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Hans Rayong

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Posts posted by Hans Rayong

  1. 19 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Who would then  pick the fruits and vegetables that the Swedes need? You would have angry Swedes if they could not have their fresh berries.

    The migrant labour is there because the Swedes believe that their unemployed and poor are too good for manual field labour. 

    Refugees do not work, they earn more from state subsidies.

  2. 3. Foreigners married to Thais, or permanent residents of Thailand (around 2,000 have registered).


    The above translation from Thai is totally incorrect.
    Nowhere in Thai does it say that one must be married.
    There is no saying about permanent residents.
    I have asked five well-educated Thais and they agree that what is said, are foreigners with family in Thailand and foreigners who have lived in Thailand for a long time and has a house in Thailand.
    If you have children with Thai citizenship, own a house (wife or childrens name) and have Non-Im O, then you should be able to get a permit.

  3. 2 hours ago, merijn said:

    If you have a marriage certificate you are married.

    If you don't have a marriage certificate you are not married,

    Simple as that and the same for most countries.


    I have two judgments from the juvenile court from when I got joint custody of my children, where it says that I and my girlfriend who are parents of child are married but we have not signed the document yet. Married?

    • Confused 1
  4. 19 hours ago, SEtonal said:

    In other words, it is not always possible for immigration officers at entry points to identify foreign men with Thai wives or family responsibilities from their passport visa. An immigration spokesman said the bureau was aware of this problem and was working on possible scenarios. One possibility is that relevant documents, such as marriage and birth certificates and proof of address in Thailand, could be acceptable at airports even if shown on the entrant’s personal computer.


    A Thai birth certificate does not prove that you are the father of the child. You must either be married to the mother when the child was born or have a decision from the juvenile court.

    • Thanks 1
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