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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. 21 hours ago, khunjeff said:


    Quite right. But even if you accept the idea that garbage carries some risk, the numbers in the article don't make sense. What kind of testing are they doing on trash? And are there literally tons of infected garbage (unlikely), or just tons of garbage in which one or more infected pieces were found?

    It makes a good story about numbers, the basis of which is questionable. Perhaps TAT was involved in the tabulation. ????

  2. Died of Covid-19, or with Covid-19?

    There are many variables, made more confusing and misleading by the media and government. Pnuemonia, a major cause of death in the elderly, gets little notice, even when acquired in hospital after admission for an unrelated reason. Who knows the truth behind any of this? Death comes to us all... that is for certain.

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  3. 7 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    and, Naew Na in stark contrast to their usual spiel did not make mention whatsoever of any BMW SmartCar involvement. It seems the SmartCars are on a well deserved break after successfully fixing the 90 Day Online Reporting.

    The lone Smart Car Driver was transfered to an inactive post, that being a technical position troubleshooting the pesky 90 Day Online Reporting that is needs of periodic crashing.

  4. 17 hours ago, mark131v said:


    Sorry mate I disagree but I do hope I am wrong


    This like most proclamations from the eejits in charge is just another soundbite nothing more 


    In the real world you cannot just order something to happen off the cuff like all the little chiefs seem to believe


    You need to train, liase and ensure the infrastructure is sound and adequate for the job then you to put standard operating procedures in place and ensure everybody knows what they are doing


    In the three days or so since somebody realised there was only 20 lines for the covid effort for 69 million people do you honestly believe any of this has happened?


    Stupidity and incompetence doesn't even begin to cover any of this, it's plain scary... 

    I agree. Having worked in emergency services (E9-1-1)/law enforcement, planning, training, equipment, written procedures, supervision and accountability are all parts of an effective system. Merely issuing degrees and knee-jerk reactions to crisis, are poor substitutes. I don't know if this is the case, but having lived here for many years and from past history, it's likely just words and wishes.

  5. 12 hours ago, internationalism said:

    sinovac was not cheap, 650b per vial for the first batch 2mln.

    Thai have ordered another 2mln.

    at $21 per vial it's more expensive, as many other ones.

    But thailand has no choice, has to buy anything and for any price.

    They waited far too long.

    So I won't be surprised if they pay also over $20 for sputnik. Blame thailand for not planning for the future waves and new strains 

    Blame does little other than pacifying one's ego 

  6. 14 hours ago, RobMuir said:

    So exactly the same as in Australia, where only locals can get a Medicare card and discounts on medicine.


    The headline and the way it is written will stir up all the PC brigade who like to endlessly claim they are victimised "It's not fair"


    500 baht.

    Who cares? 


    "...Exactly the same in Australia?".  I beg to differ, the point being this about Thailand, not currently part of Australia.


    As for the cost.  Seemingly it is an insignificant amount, which can be paid by those who decide to forgo anothers generosity to cover the fee.  

  7. 3 hours ago, JingerBen said:

    An experience teaching at an inner-city school in the US would have made SHOCK in Oz! look like a Sunday school picnic.

    From experience, inner city schools in the USA are as varied as the hairs on your head. Some grey, some not. Some not providing adequate coverage and some abundantly lush in scope. Some wild and untamed and some well managed and disciplined. Run a comb through your hair. Same with the schools you've never seen. There is bound to be a few dead ones that cling to the tines.

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