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Posts posted by Pikeybkk

  1. Hey guys and gals, lets not be too hasty....major players in the UK and Europe get fined with no prison sentences too, look at all the bankers and business elite who bankrupt companies after siphoning off millions to personal accounts in the caymans and other TFH's, corruption is rife through out the world at present, its just some countries have really learned how to hide it.

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  2. used to do it quite often in sweden, get wild deer , moose, could go out picking berries , mushrooms, also did it in south africa and australia.

    disagree, this is an entirely different issue other than technological progress, if managed correctly all bio-diverse habitats should be able to be maintained in the long run and along with the habitats the traditional occupations which go alongside them but there is the point that over fishing is most likely the reason behind a decline in the catch quantity, all one has to do is look at the markets to see there is scant regard towards sizing or spawning protections.

    When was the last time you went down to the market and bought beef from a wild-shot cow? Or fed your family on grains, veggies and berries you rounded up in the meadow?

    Of course, bio-diverse habitats can be maintained. But they aren't going to produce enough to feed the surrounding communities that keep growing in population, never mind with enough left over to barter for, let's say- medicine and gasoline?

    If you want to feed fish to the community, they're going to have to import some fish (traded for what?) or they're going to have to farm the fish. The metaphorical river has run dry. They can keep looking at empty nets or they can take some other action.

    And sooner than later, the oceans will, too. Hopefully, fish farming technology, regulations, and economics will have caught up by then.

  3. disagree, this is an entirely different issue other than technological progress, if managed correctly all bio-diverse habitats should be able to be maintained in the long run and along with the habitats the traditional occupations which go alongside them but there is the point that over fishing is most likely the reason behind a decline in the catch quantity, all one has to do is look at the markets to see there is scant regard towards sizing or spawning protections.

    It has been years since one ended up in fisherman Pat's net.

    "In the past, I caught a lot of them but now not at all," he said. "I don't know where they all went."

    I think he may have answered his own question.

    Every other major food source is farmed nowadays. But it seems that some folks think they can keep catching enough fish to feed the growing population and there will always be more.

    My heart goes out the the families that have fished for generations. Just like it does for the guy whose family has repaired typewriters for eons, and for that last generation of buggy whip makers.

    But sooner or later, it's time to move on to a different way of making a living and feeding the family. The only question is, do you move on before or after the very last fish is caught?

    That's not an endorsement of the dam, BTW.

  4. Good to see that they have actually asked for outside assistance when needed. Expensive tho for a guy (Thaksin)) who is not even a politician but just a criminal on the run.

    Divert people attention to gain some credit.

    Else, political game is going on.

    Great move. Let's see if this strategy works out for him to return back as this will create some sympathy in public heart.

    Divert police attention......they don't give attention to anything but teamoney

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  5. because as with anything in Thailand, the job is only half done and in triple the time with defects a guarantee.

    This will cause long-term damage," he said, urging all related government agencies particularly Tourism Authority of Thailand and the media to present good sides of the island.

    Maybe focus on getting the job done and show an efficient and capable management of the clean up will prove to people that the Thai's are competent in protecting their tourist areas.

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