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Everything posted by 10baht

  1. I read it as not retirees, working expats and retired expats have a whole lot of different thoughts on where to live and what's important.
  2. Just car break ins. Every time I've been there my car has been broken in to. If you get scammed , maybe the 1st or second time you get the picture and the learning curve kicks in . but criminal elements are worse.
  3. Right, wink wink, and so cheap ,too. What a deal! Where did you get your education? the Big C?
  4. Do I detect an agenda? From what I am hearing it is the unvaccinated that are causing the problem. And the vaccinated who catch it from them are far far far less sick and not as likely to die or be in hospital.
  5. I am not but I am donating my 2nd Moderna shot to someone I know who can't afford it. And good luck to you. too.
  6. But they will let you transfer (sell-up to you) it to a needy person who did not originally sign up for one. Or as I personally know what 2 people did- schedule it 5 or 6 months after your 2nd Pfizer shot as a booster.
  7. I would think because of unvaccinated Thais trying to make a living off the newly arrived "tourists" and by government sponsored events like the Pattaya music thing.
  8. Sorry but I am confused PM or --------? You fill in the blank.
  9. You are so right, let's just have large music festivals instead. No cluster fork there,
  10. Good point, but are you telling me , take the numbers of Singapore, only 7% of their population is under 12 and 100% of the rest of the population is vaccinated?
  11. I think it is more like 24 or 25 million who have not even had 1 shot. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations . Why are they not telling the truth when fact checking is so easy. It just make one not believe ANYTHING they say.
  12. Not being vaccinated is not a basic human right, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness is a very short list of human rights. And may I add drinking is a basic human right?
  13. Where is my BS spray, do the N95 masks work for this <deleted>?
  14. 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Give me a break in the neck around the pharynx
  15. It's worse than the blind leading the blind, at least they might stumble and fall , not shoot themselves in the foot.
  16. But you know what, they do not realize the expats are ( or were before killing them off) their saving grace. But they do not give a flip about us. My visa expired while I was stuck by accident out of the country when they closed down. Not even a thought of an exemption or extension, but their beloved "tourists" stuck here got extension after extension. I had to start all over from square one. And only because I had cars and bank accounts and leases to rescue. Over the years I have brought scores of tourist here to visit and be escorted all over Thailand. Sorry LOS , ain't gonna be in the future.
  17. Duh? And the pilots, stewards, and stewardesses on the planes. No s**t Sherlock. When will they ever learn.
  18. Use the Moderna as a booster, pick a date 4 0r 5 months after you 2nd what ever vaccine.
  19. Would that be the same Mu variant I read a lot about in UK media in early September? Maybe he can't read English.
  20. Yea! And what is the over / under on the 2022 winter Olympics taking place. They really boxed themselves in on this one. Lose face or lose face.????
  21. The chart says Americas not the USA, and what is with regions? We don't have countries anymore? And as for China, if they or anyone else is foolish enough to spend on say a condo, would that be spending. The Chinese I have seen pack 10 to 20 into a room paid for as for 2 and only use other Chinese related agents, And the rest of the world isn't so scared and ashamed of their economic and banking system that they try to move there money out of China, Even a bad investment in Thailand must be better than a Chinese real estate investment.
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