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Everything posted by mushroomdave

  1. Don't forget being on the phone too!!!
  2. It's also called "glancing at their phones" but the old "micro sleep" excuse seems more face-saving to them...why I dont know !!
  3. Been using Ann for years to go everywhere and always there waiting /never a problem / can't beat the price: (well you can beat the price if you want to dick around with all the BS to save a couple bucks when you can get in one vehicle/AC/relax that is) http://www.pattaya-taxiservice.com/service rate.html
  4. "Wichan the driver of the van, aged 64, admitted to going fast and not seeing the back of the trailer until it was too late" He should have added: "AS I WAS GLANCING AT MY PHONE" (surprised like many of you I would imagine that he admitted to going too fast LOL!!)
  5. Yes very believable, from B.C., not Toronto as the article said someone quoted.
  6. The Canadian reply you report in the story is a bit far-fetched. I just paid $1,281.00 Cdn for a late September round-trip flight (nothing even near the reply of $4,000.00 Cdn). It was from Montreal, not Toronto, but they are only 330 miles apart. Plus, I have flown out of Toronto over 20 times to Bangkok, and I can tell you one thing......NEVER, EVER, you would have gotten a ticket for $600.00, that's for sure.....maybe too much Singha Beer by one of the members that day!! LOL!!!
  7. Professional and price list right there on their site: https://www.pidcdental.com/
  8. Yup.....with things like this, my 1st guess is looking at the phone....but they will never admit that....an "episode" or "micro sleep" is a bit better face-saving they think!!
  9. Been using Ann for years, NEVER a problem! No need to fuss with buses / schedules / waiting, and the driver is always right there and direct to my door in Jomtien. And for 1,000b, I have no problem paying that after a long flight! http://www.pattaya-taxiservice.com/service rate.html
  10. You would think with 8 years of experience (or more), the 18 year old would be a better driver!
  11. Why not do what most other countries do? You have so much time to pay, be it 30 or 60 days, then if not payed, you have to pay it at your next license renewal / registration "plus" the interest. It isn't hard to do and implement for most.....but again.....THIS IS THAILAND!!!!
  12. And so let's get this straight: Thais can go commit (multiple) murder abroad to any country that doesn't have an "agreement of mutual legal assistance in criminal matters" with Thailand, get back home safely, and "if" caught, go on trial "in" Thailand???? What a !@#$% country this is!!!!! (p.s. who is paying the shipping of evidence / that car he stuffed the bodies into???...LOL!!!!)
  13. Well I guess the Monk PR Department welcomed that change in stories!! Enjoy your weekend....it won't last long!! ???? ???? ????
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