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Everything posted by 10baht

  1. Yes look at Zero tolerance Hong Kong. And China is next. What goes around comes around.????
  2. Only in the eyes of the beholder, many ,many as good or better. Why all the fuss? ????
  3. What a soft ball, but I don't think I can hit it out of the park in this forum. ????
  4. This is so much BS, doesn't ASEAN NOW have more important news to report like the constant rise in daily cases of the ChinaVirus? To the topic at hand it is all about credit ratings in the West and the economic condition of THAI woman.
  5. No sh*t , Sherlock. And while "they" are at it how about educating Thais about the general rules of the road, merging techniques, and common courtesy.
  6. Just those who spend more and help the Thai people/economy who really deserve it. And we are taken for granted. Almost like 2nd rate tourists.
  7. My ins, form home is not accepted and I can't self-insure for medical. I could deposit the amount of coverage they want me to buy from a Thai , and not touch it except for medical costs, boy NOOOOOO!
  8. Because there might be an idiot in a Benz coming screaming through a red light? They do it where there are no lights.
  9. No she want to turn behind the red truck. And the motor bike hindered her. BTW I didn't see a turning indicator her or the truck. MB was at fault but her stopping in the middle of the road instead of making and completing her turn is beyond words.
  10. Turning is a challenge for Thais for some reason. My guess is they can't picture a right angle ( 90 degree ) turn as they are used to cutting the corners as motorbike drivers or they can't shift and turn at the same time or they can't text or talk on their cell phone when turning. And these are the sober ones.
  11. But they did not give a sh*t about those of us who were trapped outside Thailand and our retirement visa expired before Thailand opened up its own boarders.
  12. All the food delivery motorbike drivers are constantly on their cell phones. They drive bad enough as it is.
  13. No, no, no they just want you to wear out stuff for more repairs or buying a new car sooner than normal.
  14. This is usually what the Thai's do up here in Chiang Rai, not the tourists.
  15. I think the restrictions were needed before vaccines, now only for anti vaxxers.
  16. They are not testing here. UK 6.2 million tests per million population, Thailand .24 million per million population.
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