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  1. I would've never lived in or close to the Nana area purely on the basis that it's just always too busy there, too congested with people & vehicles.
  2. Should at least get some antibiotics to prevent infection.
  3. Thailand lies within 4 or 5 hours flying of where about 3 billion people live, I suspect that at some time in the future they might need to restrict the number of arrivals?
  4. I believe that many years ago Singapore executed a Vietnamese guy who was just transitting Changi on his way from Vietnam to Australia carrying heroin.
  5. The same one that his current boss went to?
  6. President Vance will be settling in to his first term?
  7. Such things started to change after the Patriot Act came in in America, early 2,000's.
  8. 7 years after leaving Thailand my Bangkok Bank account is still open, I wanted to keep it on the very slim chance that I ever live in Thailand again. It wouldn't surprise me if it is eventually closed due to a lack of activity.
  9. I believe that Ukraine is more corrupt than Thailand according to this ranking.
  10. We don't know the full story? Was he charged for 6 lady drinks when he thouht he had only bouht one? Were there 'depth-charges' in his check-bin? Many on here are jumping to the conclusion that he was in the wrong, very many years in Thailand tells me that this might not necessarily be the case. We are only getting one side of the story here, that of the bargirls.
  11. You should try it! Everywhere's closed at that time so it will be a cheap way of taking the tribe out!😁
  12. I knew of numerous occasions where that happened in the 20 years that I lived there.
  13. You agree to buy the one girl a drink, then when the bill comes it turns out that you've also bought her 6 friends drinks. What you thought would be a 600 Baht check bin turns out to be 3,000 Baht. Isn't that what often happens?
  14. Unfortunately I have been living back in the UK since 2018. Brexit in 2020 made no difference to my life at all, there has been no change in my everyday life. Although I do hear business people who import/export to the EU saying it's a major pain.
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