very few laws pertaining to zoning, environment and regulation of development. Most of these"laws" are designed to be enforces after the event so are pretty useless.

  2. Considering that Asians have been surviving for centuries with their diet I find it hard to believe that it can be too bad for you. Why do farang males seem to like the slim, trim beauties that Thailand seems to produce. But, when those same Thai women marry farangs and start eating western food they quickly fatten up like us western women on our supposedly "better" diet. .

    That's easy to answer.

    Much of the Thai diet has little or no nutritional value, so they always look thin and their growth is stunted, no matter how much they eat.

    Start feeding them western food, high in nutritional value, and they pile the pounds on, the kids grow tall too.

    Western food is designed for you to live in a cold weather environment where the work load is heavy.

    It just doesn't work in the tropics where the heat makes you sit around all day and you don't need to use energy to keep warm.

    (Doesn't work when you work in an office, have central heating, and the only exercise you get is opening your car door either)

    These suppositions have no scientific basis whatsoever - they are pure conjecture.

    As there is not even the slightest effort made to define the diet how can any of this be taken seriously....I think the giveaway is the comment "that's easy' which is often a substitute for "I haven't thought it through"

  3. Sorry but this is complete jibberish...it has no scientific meaning at all

    "To put it simply, natural glutamic acid is more 'complete' and is therefore easier for your liver and your body in general to process. MSG, on the other hand, is a synthetic best-effort at approximation within the constraints of mass production. Whatever you think your taste buds are saying, as far as your liver is concerned MSG is a toxin."

    • Like 1
  4. The more I think about the question the more I see it as incomplete.

    "Is Thai food actually healthy."

    What does that actually mean?

    The kind or amount of food Thai people eat?

    Thai diet?

    The food westerners eat in Thailand?

    Rich people's food?

    Pauper's diet?

    Is a "western diet" unhealthy?.....is western food unhealthy?

    The question isn't really specific....

    One thing is certain, the food and diet in Thailand has changed immeasurably over the last 2 decades. Largely Chinese in origin it now embraces a plethora of international and western foods.

    History and culture dictate eating habits and the way Thai society reacts to the 'new wave' of foods and eating habits from both East and West.

    Healthy? First define your diet.

  5. As mentioned above, the linked worrying tale is circa early 2008.There were several threads here regarding thefts at security check-points early on at SBIA/BKK circa 2006 - 2008. I don't recall any incidents reported in threads over the last few years. That's not to say it might not happen or that one shouldn't be careful and alert, or that they aren't other potential theft issues with baggage handlers and left-luggage services. Better employee screening and monitoring, customer feedback and public blogging and increased video surveillance probably all help to reduce theft?Yes, there have been other problems: excise dept. shakedowns, king power shoplifting, and probably a few more.

    Yes it does seem to be an old item

  6. I went through the article and can't seem to find out how they think the money was stolen? Before it went into the Xray machine? Doesn't seem it could have happened after as they were standing there waiting for it. And I doubt there's a place where they can just open a flap and put their hands inside. Otherwise they'd never back things up to review items.

    Any thoughts???

    Apparently they saw a video?
  7. I really wish they had not Titled this report 'Temple of Lies'.

    Not being a Vet and, therefore, not being able to make a qualified judgement about whether or not these tigers are being maltreated (I saw no evidence of maltreatment when I visited), I rely on unbiased, expert, objective reports to educate me.

    Whilst I suspect that the content of the report might be correct (how the <deleted> do I really know?), giving it that title immediately puts me off; it's tabloid-style reporting. Show me a scientific report conducted by scientists or someone else suitable qualified, then I might begin to accept it as valid.

    You seem to have problem with who is qualified here and what the criticisms are. a vet is not necessarily the best to address the conservation criticisms. Which part of the report do you find "unscientific"? Most of the criticisms have a sound proven scientific basis. Those making the criticisms are reporting accepted scientific principles. What kind of "scientist' would you like.....or would you just like anyone in a white coat?
  8. CFW have released the finalised version of the new report on the temple.


    This is not the same as the shorter article posted by the OP earlier address in this thread - there is also an accompanying video.

    The full report can be downloaded here.


  9. Depends on what you mean by "no new service."

    Previously, AIS only had limited 3G on 900 Mhz band, meaning it wouldn't work with common 850/2100 Mhz 3G only phones, like those used on the True and DTAC networks.

    Now, AIS's future 3G service will be on the same 2100 Mhz band as True and DTAC, and all of those three services will be pretty much nationwide -- instead of the hodge-podge of different areas and different services and frequency bands that's existed up until now.


    I is a shame that people seem to think that giving frequencies is some kind of answer. I expected to get a Cheaper and faster service. There is NO INTERNET PACKAGE that does this. I have had the old 3G service for several years....at best it was a poor service. I now find having registered and had my SIM replaced that the old service is still the only internet only package available.

    The whole thing seems to be a scam to get new customers without actually offering any improved product.

    It really doesn't,t matter if it's 3G or 10G if there is no change in the products available to the customer

  10. am I missing something.?- as far as I can make out AIS are not offering ANY new internet packages on the new service except one by phone which is about 10 times as expensive as the old 3G packages on the low mgz rate.

    It's all very well getting technical....I suspect you know a lot more than the staff at AIS .......but what I want is faster download on my tablet and my dongle........ Apparently not an .option at present.

  11. Basically I wouldn't recommend visiting any tiger zoo at all as they all show scant regard for either conservation of the species or animal welfare, you would just be spending money to support the exploitation of these endangered animals.

    The 2 WORST offenders would probably be the Sri Racha tiger zoo and the notorious tiger temple.

    If you really must go, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE read up on the situation regarding tigers in general, in S.E. Asia and read the criticisms of these places.

  12. UK measles outbreak linked to vaccine scare

    London is holding its breath, trying not to catch the measles.

    Experts say a sudden surge in cases of the contagious disease in Wales suggests a vaccination scare 10 years ago is now bearing dangerous fruit.


    This scare was largely down to one man - Wakeman - and the utter incompetence and stupidity of the media who went for the headlines rather than research.....and of course it was as ever, the Daily Mail who carried the banner for the blinkered and the ignorant.

    The saddest thing is that this thread shows that there are still people around who believe in this charlatan even though he has been show to be wrong time and again.

    People die of measles.......

    • Like 1
  13. There seems to be a plethora of ever more fantastic allegations and very little evidence of real progress.

    It really doesn't help if people keep going to press with these theories or whatever they are. Just arrest and charge the suspects and then tell your stories to the courts. The papers can publish the stories then.

    It's Thai style - for VIP's to tell their minions what happened, as soon as the VIP's hear the first inkling of news.

    Thaksin did it all the time when he was PM (and still does it). Whenever a story broke, he would immediately tell everyone around him all the details - who did it and why. Chalerm does it also. It's a paternalistic society where most people want to be told how to think by elders and VIP's. Alternatively, adept investigations would lead to the actual perpetrators and motives. Thais don't want to wait that long. It happens each time one or more farang die mysteriously in Phi Phi or other tourist places. As soon as the news breaks, a governor or police chief chimes up and says 'poison fish' or 'ibuprophin overdose.' It's only weeks or months later that a semblance of truth emerges, and usually that stems from farang investigators, not Thai.

    Calling "Thai style" doesn't seem to me to be a justification for this sort of thing.

    "Semblance of truth" as you point out this is so often the outcome.....by making so many off the cuff statements the chances for the truth coming out become very slim.

    Why you single out Thaksin in for this type of behaviour seems unclear to me.

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