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Posts posted by OldChinaHam

  1. To be honest, you are correct.

    I did not come to Asia to enjoy the zoning laws.

    And, you are correct.

    The thing I enjoy most about Asia, especially China, is that there are very few laws governing the individual. Before a society becomes developed, one does feel truly free. Next we become developed and are plagued with cycle helmet rules, and many other rules which restrict our feelings of being free.

    The first thing I noticed when I left the west is that I immediately felt unburdened of the thousands of nitpicking laws, rules and regulations which a modern developed society seems to always have.

    Again, you are right that even though I do not like to be awakened by loud birds in the morning, I still definitely do not want zoning laws, and building codes, and other quagmire restrictions.

    One nice thing about Asia that I have noticed, too. I am rarely awakened by leaf blowers in the places I usually enjoy living.

    Ta Ta For Now.

  2. We all know, if we have read much of TV, that the majority of comments here are boring. There are a few writers in this bunch. I am wondering if it is possible to identify which ones have benefited from a traditional UK type public school/boarding school education. I love the boarding school life, although it has been a few decades since I have been back. Maybe in the future, I will be able to be reassigned to a boarding school type atmosphere, when I begin to drool and slobber more often.

    So the question is, how can we tell which of the contributors to TV have been through the UK traditional public school system?

    Can this be proved one way or another?

    Are the ones from boarding school more handsome?

    What useless banter are they more likely to engage in?

    What was their favorite foods they secreted in their rooms, if they can remember?

    How has their past experience at boarding school led to being a better poster on this Worthy TV Forum?

    This is a Serious question and serious replies and advice are solicited....

    (Let us hope that this serious topic will not be relegated to nothingness after only two days, but will endure a week or so. I am getting bored thinking these up.)

    • Like 1
  3. """or "are you mally?"""

    Hey, what's your name?
    - Patrick O'Ma-- O'Malley.

    Patrick O-O-O-O'Malley. I don't know.
    I'm just so happy. I'm O-O-O'Malley.

    Oh, he's good.
    I don't know. It's the Irish boy.

    I'm just so full of semen.
    I haven't gotten laid yet.

    I'm sittin' out there,
    and I'm the Catholic boy and I don't
    know when I'll be gettin' laid.

    - I'm just goin' off to Vietnam.
    Where you from?

    - From the Village. New York.

    From the Village? Well, nice to have you
    here. Nice to have you here in Vietnam.

    Obviously, you just said,

    "Well, <deleted> it. I'll join the army
    and be with people in green."

    - It's a special thing to do.

    Hey, what's your name?

    - Jimmy Wilkes.

    - Jimmy Wilkes. Where you from, Jimmy?

    - I'm also New York.

    Ohh! Two boys
    joined together.

    Hey, said, "Well, I got drunk, man.
    All of a sudden, I went for a tattoo.

    Next thing you know, I'm on
    a fuckin' truck. What happened?"

    It's wild, baby.
    I don't know what's goin' down.

    But you're both from New York.

    Nice to have you here.

    Like, you just, like hangin' out?

    - You're headed north.
    Where you goin' to?

    - Nha Trengh.

    Well, you gotta be careful,Jack.
    That's some heavy stuff up there.

    That's like Newark after dark.

    You gotta watch out.

    There's some heavy shit
    goin' down, baby.

    You'll feel like George Wallace
    campaigning in Harlem.

    "Hi, have you seen my face?"

    "Get yo' ass outta here!"

    You gotta watch it.

    What type of music do you like?

    - You like, uh-- You like Little

    Anthony? You like Little Anthony?

    - Yeah! Stones.

    - I like James Brown better.

    - You like James Brown better. Yes, sir.

    And the Stones. Oh, you like
    Mick Jagger? Mick Jagger, right.

    Do you think he looks like
    a photo negative of Little Richard
    or am I crazy?

    Really. And that hair. I think--

    I don't know. All right!

    Gentlemen, I don't know--
    Oh, my God, these lips!

    My God, they're moving!

    I'm gonna flap my eyebrows to death.

    Look out. I'm singing, everybody.

    I'm singing. Oh, get outta here.

    - Watch out. All right.
    Where are you from? Where you from?

    - I'm from, uh, Cleveland, man.

    - Cleveland.

    - Yeah.

    - Obviously, Vietnam's not that much

    of a change for you, then.

    Aw, nah.

    You guys take care of yourself

  4. Yes, please.

    Next time there is a concert, please provide the links for internet streaming.

    In my case, I don't know whether I can't tell time, or I have the wrong date and year,

    But I turned on the tube and there is no 9

    All I get are some news programs and lots of snow on others.

    Maybe the television here needs degaussing,?

    Remember, the tube is on its way out, and the computer is now here, for those who enjoy classical and do not happen to be in Vienna or NYC, or Sydney, or similar places.

    Otherwise pass the paper cup and the string, can't be any worse than the television reception I seem to have today.

  5. As I recall, not the Andaman Islands, but near this place, there were (are) tribes of people with particularly large buttocks compared to their small overall stature.

    There are images of these people on the internet somewhere but I cannot seem to find the url at the moment.

    The women have truly huge buttocks which enables them to store enough energy to last quite a while.

    I don't find them especially attractive.

    But when one's goal is to procreate then having a big ass has plenty of advantages when there is not a lot of food around.

    No doubt someone here knows the people I am referring to.

    Easy to spot one of these individuals walking down the road, 4 feet tall with an ass resembling two basketballs.

    • Like 1
  6. Seriously, though, it is a sad fact of life to see so many undergoing unnecessary surgery to change their facial features trying to conform to fads in physiognomy.

    Botched surgery and long faces are often the result when those attempting this do not have the money, or try to cut corners.

    Balzac was ugly

    And he did not have surgery.


    His name was appropriate enough, I guess.

    He never tried to change that either.

  7. There is really not much one can do about roosters in the city, or around a gated community housing development.

    The reason I broached this topic was that the sounds these birds make is truly incredibly annoying.

    I am daily listening to one of them from about 4 AM to maybe 10 AM, and then for good measure just random calls when least expected.

    I happen to be used to this having suffered for so many years. But decades ago when I was younger it really did rattle me.

    I too used to dream up all types of measures and retribution. But in the end one never really acts these plans out.

    We also have heard stories about people bringing these birds on passenger flights in the past, and this is true.

    If I had it to do over again, I think I might try a BB gun, or maybe some sort of non lethal sonic energy weapon developed by the FBI for crowd control.

    I AM sure everyone has a rooster story who lives in Asia, and in Asian cities.

    If you have plenty of money, then you can just buy off your neighbors, I suppose.

  8. From the WSJ:

    "Why Israel Still Shuts Wagner Out

    An unofficial custom raises hackles, but continues with good reason

    Why does the state of Israel insist that its musicians not perform such universally acknowledged masterpieces as "Tristan und Isolde" and "Die Meistersinger"? Because their creator was a notorious anti-Semite -- and because Adolf Hitler loved his music. In "Mein Kampf," the book in which he spelled out his plans for world conquest, Hitler called Wagner one of "the great warriors in this world who, though not understood by the present, are nevertheless prepared to carry the fight for their ideas and ideals to their end." Nor was he shrieking just to hear the sound of his voice. Hitler was an aesthete who knew Wagner's operas very well. He was close to the composer's family and, after he came to power in 1933, he made sure that Wagner's music was prominently featured at Nazi Party functions.

    Wagner, needless to say, wasn't a Nazi. He died five years before Hitler was born. But his hatred of the Jews, like Hitler's, was more than a mere tic: It lay at the heart of his megalomaniacal vision of the world. Wagner considered himself to be both a great composer (which he was) and a great political philosopher (which he wasn't), and the doctrine he preached was that of German racial purity and triumphalism. To be sure, you won't find explicitly anti-Semitic language in the texts that he wrote for his operas, and he worked closely with a few Jewish musicians. But when it came to Jews in general, Wagner believed that they were a "swarming colony of worms in the dead body of art" and that only one thing could redeem them from "the burden of curse -- total annihilation.""

    Mr. Teachout, the Journal's drama critic


    Still, we should be mindful of the history, and then listen to the music.

    I will be listening on television if I can find one that works around here.


  9. It is important to separate the work of art, the music, from the composer, and to also be very mindful of the history.

    If we are mindful of the accurate history, then I do not think we can be faulted for appreciating the music.

    This is a most important question when we listen to Wagner, and a question that I often do think about, so thank you for mentioning it.

    This is the first time that I have thought of The Batman in the context of being a serious musician.

    I guess I will need to rethink things a bit.

    Thank you for sharing this, and hope all goes very well at the performance!

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