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Posts posted by winstonc

  1. "There has been no impact on trade yet. But all our customers have sent us very worrying signals that if [the problem] is not solved, they will turn to buying [seafood] from other countries," he said.

    And there lies one of the biggest issues. If the EU does in fact implement and enforce a ban then retailers will look elsewhere and IF and WHEN the ban is lifted it's unlikely the retailers will bother switching back if the price / quality is comparable.

    A ban could well wipe out the Thai fishing industry or damage it to a point where it will never truly recover.

    the fishing fleets around the planet need banning for at least a yer to replenish the dire stocks .worldwide mate..and maybe lots more fish farms..not great but most people wouldnt have a clue where its from..

    • Like 1
  2. Death penalty for corruption is not a good idea for at least a couple of reasons.

    Corruption is hard to prove which is why so many jurisdiction have special legislation to address to problem. If even the potential for a death penalty is imposed the burden of proof edges that little bit higher - but that could result in a lot less convictions


    Thailand is already under international pressure in relation to having the death penalty - adding more offences to the list where it could be used would cause the international community to think that Thailand was moving towards - not away from the death penalty. This would also cause the international community to look closer at the other "issues of concern".

    the international community puts no pressure on the usa about this subject when was the last time thailand executed someone 4-5 years ago perhaps ..while the us..mmmmmmmm...anyway it might be an extreme want by this guy.but after eons of years and nothing ever happening something should .....thailand has laws for everything of which none is imposed..why change the habit of a lifetime hahahahahaha

  3. give scotland independence would save us billions..and wales too.labour/tory/libs have ruled over us for 170 years..its time the old boys club was dismantled utter scum ruining this once great island..remember its self interest from all of them couldnt give a toss about any of us and dont kid yourself thinking they do..

    • Like 2
  4. Will this law affect the way the Temples collect their donations?

    <Snip> the following actions constitute begging:

    - asking for assets of others with words, texts, or any other gesture, without compensating the giver with any form of work or assets. (The clause excludes asking for money from family members and lawful charity fundraising)

    - committing any gesture that compels others to donate assets out of pity, without compensating the giver with any form of work or assets.


    The monks do say a prayer for you.

    dont forget aretha franklin..she said a little prayer for YOU......taxi for winstonc

  5. The EU will do nothing, Thailand will say that it has implemented policies to counter bad fishing practice and all will be well.

    Not so sure your analysis is correct. The EU can be quite strict.

    you mean quite strict in the fact that they have after years of being a shit entity finally said dont throw any fish caught back into the sea in europe..the eu needs to start looking at its own doorstep first mate with 500 million menbers ..utter disgrace of an organisation if im allowed to say..sorry for the off topic rant..

  6. "When it comes to education and religion, people with no education are most religious"

    Now there's a thing.

    It's why the powers that be want to keep the populace uneducated.

    i think the population are quite happy to stay uneducated it absolves them from any responsibility i think..you know what i mean you say something to them and that glazed look comes across the eyes like a rabbit in the headlights..the lights are on but theres no-one indoors

  7. seems theres a couple of 1% ers on here despising people from having the basics to survive on..shame on you people...but lets not let the truth of companies relocating for a better work force and slave wages its because of there utter greed for money thats ruining this world..you yanks keep moaning about the chinese.cheap goods.... they used to be made in the U.S.A..but more greed again at the expense of the american joe and now whose turning into the next super power. china....you deserve your decline...the collapse of capilalism bring it on..

    • Like 2
  8. Just like the UK elections. Blame the previous government for all your woes. coffee1.gif

    who else to blame there neighbour..all governments are responsible for the debt.by allowing easy credit to happen..ie..worry about it later..but lets not forget the bankers who caused the financial collapse with no harm to them or there bonuses..or any convictions.......labour/tories SAME SAME..

    • Like 1
  9. When the shin government put the minimum wage up to bht 300, a lot of subsistence farmers cut down and just made rice for the family as they could not afford to pay it, then because the farm stores had to pay more in wages they put up the price of chemicals and fertilizers making rice farming more expensive, we used to use local labour to help plant and harvest the rice but now we hire the machines to do the job, giving a wage rise is not always the answer as once prices go up they very seldom come down again. what it does do however is put people out of work and some smaller firms/ businesses to close down sad.png

    firstly 300 baht is not nationwide neither is it fully implemented..the price of chemicals and fertilizers was put up by the few mafia type companies that have a stranglehold on this business,who increased the price when the last rice scheme was introduced,so when food prices go up and the wages stay the same..is it small wonder they need a raise..sad.png

  10. Again: Mr. P or the Ministry of Culture and Moral and Ethics and stuff...please...any comment?

    Any time now, please!

    You expect them to fix something that's been broken for centuries and has been made worse in the last 7 decades by rampant alcohol abuse?

    Take a look at the domestic violence situation in your own home country. Have your country's leaders made any inroads to reduce it?

    Probably the best immediate solution would be to get everyone off alcohol and onto marijuana. It's easier to satisfy a craving for munchies than it is a craving for violence.

    Are you some kind of a broken record? You asked the "What has your country done"- question on another thread already and I can assure you, "my " country has done way more, than anything Thailand will ever do.

    But as you do not seem to be the brightest bulb in the candelabre: I made a toungue in cheek comment about Mr. P and Ethics, Culture, Moral ...and stuff - ministry, because both of them seem to see morals and culture threatened by underboob-selfies and women in mini-skirts.

    That is what they blubber on about.

    I would really like to hear some sensible comments on subjects that MATTER!

    Thank you for the attention!

    no your back tracking for a poor post..dont worry..we all make mistakes..

  11. His remark came after a fortune-teller earlier cast doubt on the time frame for the general election. crazy.gif You couldn't make this crap up.

    Apart from the stupidity of what was said is anyone surprised that Prayut might not step down. He can of course continue down this path but as with Burma the west will eventually have not choice but to start placing sanctions ... this in turn will leave Thailand's economy is tatters and they'll end up like most countries run by dictators ... those at the top will be extremely rich whilst those at the bottom will starve to death ...... oh yeah a bit like it is now.

    Spot on!!

    And the irony is that Mr P himself is only being used as a pawn for the real powers and their mighty sponsors!!

    In their struggle to keep status quo, anything is allowed now!! Even a few bodies!!

    To the junta supporters here: Freedom is not about the right to have cold beers or to be able to watch the match on big screen!!

    freedom is always about cold beer and chelsea winning the league..sort yourself out joc theres a good lad..xxxx

  12. The director-general of the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation is a true hero, braving threats and intimidation to carry out his responsibilities. All of the workers who assisted are to be commended. Is it any wonder why many Thais just say F-it and go with the flow, when confronted with unbridled greed and corruption?

    hes not a hero hes doing a job hes paid to do about time.......what about the 146 tigersin there..take them to i say ..

  13. They'll need that rise to pay income tax levied on them.

    I agree. The few rich and powerful who control the businesses do not the many who just want to survive to live in dignity. Its no longer about the welfare of people its all about profit profit profit.

    thats the way its always been .....surely...

  14. Before the US cautious welcomes anything, may I suggest, they read the following quote twice!!

    >>In its place, though, the junta invoked a special security measure called Article 44 in the military-imposed interim constitution that gives Prayuth the power to override any branch of government in the name of national security, and absolves him of any legal responsibility for his actions.<<

    point taken but the same us government that invoked national security on refusing a mexican lawyer to give evidence on 2.500 guns going to mexico from arizona..because the dea was in cahoots with the cartels..no double standards here though eh...FACT

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