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  1. I first visited Thailand in 1985, before the introduction of meters in taxis (or they were introduced around that time). You used to haggle the fare before getting in the taxi.
  2. 25 years ago the flag-fall on the taxi meter was 35 Baht, today it's still 35 Baht, but should be double that. That's where the problem lies.
  3. Interfering in a dispute between complete strangers. How crazy is that!
  4. Whenever I've seen ladies of the night in western countries, usually on TV, I hasten to add, they look as rough as ...... In contrast, many of the Thai 'ladies of easy virtue' tend to scrub-up quite well😝
  5. Many years ago the Australian authorities stated that more Ozzies die in Thailand each year than in any other foreign country.
  6. Who in their right mind keeps that kind of cash lying around (not in a safe), and then invites someone who is probably a complete stranger in? A long time ago when I did do that kind of thing, one rule I had was to always undress for a shower in the bathroom, due to having several thousand Baht in my shorts pocket. I managed to maintain this rule however squiffy (drunk) I was! That is execpt for one rare occasion when a $100 bill disappeared, more fool me.
  7. I never read of Brits acting like diks in other parts of Thailand...only Pattaya. Could it be that it's just the kind of place that attracts such people?
  8. Some years ago a guy from Whitehorse, Yukon posted the local weather conditions there in January on Facebook, it was -40C.
  9. Many years ago I had a colleague from New Zealand. She said that many Dutch emigres had settled in her home town, and they had a reputation for being a bit 'tight' with money.
  10. Probably down to their highly superstitious nature, but some Thai women believe that they can cast a magic spell on men to make them want them.
  11. ...they will lie with you and to you.🙂 (You made your bed, you'd better lie in it!)😁
  12. I asked my ex-wife if she would re-marry me, she said no, thought that I was only after my money!😁
  13. "Buffalo hab hemalloid!"
  14. What kind of man takes his family to Pattaya on holiday? Or if you have a girlfriend "Hey honey, lets go to the biggest whorehouse in the world on holiday."
  15. That's very true. What's called Pattaya covers a very large area, and much of it is nothing to do with 'nightlife'. But whenever people hear Pattaya that's what they think of.

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