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Posts posted by GotR1GHT

  1. Nice one! smile.png

    Me too was at the same level after 10 days. Now i'm trying to learn more words from other video and audio lessons.

    Pimsleur is very easy to learn the _very_ basics in thai and everyone going to Thailand would benefit from it even if they go on vacation for 2 weeks.

    Next step is to learn reading and writing cuz many say that it will speed up how to speak much faster.

    And of course to just be in Thailand while learning helps a lot!

    Getting started with the reading and writing too....


    I think you're doing really well. Especially since you are now going for the reading/writing now as well.

    I started with Pimsleur and then Thai for Beginners (Poomsan-Becker). I'm still studying now, but with a mixture of resources, and daily conversation practice.

    Keep us posted as to your progress smile.png

    Thanks...I'm doing days 11 to 20 now (on day 14) When I'm done, I'll post another video, see if I can improve my tones a bit!

    This might help with tones smile.png


    I don't believe he's pronouncing falling tone correctly in this video.Falling tone doesn't instanly drop from high to low but it's going from high to a bit more higher and than falls down a bit on the end

  2. I must say it's pretty dam_n hard to learn and memorize all the tone rules.It's just too confusing.Everytime when i try to read something i have to stop and think which high-middle-low consonant goes with which mark,it's just going nowhere for me. So i started just memorize word by word with proper tone,for example:

    หมา - maa - R(rising tone) - dog

    ไข้ - kaai - F(falling tone) - fever

    ไข่ - kaai - L(low tone) - egg

    It's SO MUCH easier(at least for me) to remember and also at the same time i can learn to write and memorize so when i read something i can automatically remember the word and pronounce it properly.

    Anyone think it's a good method to learn that way,any advices?

  3. Hi 'GotR1GHT'

    Yes, single monitor, I didn't put it in my post, but I have been looking at them as well......As well as the 3 screen option I looked at ultra wide screen monitors. 3 screen gets me a little worried.........if it doesn't run right, or I don't like it.........."Monitor......anyone?"

    I'm still trying to get to grip with the pros and cons of both setups. As for fps....Well I have a fear of this, (low fps) having played WoT, a lot on a system that would at times struggle to give me double figures, (hence the new build) the thought of low fps, freaks me out! I do think however the rig I'm putting together to handle 2600x1440.....I have a gtx780, with all the whistles and bells.......I should be OK....Right?

    I haven't really looked at large screen monitors, over 24" as I have felt, (I'm open to be corrected) that with there being only a standard desk width from, my mark one's and that 'behemoth' screen I may end up with 'post traumatic stress'..................But I'm warming to the idea, primarily because of the ease of it all with...Well as you put it jaw dropping results and I too am not to happy with the idea of bezel.

    Well all I can do at this time is 'paw' over images and data on the web, I don't get home until this weekend, in retrospect the delay in getting to the shops could be a blessing as it gives me more forced research time.

    Thanks for the input.


    I believe that 2560x1440 doesn't come on less than 27".Gtx 780 is probably minimum for 2560x1440 (medium/high settings no AA) for next 2 years.It's hard to tell because graphics will drastically improve soon due to new generation game development for consoles.

    You could just get 120/144hz 1080p single monitor because you should always play games at your native resolution,if you have to downscale from 1440p to 1080p to get better frame rates, graphics will like blurry because it will has to stretch pixels.

    Seeing next gen games like star citizen,the division or unreal engine 4 etc. 1080p would be a safe bet,and later you can get 4k monitor.It's unbeliveable nowdays you can get 4k tv for 400-500$,2years ago the cheapeast was 5000$+

  4. Depends on your preference. For example, i don't like 3 monitor setup because of the borders of monitor,when playing games it's like borders splitting my monitors,it's so distracting.

    If you want to get single monitor i suggest 120/144hz 1080p 24". -about 6,000baht

    Also,depends on your gpu(if you get r9 290/290x or gtx780) you can get 2600x1440 27/29" monitor(4 million pixels),games will look jaw dropping.The price is about 13,000baht (korean brand monitor,it's not realible as asus,lg etc. but it's still pretty decent quality) .But playing games at that resolution will probably eat about 10-15fps more than on 1080p

  5. O.P.

    Find someone who has actually learned how to speak a reasonable amount of Thai with Walen. Find out where they studied and with which teachers. Then, observe their lessons to see if it's for you. If you do find said individual, please let us know as I could do with a dose of cold water.

    I've been going to Walen for a some time already and i'm in class with people who have studied there for several years already and i must say they speak pretty good.

    Many people think that just because they go to school they will somehow magically be fluent in a year time.There's no school in this world that will make you speak fluent with 2 lessons a week.Although school can be very helpful,it's all about how much you do your homework and actually study in your own free time.

  6. Yeah, you're right. I just finished my first Thai lesson with a teacher. Learning the class and tone rules makes a huge difference in how you understand (and speak) the language. I like the Pimsleur method of just jumping in and going for it. ...but, with Thai, you really do need to do the reading and writing work--especially in regards to the long and short vowels.

    Excellent work for only 10 days.If you don't mind,i have some advices

    -ขอโทษ - excuse me - it's pronounced "koo toot" (with a bit longer "toot"). When you said "tot";it means fart.So it's a toot not tot. Like พูด;speak ,it's a bit longer "puut" not "put".Also ข้าว; rice,it's also longer,"kaao" not "kao"(he,she). อยากกินข้าว Jaak gin "kaao", not jaak gin "kao"(unless you want to eat him,she:-))

    Here are some video that are pretty decent and can help you with pronouncing the tones.Keep up the good work,and please keep posting your development.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi Guys...I have modified my build ....again, (new list 200000012) it's all good!

    I am under the gun now....I have to order what I want today via an American work mate, he's getting the parts from www.newegg.com and I will have the bits for the day I go home. What have I gone for...... Asus, maximus Vl Hero Motherboard $204.99. GPU, GTX780 $519.99. CPU, i5 4670K $239.99. SSD, Samsung 840 EVO $99.99 and.....Memory, G.SKILL X Series 16GB, (2x8GB) $169.99.......The rest I will get when back home, local in Chiangmai or Internet.


    I will look closely at any case I think of getting, (last PC used to keep over heating).....I want good cooling in this one, I've not looked at keyboard or mouse yet.....That's next...But yes back light would be good, I will also be looking at a good monitor to round it all off.


    I will post how I get on and the final build parts.


    Thanks again guys.




    Just don't forget cpu cooler.Pc looks beastly. 

    I'll probably make new one somewhere next year,as for now i still don't see any new next gen game that's worth buying a new pc.

  8. Hi 'GotR1GHT'


    Thanks for the input, I see you couldn't resist and put a high end build in as well...55555, love it.


    Where did you get your prices........was it off InvadeIT website in Thailand. Do you have any experience of this company...Are they any good?


    As I said in my topic post I plan to get some bits in the states, however...that may go to the wind and I may just 'do it' when I get home.


    I have to say, I like the idea of building a gaming PC that is smart and good value for money......But my head does get turned by power and the idea of building a data eating beast.......I need to read some more.

    Like @jsixpack said,you should post on tomshardware.com/linustechtips.com or anandtech.com for more advice.


    Yeah ,that build will play any new game max out,if you can go with 2560x1440 monitor,next gen games will look amazing on it(just have good gpu/cpu to back it up).

    Yeah,that's a good plan to get in states,hardware will be cheaper there + you can get games like battlefield 4 for free bundled with r9 290x.

    I use invade-it just because website is better than others.You should also check jedicool and jib.co.th.


    On the side note,you could build 35,000baht pc(1080p monitor included) that will max out all games in foreseable future.Don't try to futureproof your pc by buying latest and greatest because new tech comes out annually.Few months more new gpu's from nvidia will come out and you could probably get gtx 860 for 200$ with performance as gtx780. The best thing is to buy what you need now and upgrade later. 

  9. All things considered i would say i'm not in a hurry. Launch games that have been released all got mediocre scores and battlefield 4 is on pc.It's gonna take some time until we see some unreal 4 engine games/real next gen and similar.Graphically speaking,difference between this gen/next gen launch games are not nearly as big as it was 2005/06.

    I'm a bit dissapointed in ps4 performance,seeing most games are 900p or hardly even 1080 30fps.I believe 2 years down the road 720p will again become standard for most aaa games,which is rather disappointing in 2013/14 when even 100$ gpu can play 1080p games

    • Like 1
  10. cpu   -           i7 4770k -    11,500b

    cpu cooler   -hyper 212 -  1,000b

    mobo -       z87 extreme 4 - 5,000b

    gpu  - r9 290X - 23,000  or gtx780TI

    hdd  -      seagate baracuda 2tb - 2,400b

    ssd  -      samsung 840evo        - 3,500b

    ram -     8gb (4x2 1600mhz)  - 1-2 year later you can add more  -2,400b

    psu  -     80plus bronzee seagate,xfx.corsair   650w/750w - 3,500b  (if you want to sli/crossfire get 750/850w)

    case - 1,500b

    dvd-rw  - 600b (get blueray only if you want to watch blueray movies from blueray disc)


    about 57,000baht    


    Gpu is most important for gaming and that r9 290x/gtx780TI will completely destroy gtx770.It is made for 4k resolution.If you have the money,get 2560x1440 monitor.(the price is about 14,000baht)

  11. You want to build a gaming pc? In my opinion you're spending way way too much money on psu,case,motherboard. I mean for that kind of money you can put r9 290 or gtx 780 in it.UNLESS you really want to have that expensive case,mobo,psu.Also even 8 gb of ram would be enough for gaming. 

    In my opionion,if i want to get gaming pc i would get


    i5 4670k - 7,500baht   (or fx8350 if you prefer amd)

    cpu cooler -hyper 212 - 1,000b

    1150 mobo - 4,500/5,000 baht

    8gb(4x2) 1600mhz ram - 2,600b

    gpu - r9 290 or gtx 780 - 18,000b  - it's much better than gtx 770( i would go for r9 290)

    case- 1,500b

    psu - 80+bronze 650/750w - 3,500b

    1 or 2 tb hdd - 2.400b

    ssd(120gb) if you want- 3,500b 



    Buy if you eager to get one that you have choosen,it's a still a great pc.

    But cutting back on some things like case,mobo,psu and buying better gpu will give much more performance in games

    • Like 2
  12. Not if they teach Thai the same way they teach English. They basically just read through a textbook word for word very quickly and then ask: any questions?

    It's not just about reading through a textbook very quickly.It's about reading it,pronouncing it correct and make a sentence with that word so you can actually know how to use it properly.The best way you can learn thai is by talking the language,there's no other way

  13. I think they have one day trial at Walen to try it out(not sure though). I started learning at walen 2 weeks ago and i'm really happy with it. I have some experience with other schools so i have something to compare with.I don't want to bash other schools(that's why i won't name it) but somewhere even though i was much better than rest of he class they didn't want to move me on intermediate/advance class so basically for next 6-7 months i had to learn something that i already surpass by a mile.When i came to walen, on first day they've moved me to advance class which is great and shows that teachers really care.

    Teachers and teaching method is excellent (in my opinion, the fastest learning method is by thai converstion and learning to read THAI not transliteration-which is basically walen method). So yeah if you want to learn thai ,walen is great and i would recommend it . good luck

  14. all of the above and Galactic Civlizations II. I stumbled on it a few months ago. Big fun. Take over the universe one turn at a time. smile.png

    I'm too old and slow to play shooters with twitchy youths these days, but I love the turn based strat games the most.

    I can't count the number of games I've owned over the decades, but sim city was never one of them.

    Never played Galactic civ 2,but the games is known for "the best AI ever in games".,Is that true?

  15. After the RROD's seen with 360, I will hold off on making a decision on either until 6 months after launch.

    That's a good choice.And if you have pc already ,you won't miss much except couple of exclusives. But(probably) they won't have rrod problem anymore.They dialed back on tdp of console,but ofc that doesn't mean some other part could have problemtongue.png

  16. Hey guys i'm a generally a pc gamer but i stumbled across this article today for all of you who are interested in buying a PS4 .


    PS4 launching in Hong Kong, other select Asian regions from Dec. 2013


    The PlayStation 4 will launch in select South East Asian territories, including Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea and Singapore, starting in December of this year, Sony announced during its TGS press conference today.

    Select peripherals, including additional controllers, charging docks and the PlayStation 4's camera will also be sold separately in those regions at launch. No specific date beyond the month of December was announced.

    The PlayStation 4 will launch in North America on Nov. 15, and in Europe on Nov. 29. The South East Asia launch window falls behind those dates, but it's still well ahead of the Japanese release date for the console — the PS4 is set to launch in Japan on Feb. 22, 2014.

  17. Just picked up my Alienware 17 laptop yesterday in KL- around 2700 US $ equivalent...Pricey but it is my first ever gaming machine and im in my 40s ha!. .

    - Dell Alienware 17 A17FHD-80173G-W8 Gaming 17.3" Laptop

    - Intel® Core i7-4800MQ-2.7GHz

    - 16GB DDR3 RAM, 750GB SATA HDD + 64GB mSATA SSD

    - NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 770M

    - Genuine Windows® 8 64-bit

    Amazing HD screen - looking forward to downloading rome total war 2 , civ 5, and some others on steam.

    Also has windows 8- which i have heard very bad things about, but i found to be quite good!

    70,000baht for that? dam_n that's too much.Unless of course you want to game on laptop

    Yes expensive for those specs- but i do travel alot so nice to be able to take it with me and play in my hotel rooms.

    Definitely.That's a pretty nice advantage to have

    • Like 1
  18. Another thief in a land of thieves. What a surprise. Next.

    Land of thieves? Typical TV butthurt poster without brain. Why the hell do you even live here if things you know are only bad ones,judging all country? bah tv posters make me sick. It's his fault if he don't know with what kind of girl he's marrying to.It so funny when some foreigners marry with prostitute and than complain everything it's about money and they stole their money,well she ain't in this business for fun. Some foreigners are missing half brain

    Great posting. You complain about what I write, then continue on and more or less agree with what I stated. Classic.

    I do agree however (and as I've said many times before) that foreigners leave their brains and common sense at the arrivals gate.

    How long have you lived here by the way?

    It doesn't matter for how long i live here. And how does my post even agrees with what you said? i just said it's so funny when people generalize just because they hear something and immediately assume it's everywhere like this. I said it's guys fault also that he didn't know with what kind of girl he's marrying.Your saying land of thieves clearly state that thai is land of thieves. Judging dozens of people and assuming 70 millions are same.Bravo.

    • Like 2
  19. Another thief in a land of thieves. What a surprise. Next.

    Land of thieves? Typical TV butthurt poster without brain. Why the hell do you even live here if things you know are only bad ones,judging all country? bah tv posters make me sick. It's his fault if he don't know with what kind of girl he's marrying to.It so funny when some foreigners marry with prostitute and than complain everything it's about money and they stole their money,well she ain't in this business for fun. Some foreigners are missing half brain

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