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Posts posted by Patanawet

  1. What is the frequency of collection in Bangkok?

    Every other day in my area.

    Came home about 03:00 the other night and the truck was at my condo block and the guys on the back of the truck were frantically ripping the bags open to see what they could salvage for themselves.

    I don't know what they thought when they came accross my cat poo bag.

    Better than U.K. where i believe you have to separate your rubbish into different bins (and are fined if you do it wrongly) and they are collected every two weeks or so!

  2. 2. What you are saying, no real reason to switch to the NEW INBOX.

    I'm not sure.

    I'm using it the way it's worked for years.

    I know that they, recently, added some new boxes and functions but haven't explored them as I'm satisfied with things the way are. (That says a lot about me!).

  3. Your speeds outside Thailand do seem extremely slow and, as others have said, a VPN probably will not improve that.

    A VPN is to provide anonymity or to fool the internet into thinking you are in a different country.

    If you want to try a VPN, try ZENMATE -- free for PCs. It certainly gives me enough speed to stream BBC iPlayer.

    You can set it so that it looks as if you are in US, UK, Hong Kong and some others.

  4. The only place in Bangkok that I know which sells really good bread which is good value for money is Danbake, located in Sukhumvit Soi 33/1, in that little soi behind the Villa Market.

    I know this shop and must try it.

    I always wondered if Farmhouse is really wholemeal/wholewheat.

    But how about, once in a while, going unhealthy and try Tops Sourdough bread? Just like the white bread of my childhood in


    And to make it even more unhealthy, lashings of butter.

  5. Which supermarket do they have there? Villa?

    The supermarket is a clone of their Gourmet Market in Siam Paragon. The supermarket in Emporium has been remodeled to be another clone (including trolleys and baskets painted gold).

    I would often shop in Emporium supermarket in preference to Villa as many items were cheaper.

    PS as an afterthought, it is difficult to find ATMs. Actually they are at the banks section clustered on the third floor (5th level to Americans and some others).

    Also annoying, all of the ATMs that were scattered around Emporium have been removed and hidden behind the wine shop next to the supermarket.

    All in all it's just a big new shiny shopping mall ---- and as such, I can never find the exit!

  6. It was always more expensive to buy a jacket in Pattaya. .

    I thought that the government issued the motor bike taxi riders the orange jackets for free to stop the mafia selling or renting them. This was supposed to be the system from about December last year.

    At my local rank in mid-Sukhumvit Bangkok, the boys all have the new jackets which are a sort of orange gauze body with black sleeves. Front and back there is a transparent pocket for the riders ID with photo.

    Also at my local rank, in addition to the poster with the official prices, is another poster with photos of all the riders registered at that rank.

    Official rate from my condo to BTS is 10 Baht.

    • Like 2
  7. Not a criminal of any sort for not wearing a helmet while riding in private grounds.

    Anyone can do what they like on a private road.

    As you say Maejo.

    Why don't people read all the words in a report before rushing to their keyboards for their little bit of glory, seeing their words in print on a message board?

    • Like 1
  8. Sorry NE1 and RichCor for coming so late back (couldn't find the thread --- I shouldn't be allowed near computers really


    Indeed, my Flash plugin was 10.0. ???. So updated to 16. whatever and the messages went away for a while. I've just spotted them again today but not as invasive as before and not on ThaiVisa links. And also messages that my player or most recently.WMP is out of date.

    RichCor, I'm nor sure what you mean by DNS settings as there seem to be DNS settings for Win7 and for the router etc.

    I've checked via control panel (Win7) etc and they all seem to be set to automatic.

    Farma Yes that was what alerted me to a problem I was having. I was suspicious the first time I saw the message -- it just didn't ring true. So I dismissed it each time I saw it.



    Firefox (latest version)

    Flash, Java etc all latest versions.

    ISP True Broadband,

    Router Zyxel

  9. I have some sort of malware, or whatever, that appears as a warning to update my Adobe Flash.

    It comes only on Firefox and only on Thaivisa when I click on and open a link to a news item on the newsletter.

    I might click on a few items to open them in new tabs. They then appear correctly at the top of the screen, then when I click on one it opens momentarily then changes to the Flash warning.

    I had read somewhere that there is a virus similar to this going around.

    Has anyone else encountered this?

    I have scanned with various anti virus programs including running Malwarebyes in normal and safe mode. Result 'clean'.

    I always close these tabs and have gone manually to the Adobe site and checked that I am indeed up to date.

    Any ideas?

  10. I first started coming frequently to Thailand MANY years ago from Amsterdam. Always on Thai Airways until once traveling with a Thai--- who told me that the Thai Air crews treated Thai nationals badly, looking down on them like they were low class.

    Since then, I always used EVA premium or whatever it is called these days. So both Thai companions and I are more than happy.

    As an alternative, I occasionally used China Airways.

    Once, I was on China Airways, like Eva out of Taiwan (not to be confused with Air China) next to a lavatory and (clean) water was seeping onto the carpet. I emailed when I got back to Amsterdam to complain. Next day, when I got home from work, there was a huge bunch of flowers on my doorstep to apologise.

  11. Number is 1686.

    press the number it tells you for english, etc etc.

    They have always been very helpful to me.

    I am going crazy! Trying to speak somebody at TRUE ONLINE in English.

    I tried 1686 and even the numbers for Truevisions and Truelife.

    Always the same result ------ "press 9 for English" ---- only to get more Thai. Same result using landline and mobile.

    I even tried 5 for English (in case my ears were playing me up) and 2 as suggested in another post.

    This is for one and a half days now. Even an email address for the helpdesk would be nice (or maybe preferable).

    I have to say that, in the past, the helpdesk has been more than helpful, if only I could remember how I got through to them.

  12. Metered taxis might but how many use their meter? Drivers have systematically charged what they want ever since the induction of the taxi in Thailand.

    What nonsesnse. Must have been written by someone who has never been to Bangkok, let alone travelled in a taxi.

    Perhaps Dave could provide us with instances and statistics about how many taxis he has used and how many have refused to use the meter.

    Further comment would be superfluous.

    I still don't see why people get angry about taxis refusing a fare. Every other service outlet, be it cinema, bar or shop can refuse a customer without giving a reason -- why should taxis be different? Granted, some could be a bit more gracious about the refusal but that could be a language problem.

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