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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. 5 hours ago, audaciousnomad said:

    I was going to mention that as well.  Let's see ... THREE on a motorbike. Most likely no helmets. ANY collision would have ended with similar results. 

    "ANY collision would have ended with similar results".  Looking into the future with such certainty is indeed waisted on these pages and perhaps more useful in the stock market.

  2. 2 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:


    Here's a tip for you. Watch the video the Chinese posted online. It sounds silly when you post without having read several sources first.


    Secondly: It is a criminal offence to shoot someone to protect yourself in many countries in the world, including Thailand. It's a criminal offence regardless of if you're being mugged, robbed, kidnapped. USA is as I understand it an exception. 


    The second paragraph is full of assumptions and it is an impossibility to  speak about worldwide laws concerning the use of deadly force with firearms with any degree of credibility.


    as gor the USA, each US State has its own laws regarding that subject and personal experience has taught me that I know even less than I thought I did.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

    This absolutely smacks of a ' clean-out ' of all the guys wealth and assets, hence now, the very limited reporting.


    This will be an orchestrated full seizure of all assets with somebody lurking in the background who carries power behind it all.


    It doesn't necessarily mean he has double crossed anybody in the network of this online gambling operation,it is  more like they have played his game long enough, he has served his purpose, and have now decided its time to move in for the kill.


    I saw this time and time again in my days in Pattaya.


    One very well to do guy named Wolfgang Ulrich back in 1999, for expats that's been around a while.


    One minute he's receiving medals and gold Buddhas from the Queen of Thailand for charity work and dining with Admirals and Generals and the next arrested for ' alleged ' drug trafficking and evading tax on an imported yacht. Thrown out, wealth seized and of course, blacklisted.


    He nearly took down a load of government MPs in the process.


    Thailand, Greed, greed and more greed.






    Another Hub to add to the long list of Hubs.

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  4. 10 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Generally I don't think the police are heavy handed here, although they are of course corrupt and after money. But to deliberately cause them to lose face here is a risky game.  

    Hence, they are perhaps suited to another profession if their face is hurt. Having worn a uniform and having my feelings/face hurt? What a laugh. Then again, training and the law dictated how I reacted to such things.

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