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  1. Many years ago someone from the Australian foreign service stated that more Aussies lose their lives in Thailand than in any other foreign country.
  2. Many years ago an official from the Nigerian Embassy stated that there were around 1,000 Nigerians in prison in Thailand, mostly on drugs charges.
  3. I've never felt the need to carry a knife in England. Maybe it's more to do with the kind of places where one hangs, and the kinds of people one hangs with? Being around drugs & gangs in London probably increases one's chances of being stabbed exponentially, but I've never felt that danger in rural Worcestershire or Herefordshire.
  4. That's very true. I lived there for 20 years, and the last 3 years I was not working. I started to get very bored and would be out drinking most days, partly because I had nothing else to do. Since leaving Thailand I've stopped smoking after 44 years (too expensive in the UK), and cut down on drinking, 60 in January.
  5. I used to get a 24 can case of Beer Chang from Villa Market a few days before. And as someone said, surely one day of not going out isn't that big a deal!
  6. The fact that very many expats in Thailand are 50 0r 60 + years old means that it would be quite a lot. But they probably would have died in the same way and same age in their home countries.
  7. I'm just surprised that it took so long for someone to do this, he is "The Ugly American". I'm only sorry for the people who were injured or died - RIP
  8. ...but not brave enough to serve in the Vietnam War.
  9. Once the conspiracy-nutjobs get going it'll be a Martian that did this.
  10. We have Brits that are just as stupid. I would make an example of such people, confiscate their passport for life on their arrival back in the UK, so that they can never again venture outside their home country. News would very quickly get around that this is what happens...
  11. He's such an odious individual, I'm just utterly shocked that it has taken so long for someone to do this.😕
  12. They should have served 4 years purely for showing everyone how utterly stupid they are.
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