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Posts posted by RubberSideDown

  1. ^

    The Steed was made in both 400cc and 600cc versions- it's primarily sold in Japan, where the 400cc version is more popular due to the tiered licensing system which limits most riders to 400cc or lower displacement.

    I think I was closest in my assessment of the OP.wink.png

    Weel done rsd,you ledgend you you got it spot on as again as usual

    I'd say 'in the ballpark' rather than 'spot on'.

    Sarcasm is way more effective when your post doesn't read as if it went through Google Translate from Klingon to English...

  2. Question: why everyone is hiding their LP on the pictures? Anything bad can be done with it online? I mean you don't ride (drive) around with it covered so what's the big deal posting it online?

    On the road I'm just a random rider- on the board I'm a specific person, and that can make me (or you, or anyone) a target of some random loon who you may have slighted in the past, and now he'll try to make some trouble for no other other than his entertainment.

    Is it a big worry? No, but I don't post any of my specific personal details online anywhere, and certainly not here.

    • Like 2
  3. ^

    Well, it is kind of insulting to tell people to research a point rather than providing links to support it, especially when it seems you haven't bothered to look into it yourself- I expected to be bombarded with links that would agree with what you said, and that wasn't tbe case (beyond people making unsubstantiated claims on various boards and a reference to a single debunked report).

    You said 'Google it'- I did, and found what you posted as fact to be incorrect- it wasn't hard to 'cherry-pick' comments when the vast majority of them countered what you said (in fact, that's not 'cherry-picking' at all, but, rather, it's presenting the majority view which is backed up by referenced data). The reports referenced in my links supported that full-face helmets don't contribute to neck injuries (in fact, one report said that we're beneficial to neck protection), so direct comparison to another helmet type is pointless (though if you find data I'd like to see it).

    Post something that backs up what you're claiming if you want to be taken seriously- it's not up to me to defend or support your premise- I only have to present evidence that backs up my own point of view- it's up to you (if you can or care to) to support your own view.

    Making a choice for comfort is something I might not agree with, but I wouldn't argue with it either.

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  4. ^

    If it's more of a sight-seeing ride I'd have to take the car as my wife would want to go, and she won't ride on the bike with me (she would before our daughter was born, but now she reasons- quite correctly- that we shouldn't risk having the kid lose both of us- I'm the more disposable one, I guess;)).

    • Like 1
  5. I stopped by a farm in CM today that had several Chinese-made ATVs for rent and for working around the place, and I thought of this thread. I made a point of asking the owner about reliability- I expected him to say it was good (no matter what the truth was), but he said he had constant problems with them and they were always breaking down, especially when bigger guys rode them (he said 'Like you'- I weigh about 85kg).

    Not trying to put a damper on your thread and I hope your experience is different, but I'm just passing along what he said.

    I took a pic:


    • Like 1
  6. I arrived in CM last night (my bike arrived earlier in the day- not a scratch- Ancra straps and a Canyon Dancer II are well worth the small investment).

    My plan was to ride mania's route suggestion this morning, but the wife wanted my daughter to see a strawberry farm, so I took the car (we actually had fun once my daughter finished puking all over the place and her stomach settled down...). We went as far as the Napa Phupa farm- I counted eleven decreasing radius turns with elevation changes (that will be an adventure on my large bike), four of which came in quick succession, plus many other fairly tight turns- the section I drove was more technical than I expected (I ended up turning around and heading back the same way, but the other half looks much faster). Great stuff, but I can see it biting you hard if you don't respect it.

    If I have the chance, I will ride it tomorrow- I'm digging CM so far.;)

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  7. ^^

    We don't need the pics...

    It's likely nothing would have saved him, but that's in this particular case for this particular rider- in any event, that's not the point I was making. We will likely have the 'he was wearing a helmet and still died' comments, but that doesn't reflect on the majority of other scenarios, most of which end in injury rather than death and which a rider is far more likely to experience, and that this accident shouldn't be some sort of cherry-picked justification for wearing less than the best gear. If you dress minimally that's your choice, but at least rationalize it for the right reasons (usually comfort or laziness) rather than looking at the ultimate price as an inevitability.

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