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Posts posted by OldChinaHam

  1. I am just wondering if anyone would comment on whether things around here are becoming more or less polite since you moved in. Where I have been during the past many years, during the past 15, the society has taken a radical nosedive in politeness since western Food Franchises have moved in and made everyone tons fatter.

    Do you think there is too much sugar and salt in our diet brought in by companies, such as YUM!, and other purveyors of empty calories and caffeine. Does it also affect the number of Kraps in our sentences when we waddle around laden with Fast Food Fat?

    Go on.....?

    How can anyone be polite after having a Big Mic for example?


  2. I don't think anyone was talking about "mob mentality".

    The wisdom of crowds has nothing to due with rule by the mob.

    There are certain tasks where crowds perform better than the individual.

    Also, there are groups of researchers which we now recognise work much better than the lone researcher, Salk included, when the groups are organized properly.

    But, no the wisdom of crowds does not apply to "rule" (I don't think, anyway.)

    The best rule, however, IMHO is always a democracy, unless one wants to end up hanging like FRUITS from a poplar tree.

    Billie Holiday-Strange fruit- HD

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  3. There is always another point to be made, and about yours, I am just wondering how many news programs/broadcasts you know of which do not deal heavily in dishing out mostly football news, other sports news, and much news =about= Murdoch as reported =by= Murdoch.

    There was Ted's CNN before it was watered down shortly after it began broadcasting hard news.

    Now maybe there is Al Jazeera but this news is limited.

    Then you got Russia Today.

    You might have The Guardian for any readers out there.

    I dunno.

    I'm just daft.

  4. First, it does very much amaze me. And even more amazing is that there are still a few groups left in the US of A that take the time and resources to broadcast a quality news program which is probably not heaving influenced by corporate, government, or single individual resources. And, this is why it might be of interest to be watched by others around the world, so that they too can see that US news in not completely controlled by corp-gov-elite entities. People in countries in Asia need to follow US news very closely if they wish to find out what may happen to them now, and in the future. Of course you are right that with limited resources, DN is not able to provide as much international, or domestic, coverage as I am sure it would like.

    Second, Yes, there is an agenda. It the agenda is not too far from yours, then watch it Or if you like to learn about what they are reporting, then watch it, also.

    Third, Of course what you say is true that TV is a very valuable resource for anyone living in Thailand or anyone wanting to know more about Thailand or the foreigners who living in Thailand. There are many countries which do not have a Forum such as this, and their expats are at a disadvantage due to this lacking.

    Fourth, Old-Biddies-Bickering is a real plus, as you also say. Without old women, this site would be so dull that many fewer readers and writers would participate. I do not know of another site I have come across that is like this one. And, like you, I would not wish to see it changed. To repeat, a site like TV could not exist in a number of countries near and far from Thailand.

    It would have been really interesting to have been in Thailand to see the site mature into what we have today.

    Get a few people together with half a sense of humor, provide them with computers, and TV will soon have them rolling in the aisles, non stop, for as long as they can put up with it.

    (Probably I should use one of those Emoty Cons here, but I still can't get the TV Software working right. Maybe next time.)

  5. On a serious note, it probably would not hurt anyone here to expose themselves

    To a daily dose

    Of DemocracyNow

    Each and every evening

    Thailand, Time

    This is seen around the world and should be watched,

    If one wants to be considered serious.

    But since this program is non corporate funded, non government funded

    Then you will not be able to post on TV during non existent "commercial breaks".

  6. I don't know why it is, but even after a country becomes more or less developed, even in the city, there are still plenty of those who continue to raise roosters causing havoc with ones sleep in the morning.

    And Thai roosters like most others don't tell time really well so they begin at 4 and end at about 10 and are always really loud.

    These things make very poor neighbors in the city. IF you live in Thailand, then you might know something about this subject.

    And I am just wondering if anyone else is plagued by this rooster problem?

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