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Posts posted by winstonc

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    He said the European Union delegation to Thailand that had criticised the detention of civilians by military courts on Friday should try to understand that Thailand needs to maintain martial law in order to steer the Kingdom towards "full democracy" under the roadmap.

    Whats "Full Democracy" then , I thought we already had that up until May last year

    full democracy means future governments will still have to tow the Junta line and follow the orders of the military or be punished.

    So its a kind of futuristic , highly evolved Democracy where peoples votes don't actually mean anything.

    did they ever..in any country..

  2. Her incompetence led to billions in theft/loss/ graft so she is getting the treatment she deserves

    Add that people in her family have set an example they are runners ...

    No sympathy from me

    Hope she gets locked up for life

    if someone wasted her the fools on here would say why no protection from the army..you cant please a trolling vegetable...your right lew shes lucky shes still free..and why a motorcade..she aint that special if she ever was..

  3. Payback will never happen for the families of those farmers who sadly ended their lives out of desperation last year. But some justice is now being served.


    How many farmers committed suicide? Suicide is committed by people with mental health problems not because they didnt get a couple thousand baht rice subsidy.

    How many innocent children and teachers have been murdered by the terrorists in the south since the junta black shirts took over?

    ???????. how do you know they got mental health problems do they speak to you from the grave .....dr know-all

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  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Payback will never happen for the families of those farmers who sadly ended their lives out of desperation last year. But some justice is now being served.


    Try telling the truth. The protest leaders campaigned for those with deposits with the banks to withdraw their money if they lend it to the government to pay back the farmers. Anyone should be indicted for any farmer death its Suthep and his gang. Plus the fact that I look at any farmer who took his own life because of the debt and left his family and children with this debt is a coward.

    oh bobby boy classic first 4 words from you try telling the truth..repeat that to yourself when looking at the mirror .then posting on here...(not guna happen is it)......coffee1.gif

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  5. wow another piece of 'non-discrimination'?

    No, the time for justice has come for some politicians that avoided the law for years.

    Jesus rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-siBMq you are some piece of work Costas

    It is clear its a witchhunt the public prosecutor DECLINED TO PROSECUTE so they are going to do it themselves as time continues there is less and less credability for this government that took over at the point of a gun under the guise they are indpendant of any color LOL its very clear who is back at the reigns by having to use the GUN because they could never get in by the VOTE.

    yes they took over at the point of a gun..because chalem had all the guns firing at the protesters ..your memory selective again..at least try to be honest or dont bother posting biased remarks ok..

    • Like 1
  6. Elephant rides, begging in the streets, it's time to just stop this shit. Brutal elephant training has been a traditional practice in Southeast Asia for hundreds of years. Elephants in Thailand are used to entertain tourists rather than for traditional purposes like logging. It’s our demand for elephant rides and circus acts that leads to more baby elephants getting captured from their mothers, tortured, and sold off to entertain us.

    entertain the uneducated i would say cruelty full stop..

    • Like 1
  7. A fight is certainly on the way and it's not only Jatuporn. The rubber farmers, taxi drivers, truckers, energy activists are waiting in line for a showdown with the government. Just when you thought peace have been restored and reconcilation on the way, we are all back in square one. It seem a repeat of the '06 coup and wasted years before democracy is restored.

    All these things you detail, would like to tell us how they came about, wouldn't be anything to do with the left over mess the present administration inherited would it ?

    bobby leave her alone..you know she aint the brightest.star in the sky....

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  8. after advise from uptheos i can say i got my booking last night.1201.a.m.maybe very lucky but done none the less...why does it have to be stressy.(well for me anyway)...is it payback time for us..or a sense of superiority.for them you decide..thanks for the advise uptheos.a happy but tired man today...

  9. American economy is doing quite well...so current government is getting better ratings than before.

    Nothing is perfect, in an imperfect world.

    Compare it with garbage policies in Europe, Australia and UK.... where your money is worth not a fish bone.

    wow why so insecure...you got something to hide son....come on share all on here were a great forgiving type of community.....

  10. What you really get on Thai Visa...is some malcontent who has a hard on for some other Nation..

    and starts posting irritating crap, that just leads to a lot of bickering.

    Idiots......are always trying to bring America down, and put the bad guys up.

    wrong america will bring itself down in the end...that doesnt take to much brainwork to figure out.does it.......nothing lasts forever sausage..

  11. They obviously didn't understand you.

    Sounds like they are saying turn up tomorrow for an appointment same day.

    What time of day do you try the online appt system?

    thanks for the reply..no they are saying turn up to book an appointment for the near futur.i havnt done my 90 yet.for march..i still dont get the 6.oo a.m. thing though it says opening times 8.30.a.m.

  12. any advise for getting my visa marriage renewal.its fully booked im due 20th may,booked..went back every day for a month still fully booked.rang immigration today 3rd.they said turn up tomorrow at 6.00 a,m, and book an appointment at the office is this correct.and if yes why so early please advise many thanks guys..

  13. whilst in france a few years ago i was told told i could not wear shorts in the pool but knickers was ok...hygene was the answer..going to a restaurant later that day dogs were in there with fifi the owner..apparently thats ok..maybe we are dirtier than dogs after all..who cares ..

  14. A dog that is up-to-date on all his vaccinations poses no real health risk in a restaurant or other place. If it were true that dogs created an unhealthy environment at a restaurant, they would also be making their owners sick every time they walked into the kitchen. It’s unfortunate that public perception sees things otherwise.

    It is true that there would be some risks if the dog is sitting on the table, however as long as the table is cleaned then these risks would only be to the occupants at that time. There is also some minor risks if the cook or chef pet the dog and then prepared your food without washing. However these risks are insignificant compared to using the toilet or say handling raw meat and then your salad without again thoroughly washing their hands.

    One of the reasons I live in Thailand is my hate of the over regulated lunacy that has taken over the west. I therefore think that you should choose one of the many restaurants that do not allow dogs or perhaps return to the restrictive, big brothers watching you west.


    ME ! A dogs feet on a dining table is no real threat ? After it has walked on sidewalks where dog feces are common ? Can we look forward to more posts from you of this caliber ? Hope not.

    Probably why they give you plates in restaurants. You never know what goes on out the back in kitchens so a dog on a table would not worry me if i was next to that table. Get the waitress to wipe down the table and if the dog isnt on your table who cares!
    I know this us far fetched, but what about some common sense? Dogs on the table is for me really unacceptable, I also would walk out a restaurant that allows dogs inside. For outside testaurants I wouldn't mind. My experience is that most dog owners share these unwritten guidelines. We are the proud owners of a very small Chihuahua ( got the idea from Paris Hilton) but even for such little critter,we follow the same principles...

    paris hilton..speaks volumes about you perhaps...

  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Is it really diplomatic protocol for US consular staff to be meeting with red shirt leaders.

    Well they can meet who ever they like , however to make a statement I guess that say's it all , only because the PTP were Democratically elected to represent the people, that's the bottom line , they are not interested in why ,who or what , Democracy is the key word. they fail inasmuch as there is no flexibility in their reasoning, pity we could do with a Coup in OZ with the cretins ruining the place.

    they may meet whoever out of school hours ..but remember what country were in ....how about going back and voicing your opposition..to abbot and his cronies...no good whining if your not there with your finger on the pulse..

  16. This is doing nothing to help the country reconcile. It's going completely in the wrong direction.

    These "Attitude Adjustments" are getting more and more frequent.

    This never was and never will be anything what so ever to do with reconcilliation. Suppressing the majority for the benefit of a few. Wake me up after the war

    will get back to you after you get whalloped on saturday at the bridge ok...

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  17. "The PM became irritated and slammed the table and raised his voice".

    Like her or not at least Yingluck was more professional and composed during press conferences. I don't seem to remember her losing her cool even in her darkest hour. Prayuth seems to display more erratic and unpredictable behavior as this continues.

    yingluk was to stupid to understand the questions put to her...get real eh....

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  18. Now i see a problem with the usual self righteous thai bashers.

    Here's the deal. If you have been reading this forum long enough you would know that the shinawatras aren't loved here and the fact that they have chinese blood in them makes it even worse.

    Then you have america supporting the shinawatras and questioning the present thai govt which causes the US to be bashed and that's a big no no here it's just the typical farang reaction obviously. It's also not a coincidence that the ones that support america and the rest of the west happen to be anti thaksin/shinawatra so now they are in a fix. Thaksin being chinese = china and an american official asking for a fair trial and getting bashed by the thai side well they cannot support the american side now cos that means supporting thaksin and the chinese side.

    Off your med's again? "The shinawatras aren't loved" err sorry mate but you are so far off the mark it's almost sad, how do you think they keep wining elections if they are not loved? and please not the buying votes BS.

    "It's also not a coincidence that the ones that support America and the rest of the west happen to be anti thaksin/shinawatra so now they are in a fix"

    Do you even live here mate? or just a once a year type guy? that thinks he knows it all? You don't have a clue really now do ya.

    well do you live here if you think theres no vote buying..open your eyes and get out the house when and if theres a next election ok...then come back .and apologise for the silly comment you made..

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