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Posts posted by Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t

  1. We Need to bring back the Elder Gods and Goddesses and proper Neo-Pagan ecofriendly faiths and traditions. No centralized "church" no doctorin of crusade or Jihad. Just a earth loving peaceful approach to Magick and Star Clad full moon rituals for every one! Yay!

    Oh and a quick edit to keep it Thai;

    Thais are already half way there. While they are primarily Buddhist, they still pay homage to a number of the Verdic Deities like Hannuman and Ganesh. And their belife in magick is highly evident when you ask Thais about it very few will say they don't believe. Check out the Tattoos of protection and warrior skills that some boys get on their backs...

    This is one of the things I truly Love about Thailand, they never lost touch with the old ways.

  2. A TIME investigation sheds light on the growing strength and radicalism of the new breed of Islamic militants fighting in southern Thailand

    There's something striking about Ma-ae, but it takes a while to work out what it is. It's not his looks: he's a lanky teenager who, like most Thai youths, wears blue jeans and a T shirt. Nor is it his religion: he's Muslim, like almost everybody else in Thailand's three southernmost provinces. What's striking about him is this: in a part of the country where a separatist insurgency has claimed more than 1,800 lives since it flared anew three years ago, and where ordinary people are gagged by fear and secrecy, Ma-ae talks. He talks about growing up in a remote, militant-held village that has become a virtual no-go zone for Thai security forces. He talks about how insurgents are recruited, initiated and dispatched to commit mayhem and murder. And he talks about his father, a government official and?claim the men who gunned him down?a military informer. He says he knows the names of the killers (they're his neighbors) but dares not confront them. "If I did," he says, "they'd kill me too."

    Continued here:


    This is what is going on with muslims. The "good" muslims are intimidated by the thugs. I am concerned about this because Thailand is a ally of the United States. If this area of the world really flares up will the US go and fight alongside an ally in south east asia. :o

    Not unless their is some oil we don't know about in Yala, or they can convince the American People That Bin Ladin his hanging out down there catching up on his tan.

    Tough drama really. On one hand I can respect a people, who were forceably occupied by an outside culture, fighting against his oppressor. In the same way I can respect Cochise (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochise) fighting against the white man in the States or Palestinians fighting against the Zionists that occupy their lands. However, it's the tactics that the oppressed (irregardless of what religion they claim to believe as people tend to put their God behind what ever cause they belive in, ie Christians with the Spanish inquisitions or the drama between Catholics and Prodistants in Ireland, Jews stealing away more land in philistine because they believe their god gave it to them, ect ect) tend to use these days that I find appalling and flat out stupid. Killing children, bombing cafe's to murder innocent people, non combatants is just dead wrong. And morality aside for a moment, tactically unwise when you are a minority.

    It would behoove these people to pick up a F'ing book and read about Gahndi or ML King, especially king as the Black peoples plight in the States is the closest to theirs. At the time ML King was fighting against oppression our people had it MUCH MUCH worse than the Thai Muslims. I mean so many thousands of us were being lynched, we dealt with forced segregation, and all manner of vile discrimination on a level that Thai Muslims should say "Hemdullah" (Thank God) they don't see.

    What they need is a strong eloquent leader who pushes the tactics of ML King and organizes non violent protest. Nothing else will work for their cause and nothing else will garner them any respect or sympathy from the outside world. And before people all negative, it works, We see that non violent protests can even push the PM out of office in Thailand. They can get what they want non violently as well. They just need to work for it, stop being keekiyet and put down the IED and pick up a book.

  3. C M S,

    I am starting to think the family is too much drama. More than normal.

    just my opinion.

    Do you want this <deleted> every month or so?

    Your honey is beautiful. Take her away and live happily ever after; but if you participate in family affairs, its obvious there is too much <deleted>.

    Just my opinion. Ignore or blast me if you want.

    I can appreciate that. However, I grew up in drama, it feels right to me, and I have unconsiouly chased it all my life. Her family to me is definetly worth the Drama. And Her Happines is 110% worth the drama. No biggie, my family is small and spread out, I have no brothers or sisters and it's nice to have a place in a big family unit. I just wish I could communicate more, so I could negotiate though things more diplomatically as I could if everyone spoke English :o or if I spoke better Thai (which I need to do, get my lazy ass in some classes or something)

  4. Yes BKK your 100% right the kids welfare is the first priority. Fortunetly she is just fine and safely with her sister now at the MIL's house, out of the reach of the aunt, were she will stay. That was addressed right away without any influance from me. The MIL did the right thing.

    Fortunely my only desion now is if I will take an open stand. It's so heavily in my core nature just to say F the Aunt and anyone who dosn't like it. But I know thats the exact opposite of Thai culture.

    Just were to draw the line...I am adopting everything Thai for her, what about adopting some American values for me?

    Oh well I'm sure that anyone here who has had a serious relationship of any kind with a Thai has asked themselves that question at least once.

    In the end I guess I will have to fall back to faith, mabey ask the Gods (I'm Wiccan) whats the best way to handle things.

    And once again Thanks to you all you really have some good sudjestions. I particuarly like the one were the aunt has the seat next to the bathroom or the kitchen! LOL!

    Oh and Kayo,

    No no I know your not all bad. I just happen to like conflict! I think it's strengthening at times, it polishes us and forces one to think, sharpens the mind, and gives birth to creativity. Though granted too much or unhealthy conflict is destructive. However good competion and debate is always healthy.

  5. Ok, Well were to begin. I have been thinking about it allot and many of you make some really good points. Once again, thanks for the outpouring of honest advice.

    As for the saftey of the girls they will be just fine, My Fiance's mom will not let any harm come to them now.

    But as for what to do, it's tough. As of now I am of the mind to ban her. And I don't really see that changing. If there was someone in my family like that I would not even make my Fiance' have to ask me, no way I would invite them! And to compound matter's more this is not the only thing I don't like about the Aunt. She has made it known that she dosn't like outsiders and makes a habbit of spying on us when we are at our condo. Bypassing my fiance' to call her mother directly and tell her "Oh I have seen your daughter's car at her condo all day long, what are they doing there?" (Keep in mind that we don't spend the night together to avoid the apperance of "Wrong doing" before we are wed)

    As if she is trying to start trouble. I told her, "Call your aunt, tell her any time she wants to know whats going on over here, she is just in the building next door, come over knock on the door and ask! But to call up your mom and attempt to insinuate scandle, thats just asking for it from me!"

    Also, on the pro ban side, I really would like to know who is down for us and who isn't. Without a litmus test like this I will likely never know. But if I do ban then people will be forced to face it and forced to make a decision. I think that can be healthy.

    As for those people who mentioned how I can't consider the fact that I am footing the bill as an empowerment to choose who comes and who dosent. I beg to differ, if they can use Sin Sot as a empowerment to decide weather or not we can marry then I sure as hel_l can use my financial responsibilities as justification to invite or not invite someone.

    Now, on the down sides.

    1) I do Love the rest of her folks, Mom irritates me a lil by calling her daughter fat all the time. But the 2 bedroom condo I live in SHE bought, and gave to us to live in FREE until we bought our house.

    2) The Grandma, a lovely sweet older woman who makes a special effort to speak with me (her English is quite good for someone her age, 75-80?) and she cooks the BEST Thai food I ever had in my life JUST for me when I come around. I mean before I left for Iraq last time I had a big bag of dried shredded Pork, when I come there she has the green beef curry waiting, always so much more than I can eat. A warm and gentle person to me. One wonders how someone like my fiance's aunt could have come from someone so nice. If I ban her than Grandma will no doubt be upset....do I really want to put grandma in a situation were she has to choose over her daughters? It's so tough too. I lost my grandma last year to Alzheimer's, and in many ways her gentle demenour reminds me of my blood grandma. I never really got the chance to let her know how much I loved her before the Alzheimer's ate away at her mind, but here I feel like I can in some small way make up for it with compassion and kindness to my grandmother in law. However that being said, I also come from a different background. As a Black American I can sympathize with the plight of the Burmese maid. My own Grandmother was a maid, and so many of us suffered the same kind of abuse and much worse in the past. So for me the issue strikes home a bit more than it would for some.

    3) The Father in Law: Wow he's the best Father in Law a man could ask for. Educated in India and The Sates, he's a master architect and self made buissness man who came from NOTHING and made a wonderful life for his family. His English is perfect and he's always got something cool to talk about. He's fair and easy to talk to and we get along great!

    However unlike me, he has no tolerance for drama, he hates drama of all types and just likes to see things go smoothly. If I ban her there will be drama and likely he will have questions to answer.

    Some times I feel like I want to buckle under the burden of Truth (rarely mind you I am far from a saint) But this time I'm just not sure. Though I do have time, another 12 months to decide.

  6. Difficult one, because I do understand your fiancees argument & see her dilemna. But in my heart, I'm with you & JacknDanny. I couldn't have her there, either. Nothing to do with the money, but it will (hopefully) be the only wedding day you & your fiancee have & you don't want such a malevolent person there.

    There are going to be times in your marriage when your different cultures do cause you to see things in a different way, so maybe this is a place to start on seeing how you'll deal with this. Is there any way you can reach a compromise, ie she doesn't get to come to the wedding, but you pay for a family dinner (which you don't attend!) later?

    Ahh yes I almost forgot Thank you for brining it up!

    I did offer a compromise. I told her that if the Aunt apologized to the girl for threatening to have her family murdered, that I would let her come to the wedding.

    My fiance' said don't bother I know my Aunt she would never apologize.

    So I don't know what more I can do.

  7. What do yall think?

    I think it's time to call out the heavy artillery...


    Get yer mate Rambo also, theres NO way she will get in :D

    LOL :D:D:D I would be lieing if I said the thought never came to mind, 3 years living in Pattaya I have never met a bitch I wanted to pistol whip until her. :D

  8. I can understand about keeping harmony etc etc, however in this case I just could not allow that woman to the wedding. I cannot bring myself to even talk to someone who I do not like. I am unlike the Thais who are very good at masking their true feelings behind the famous smile. I cannot and refuse to put on a false smile.

    If it was me there is no way she would be allowed to attend.

    Dig it!, thats exactly what I'm saying. I mean really, I could see if HER family was paying for the wedding then they would at least have a leg to stand on. But no, this is all coming out of my pocket and I'm paying money so this bitch can eat? hel_l no. And really I don't care who gets bent out of shape about it because it will help to show me who is genuine and who is not. Kinda tough in normal circumstances, nearly impossible when your not fluent in the language.

  9. I think the OP did the right thing. That was good of you to actualy go down and do the manual labor of cleaning the guys truck. I might have just paid 300 baht to have someone wash it for me :o

    I hate how girls will actualy give into these guys. I remember once my Dad and I were at a large hotel in Pattaya and I was helping him get checked out when the room service bill came back padded by about 500 baht and a forged signature.

    Dad was like I ain't paying shit, they can just call the police they can drag me down to the station if they want to. I Laughed as dad and I just sat down in the lounge down stairs as the hotel management went through all their usual gimicks, "oh we no make no mistake", then "Oh look poor room service boy loose salary if you no pay, and him only make 50 baht and 1 kilo rice each month" Then finaly "We call police if you no pay!" My dad chuckled at that one as we just looked at them and smiled.

    The police came and told my dad to pay, he refused and said no thats not my tab and I will not pay. Then just as we were getting ready to roll down to the station the bar girl he was with (who was hanging out with us the whole time translating and looking nervous) pulled out 500baht of her own money and paid the Police!

    That blew me away, Thai women usually seem to seriously dread conflict between her farang and Thai men over money.

  10. You have my sympathy. I remember my first bout with food poisoning in Thailand. I ate some street vendor chicken (I can't resist the chicken :o ) in Pattaya and was room bound for 5 days. Or rather I wished I could have been because I had to do a boarder run on the 4th day. Nothing like a bumpy4 hr ride in the back of a minivan to make you wanna die :s

  11. My Fiance' and I had a terribly long heavy argument last night about my reaction to a story she told me about her bitch of a aunt. Strangely enough, we didn't argue about the fact that she is a evil bitch, no we argued over my reaction to the news of her latest drama.

    Apparently heres what happened. Her aunt is a marginally successful pseudo "Hi-So", divorced, business women in her late 30's early 40's with 2 dysfunctional children, from a previous marriage, that live in a small 2 bedroom upscale condo. She has a 13 or 14 yr old Burmese girl living with her as a maid sleeping on a mat in the living room. I always knew she was abusive and a bigot from the stories I heard about her before. For example the maid is not aloud to sit on the furniture or use the bathroom (she must use a public one down stairs by the pool, the aunt locks the door at night so she just has to hold it till morning) or shower, she showers with a hose outside on a small balcony with a old shower curton draped across the the short length of the deck for a little privacy.

    The kid has been begging to be let go so she can maybe find a job for someone warmblooded, however each time the aunt has denied and told her that if she goes she will have the police arrest her, and her older sister (who is about 19 or so and works for my soon to be Mother in Law at the family house). All that changed a few days ago when things came to a boiling point over some baby powder. Yes, thats right baby powder. The girl had put some baby powder on her face with a lil bit of lip gloss that her sister gave her. Apparently this is common make up for Thais as it helps them to stay cool and lightens their features. Well upon seeing this the Aunt asked her "Whats the powder for, are you going to be on your back with some men in my house when I am gone?" Mortified the girl tried to escape too my Fiance's house, to be with her sister who has it very nice (own room treated gently paid well ect), that night. Unfortunetly she was caught by the Aunt who grabbed her and told her "If you try to leave again I won't call the police, I'll call someone and pay them to kill you, and your sister. Run away again and test me, you think I can't buy your life?"

    Undaunted the girl broke away and ran for her life. She eventually ended up at my Fiance's house right before the police, that the braying bitch of a Aunt called, arrived. My soon to be father in law intervieened and the police backed off after warning that they would arrest the both of them if they saw them on the street as they don't have the proper visa's or whatever. Enraged the aunt yelled at both of the maids telling them that she will have the both of them killed, and calling them whores and all kinds of other foul shit, in the middle of a very nice housing community (houses are 8mill + in this area) at 3am in the morning.

    I told my fiance' that her aunt need not clear her schedual for our wedding day and when we have children, I don't want her within 10 meters of them. My Fiance' agreed that she was evil and vile but said that I could not ban her from our wedding. Over this we agrued for 4 hours streight untill we just stopped not being able to come to a agreement.

    My belief;

    I am shelling out BOOKOO money for a kick ass 4star wedding for 200 people and only 6-10 or so will be people from my from my family and friends. Not to mention Sin Sot, gold, fat diamond ect ect ect. So that being the case I should have the right to deny entrance to people whom I feel are generally f'ed up. Simply put, the aunt is a evil negative person, I want as little negativity surrounding me on this joyous occasion as possible. I should note however that she is the only person I have a problem with, the rest of her family is Awesome and the treat me like blood kin and better, from the 80 yr old Grandma down to the happy lil children that run to me each time I see them, they are all wonderful to me, especially the parents.

    Her belief:

    Yes she is evil, but telling her she can't come would force people to address something they have already known for years but have ignored for typical "face" reasons. If forced to recognize it and choose a "side" their will be repercussions for years to come.

    I really don't care who likes me and who doesn't there. I feel like life doesn't really through allot of opportunities at you to do something good and selfless. And to be quite honest there have been a number of times that it has and I have failed to rise to the occasion for what ever reason. But this girl has nothing, no voice, no power, just a will to live and find a way to be happy and normal. If I don't stand up and speak out against her abuse, no one will.

    Also, if I do tell the Aunt point blank "Your not welcome at my wedding, because your a murderous slaver bitch" and various elements of the family are forced too choose a side, when it's time for the wedding, at least I will know who my friends are and who just came for free cake!

    Plus I will probably only have to pay for 100 or so LOL!

    What do yall think?

  12. Learned how to Sell and Close while earning around 80-100k baht a month doing so. These skills opened and new chaper in my proffessional life and lead to my current position that, I created for myself in Iraq, thats the best I have ever known in my life.

    Gotta be a bit tougher to sell timeshare in Iraq. :o

    Hahah, Not at all, because there I really CAN do it at gun point!

    Heh no I grab reconstruction and supply contracts that are offered up by the Military and help a local company win.

  13. There are a bunch of Africans (not white South Africans) in BKK that are obviously not tourists. I never see them work. The Westerners are usually teachers or something of the like, but I can't seem to figure out what the Africans are doing here. Are they citizens like a lot of the Indians? Is there some kind of industry in Thailand which they work in? I'm just curious and none of my friends have a clue either, so I figured I'd see if any of you have a clue.

    Perhaps just a coincidence but yesterday an African friend asked me the same questions about the whiteys :

    "What do all these whiteys do in Thailand ?"

    "They never seem to work. Do they have a job?"

    "Where do they get the huge sums they need to pay their bar tabs?"

    "How can they afford to drink 20 Singhas a day when, at the same time, they can't afford a bar of soap, some shampoo and a clean shirt ?"

    But as I said before, it's just a coincidence.

    BAHAHAHA! That’s hysterical... LOL!

    Heh, but anyway in my experiences, and I have had allot of them, as I frequented their clubs allot while in BKK, good music and nice for the rare occasions when I didn't wanna stand out. They do the same things that any other expats do. They run their businesses, export all kinds of things back to Africa, Enjoy a cheaper, higher quality of life than back home ect ect.. The only real differences I have noticed between them and say their white expat counter parts is that the Africans tend to be more entrepreneurial inclined. Tough to get a decent job in Thailand when your skin is the color of liquorish, not impossible mind you, but tougher, compound that with a "3rd world" passport and you pretty much SoL.

  14. I voted that it is up to the Thai's to decide, no outsiders should have the right to circumvent their sovereignty or try and influence their laws. I know I wouldn't want some foreigner coming to America and telling me I can't carry my gun because they don't in their country.

    However, this is a odd subject for me. I am for the death penalty in place were justice is blind (or at least cataract) to the color or religion of those that come before her. Sadly in my country she has 20-20 vision and Blacks are nearly 3 times as likely to get the death penalty than whites who committed the exact same crimes.

    So if it's meated out fairly with out regard to race, or religion great, otherwise it needs to be addressed to make sure that it's done so equally.

  15. I pretty much decided that I will deal with the father who is awsome, and ignore the mother. Untill we have kids then she can babysit and get up at 3 am in the morning to feed em :o Untill they are old enough to understand her negative insults, then we get a nanny and Grandma only gets to see them everyonce in awhile.

  16. An old and wise friend said to me the other day that "Every Thai woman is a POTENTIAL prostitute - regardless of background".

    Wise? He sounds like a idiot.

    Well, we all have our opinions - but I think not.

    Correct "You think not" ...even a lil bit, at all. What a load of racisit bullshit. If every Thai woman is a Potentail Prostitute then every Woman period is. And we all know thats just not true.

  17. You gotta be Trolling. I mean I hope you are because if not you make me wish I was still selling Timeshare. "Wouldn't make sence to Enjoy 5 star luxury were ever you traveled so that your girl could blow a Swiss man in a nice room?"

    Sumnumna, E quai...

    nice.... very supportive, although i can't help but feel the guy is smitten.

    BTW just to hlep you for your Thai before using the insults; E = female I = male

    e.g. E kwai (which you probably wouldn't say too often) is to a woman and means you are <deleted> stupid/bone headed; I kwai is the equivalent to say to men, as in this case.

    Also...Som-num-nah (something like that)

    Kwarm ruk tum hai dtah bort - love makes us blind :o

    Move on, look after yourself, and realise that there are plenty more fish in the sea, some of whom are not stinkingly rotten. However, if you look for love in the sewer, you maybe will be more likely to end up in the poo. Sad but true.

    Yes your correct E is feminine, I used it purposefully as a insult, similar to a man calling another man a bitch, with overtly negative feminine implications. So in this exsample I was shooting for the Thai version of "Stupid B itch A ss individual" would that be correct our should I have used a different word to imply cowardess and weakness?

    And Sumnumnah is just how it sounds to me since I don't know how to spell it in Thai script.

  18. And I think what we are experiencing...here is the same reaction that they so adamantly accuse me of. That is being gay because I reacted with hostility to a man's sexual advances.

    Not really. We're all just wondering why the macho exhibitionism? Those who boast about it, usually don't really "have it." In fact, it's the stereotypcial reaction of a closeted gay who is, down-deep, sexually unsure of himself. Whether true or not, you just "outted" yourself. Bad move, Seargant. For your sake, I hope your pics here were fake.

    It's the quiet warriors one needs to have a healthy respect for. Over the years I've made a gradual but definite shift in thinking about my outlook on two very opposite kinds of "warriors."

    1) The braggart cowboy who visibly has to tote his guns to intimidate and bolster his own inflated macho-image. Yes, the WWF professional wrestler type of mouthiness is the image we're talking about... (if the shoe fits, wear it).


    2) The quiet one with inner strength (martial arts type, maybe?) who never boasts, brags, nor verbally/physically intimidates before the actual battle; but has the inner strength and skills to save the day if needed.

    Admittedly, it's a Western to Asian shift in thinking. In Asia, where you now live, you look/act like an absolute buffoon. We're embarassed for you. Mentally and emotionally, you really belong permanently in Texas or Iraq.

    A very old proverb: Never listen to the warrior who boasts before he puts on his armor. On the contrary, observe the one who has just taken it off.

    A marine-sargent shout at a sticky-fingered gay boy is hardly a battle to boast about. :o

    Frankly, I believe the most insightful post on this entire forum was the delightfully satirical post by Teej. Between the lines, he said everything. I laughed until my beer belly ached....

    "Wait... so when was the kissing again?

    I only ask because, execute my englit: I "young sharply dressed boy" and I tink you vely hansum man. I especially like your shapely goatee, remind me of bikini wax around my dingdong. Like vely vely mut.

    I only with you, hansum man, because you macho strong Amelican, and I just small gay boy, sharply dressed. I no like classy men, no like educated men, no no... I like vely vely mut men like you, like ape. Beat chest in bedroom big turn on for me, also like story of beating on small people... make you seem so man to me, macho like drill sergeant in movie.

    Yes i like militaly men vely mut, so many so macho like ape but also... hmm, how say?... oh yes, "boom boom" with other men. U maybe can do for me?

    Please no beat me, I not tough like you. I only hit on you because I know you militaly man macho but like butt of boy. No have to respond here, I see you Soi 2 next time, yes?

    P.S. You vely vely hansum, like ape but less hair. I so turn on.

    While I don't doubt your wealth of knowledge on the queer psyci, nor your fervent belief your arm chair psychoanalysis on who you think I am based on a couple of posts. I have to go back to something old Freud said,

    "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

    Oh and to the other guys, as for the order of Tits, fanny, football..if it were up to me, I would say

    1 Fanny

    1.2 Fanny

    1.3 Fanny

    1.4 Fanny

    2 Tits

    2.1 Tits

    3 Beer


  19. I'm about ready to choak my Fiance's mother. They are both Thai and every day her mother and the other women in her family are calling her fat. It's so bad that when we eat together during family dinners she barely has a bite and when she dose ever other word out of her mouth is "uawn" (fat). I stand up for her and tell her mother flat out that her daughter is beautiful and I Love her like this.

    The sad thing is, this conditioning is like perminantly ingrained in her psychi, like she really thinks she's fat. Am I blinded by love? I know she is no 100 pound issan waif but damm her mom makes her sound like a elephant. Is this really big for Thai girls what?


    Cpt Shot, you know that your wife is not fat, so why angry..? Why don't you try to understand the Fat or Uawn concept in Thailand in stead? Get your wife to explain it for you. I wouldn't let that situation end with a fight, I would explain to ' both ' parties :D I THINK YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAI CULTURE A BIT MORE :D

    Before I got married i weighed 49 kgs, not long after my marriage I dropped to 45 - 46 kgs and when I visited my family they said " :D:D:D why are you so skinny? " Then continued our normal conversation. Other times when I seemed to gain a bit more weights they said " WoW you look more " Uawn " than before "

    " Uawn " in Thailand IS NOT INSULTING it's a form of Greeting if it is used when you first meet someone ( if you haven't seen that person in a while ) But if it is used in the conversations, we say what we see....!

    We also say pretty, beautiful, cute, handsome, good looking,sexy...etc, so why can't we say ' Fat ' or ugly ? I know that non of us wants to be called ' fat or ugly ' If you are not fat or ugly just ignore what they said to you but if you are fat or ugly ( don't know how ugly is ugly ?!?!?! :o ) just accept it and move on :D

    If you want to live happily in Thailand you sometimes need to learn to let go of things, otherwise, you could end up with insomnia :D

    I don't blame any of you for having to complain about what we (Thais) do or believe in Thailand because it is a normal reaction when you don't understand its culture, therefore, you need to rely on your partners.

    Peace out :D

    Firstly thank you all for your gentle comments, she means the wolrd too me. However I think SBK has it correct. Deviant nasty power control, by her mother and some of the more ignorant female members of her family. I understand the difference between saying, "oh you gained some weight"

    And hard core manipulation. Like we can't eat without her mother giving her a hard time. It makes me very angry every single time we have been together in the same room or place for longer than 15 min her mom has made atleast one fat comment. What adds insult to injury is that I hate this and while I love her dad (who is Very gentle and supportive, hard worker, educated ect) her mom is not exactly on my christmas list. Yet I am supposed to be paying a HEALTHY 7 figure sinsot to her. I would have no problem with this if she would stop insulting my Baby. I don't care who it is her mother or a woman on the street I get angry when pepole critisie her wrongly. Her mother's opinion dosn't matter anymore and it's getting to the point were I am going to get very ignorant about it if she dosn't stop. I have already told her on several occasions to stop, and while she understands my english for anything else, she pretends not to get it when I talk about shutting up about the weight. Then my Fiance' just gets upset and feels in the middle. The bad thing is...she is not in the middle, I am on her side, her mother is the one with the insults and the manipulative fat comments.

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