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Posts posted by Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t

  1. While Thailand bills itself as the "Land of Smiles" with sunny beaches, there are regular incidents of foreigners involved in sexual assaults, drug offences and sometimes rape or murder.

    Right around the same time, an ex Policeman turned bar owner near the Kwai river bridge shot a man from Liverpool that had just kicked his swarmy Thai ass because the drunken ex cop had made passes at the limey's girlfriend. The ex-cop then ran over the woman and shot her too. Just like in the Phillapines, these killers of tourists are usually released early. The victims don't reside there to complain when they see the return of the killer to freedom and the victims are looked at in a very envious way as a lower form of life. It would be interesting to see what kind of stuff the female backpackers encounter over there. A methed up, drunken Thai/Pinoy dude is dangerous, but get them riled on US made porn, you have some liquored up Apaches white, Mid-Alantic, redneck trailer trash.

    equally repugnant, bigoted and much more accurate modification made... :o

  2. i hate everyone, I only like goodlooking women.

    Me too. Little different thing is that I like not so goodlooking women as well.

    Good points, the not so good looking ones are nice if they can make you laugh, let you be totaly your beer drinking, girl watching, crotch scratching self. And the Good looking ones are awsome so long as they don't think think the world owes them something cause their hot, like most hot chicks back home do.

  3. I'm about ready to choak my Fiance's mother. They are both Thai and every day her mother and the other women in her family are calling her fat. It's so bad that when we eat together during family dinners she barely has a bite and when she dose ever other word out of her mouth is "uawn" (fat). I stand up for her and tell her mother flat out that her daughter is beautiful and I Love her like this.

    The sad thing is, this conditioning is like perminantly ingrained in her psychi, like she really thinks she's fat. Am I blinded by love? I know she is no 100 pound issan waif but damm her mom makes her sound like a elephant. Is this really big for Thai girls what?


  4. I think people are more sensetive to comments related to their home country. I mean to me it seems like Americans get bashed more than the Brits or anyone else for that matter. From what I have noticed we are all pretty much the same. Though the Saudi's drink like fish and act retarted, they keep it too themselves in their own lil areas of town. And Isrealis...well they just generaly skeeve me out but thats another story :o

  5. whatever happened, put a knife in anothers chest is a little bit hardcore for a disput about 80 baht difference

    I dont see anyone saying that what the driver did was right, but this isn't Kansas Toto, People here don't live by our rules, all you have top do is watch the Thai news to realize that.

    Every country is different go into Mexico, insult someones mother your probably not going to make across the border alive.

    Doesn't matter where you go it's not your territory it pays to learn how the game is played and adapt. If not better stay home. What is no big deal one place is a huge offenece in others.

    The way Thai' drive here as an example, in Los Angeles someone would eventually try to kill them if not actually do it. But thats there and this is here. So the answer for both area are to adapt or don't play.

    Kuwait 110 MPH an hour on the freeway guy flashes his lights at you, better move out of the way, cause if you don't he is going to everythign he can to put you into the freeway fence at a 110 MPH (175 KLMS) Is it right no. but yuo better adapt or don't go.

    I think that is all anyone is saying here, skipping the comments about drunken englishmen.

    In Kuwait I drive one of the big GMC pickups we commonly lease to the Military so I make them go around, they don't wanna run their precious lil BMW's into that :o

  6. A small shop. There are several a similar sort in the neighbourhood / town run by Thais, though they are unrelated.

    If there is something like a single prize, and i were to win it, that is rather different than starting a shop, maybe growing into a chain, and making less work for others.

    This sort of issue must surely have been on the mind of many farangs who have attempted this sort of thing in Thailand, but I can't say I have seen the thought aired here.

    F' em,

    They will get over it. I helped a friend of mine with a video arcade shop in Pattaya awhile back. You know the kind that have the PS2 games set up with the big screen TV's. Plenty of Thai competion around. We blew them all away with huge 29inch screen TVs nice chairs, open all night (paid the cops) and all at the same 20baht per hr that everyone else was charging. And on top of that the fist week we opened we charged NOTHING, free games for all as a promotion and to get recognition.

    Worked like a charm and it made good money and the nearby cometetors looked like ghost towns. That is untill some personal problems forced him to go back home and sell off shop.

    These pics are AFTER the promotion. Do your thing, eat or be eaten.


  7. I didn't follow this story right to the end but I was under the impression that they had been executed already.

    If it was a Thai woman they had raped they WOULD have beeen!!

    Thailand once again enhances it's international reputation!

    If it was a Thai woman no one would have heard of her. No big time investigation, and chances are these guys would still be out fishing, drinking, and circle jerking to porn as they were the night this happened!

    You know it probably wasn't their first time doing this type of crap either. Probably started off with some Thai women who were too scared to fess up or whom's bodies they never found.

    While I agree with Capitol Punishment, me personaly I think suffering for eternity in a Thai Prison is worse.

  8. I got no serious complaints. If anything I get treated much better here than I do back in the States, at least when I get followed around in the store here it's because they really wanna sell me something not because they are profiling me to steal :o

    The only thing I would change about Thailand if I could, would be to change the buissness laws to match thouse of Dubai were forgien investment is promoted heavily and you can be set up with, residency visas, offices, bank account, credit, ect in 1-2 weeks.

  9. I'll have a beer with you in Bangkok Captain, same goes for you Rambo.

    As for most of the rest of the people who have posted here, well you can sit together and talk about being gay all you like, as it's only you guys who have mentioned it.


    PS. John_Betong keep posting in the jokes section mate, i enjoy reading them, cheers.

    Love IT!, couldn't have said it better myself...

    Anyway, the picture is of me last year in Mosul (northeren Iraq) in febuary when some disgruntled individual fired a old russian made rocket into our base and blew up our laundry tent. Fortunetly the only casualties were a pair of my Evisu Jeans........... :o

  10. I have been carring ever since I could leagly in Philly at 21.

    thanks for that , again just wondering , do you need a permit in the states to own a firearm , say a pistol , and can you just walk around the streets with a gun on your belt , or are they supposed to be kept at home for protection against burglars etc.

    Each State is different, if I remember correctly, Texas (suprise suprise) is the easiest where you do not need a permit to carry but it must be visible. California being the most difficult were you need to prove a reason why you should be aloud to carry and it's alot of paperwork. Pennsylvannia (I am too tired to spell check right now :o) is fairly streight forward, background check, for criminality and any history of mental illness, about 3 months, and you get a licnese to carry concealed. I'm a NRA member too, But thats a topic for another thread, probably on a different website.

    Though I would like to see the law on gun ownership here in Thailand that would be interesting to know the real deal about it.

  11. As for those who thought the gun was plastic. I envy you in way. I wish I had so much innocence left as not to be able to tell the difference.

    just as a matter of interest here , your gun , do you possess a gun in thailand or was that a photo from your service days.

    Actualy I was never in the service, I have always been a contractor. That gun (Classic Colt 1911 .45 cal) is mine and I keep that one in Baghdad for when I'm in Iraq. I have a Glock model 22 (full size .40 cal) back in the States collecting dust. And in Thailand...well I obey the law. Probably better if I leave it at that. I have been carring ever since I could leagly in Philly at 21. It's almost second nature now, and I find myself missing it like one would their wallet or keys. Fortunetly I never had to shoot anyone, and I hope I am not put into a situation where I need too.

    Thailand is a tough one. If you carry here you really need to watch yourself. Me personally I wouldn't risk it. Though if your someone who can use one, I may have one near by just incase all else failed and you have no alternatives. Better jail then a bag anyday.

    I'm still wondering how I can pack one of these however.... :D


    Another free beer too anyone who knows what this is :o

  12. Well that’s about it for me folks. I already said what I had to say. I thought then, and still think now that’s it was funny as hel_l, though perhaps it comes across a lil more amusing amongst friends over a beer.

    As for those who thought the gun was plastic. I envy you in way. I wish I had so much innocence left as not to be able to tell the difference.

    Once again Thanks Rambo and those that didn't turn this into a "I wish the Cpt. was a fudge packer" thread , for being a fellow wolves amongst a heard of bleating sheep.

    And speaking of Beer, I will be back home in Samutprakarn (right outside BKK) around Christmas for about a month, and I will be more than happy to have a beer with anyone who is even mildly sane. Rambo, if your around, the first one is one me.

  13. Except with them it seems to be more of a being hostile because they wish they had the balls to do what we consider normal. Deep down inside they read these stories and think about every time they have been taken. From getting their lunch money took in a school yard, too backing down every time another man challenges them.

    It's not about winning every challenge, or kicking every ass, it’s just about simply having a bit of a spine is all. (one that you don’t leave at the airport when you arrive either)

    I think cowards mock just to justify their own inadequacies.

    Either you get it or you don't.

    Either way, I would rather be mocked all day by sheep than to have my dinner taken by the wolf.

    It's not about being mocked by sheep Captain. It's about you grabbing a small gay guy (the wolf!) by the throat and shouting at him. Its not the kind of thing you even bother boasting about down the pub, let alone making a two parter thread special on it........ :D

    If you really wanted to do some damage why didn't you just nut him and continue on your way? What's with all the drill sergeant screeching? Can't you Americans even give someone a quick beating quietly? :D


    LaoPo :o

    :D:D:D Thats funny

  14. Thanks for the complement about the second pic Kayo. We had a good time with that one. I took that at the mountain sanctuary in Hua hin, you can see it on a clear day from the beach. Nice place well worth the lil trip, grab a motor bike and ride up there sometime next time your in Hua Hin.

    And I think what we are experiencing Rambo, with all these venomous haters here is the same reaction that they so adamantly accuse me of. That is being gay because I reacted with hostility to a man's sexual advances.

    Except with them it seems to be more of a being hostile because they wish they had the balls to do what we consider normal. Deep down inside they read these stories and think about every time they have been taken. From getting their lunch money took in a school yard, too backing down every time another man challenges them.

    It's not about winning every challenge, or kicking every ass, it’s just about simply having a bit of a spine is all. (one that you don’t leave at the airport when you arrive either)

    I think cowards mock just to justify their own inadequacies.

    Either you get it or you don't.

    Either way, I would rather be mocked all day by sheep than to have my dinner taken by the wolf.

  15. Ahh yes, good point buck.I'm talking about petty stuff like over paying for stuff at the markets. I don't even bother to include Double priceing, over paying, or stuff like exagerated key money. I think everyone gets hosed by that if they come here alone without anyone or any knowledge of the country. But fair nuff' if you want to include that than sure.

    However I was thinking more along the lines of more brazen crime like, being stuck up, or threatened for my money, or mabey having some bar girl rob my wallet money from my room or something like that.

  16. I was expecting a bit more of a story, either a bit of extreme violence or a comedy ending .

    Grabbing a small dude by the throat and shouting at him impressing the local bar girls, stroll on. :o

    Yeah I was kinda thinking that as I was writing it. It's much better when I tell it. Words don't really do it justice. When I make the faces that the kid did and say it in a comical tone it always gets laughs. It wasn't funny at the time but it's always good for a few laughs amungst friends. They never belive thats the first time I had a knife pulled on me knowing were I'm from and were I work.

    Though actualy I didn't grab him to impress the girls at the time I didn't even see them, it was more of a recation to another man's hands being between my legs that set that whole eppisode in motion.

  17. Firstly thank you very much Rambo and the others like him who's hearts DO NOT pump Piss. It's nice to know that some people here still have a spine. This has given me some wonderful insight into the mentality of many of the expats in this forum. And I can now understand the level of crime that apparently plagues them here. If you look like food (not just appearance, but demeanor & attitude as well), you will be eaten. Other than that incident, 5 years in Pattaya and I have never been the victim of any crimes, not even common bargirl theft.

    Fascinating that so many are that soft that they can't even believe my rather restrained, reaction in this case and they think I'm showing off. If I went home and told people what happened they may make fun of me for not beating the shit out of the guy that grabbed me, saying that I was the one who had grown soft in my travels!

    The gay posters hazing me I can understand, kinda like when healthy men see a very hot lesbian, it's called wishful thinking. But the others I just think they are just not on that level and are intimidated, and on some level jealous of the choices that come with having an ounce or two of courage and the means to back it up.

    Anyway, I hope I get to grow old and cantankerous here in Thailand with my Teerak. Maybe then I'll become a lil bit more reserved, secluded, scared of the young folks...................nahhh I'll just get a gun like Granddad did :o hahaha

    Oh and just as a side note...the real Cpt. M0ney Sh0t! (as the stereotypical gun toting hard ass, that some people think I am trying to promote)


    And Cpt. and his Trusty Teerak doing the same thing in Hua Hin that I'm doing on this forum...feeding the monkies...Jump! ling ling! pai!


  18. Learned how to Sell and Close while earning around 80-100k baht a month doing so. These skills opened and new chaper in my proffessional life and lead to my current position that, I created for myself in Iraq, thats the best I have ever known in my life.

  19. Now While I do imagine this would be quite the erotic fantasy for some of the sweeter members *Cough* LAO PO*Cough cough* of our good forum. I was not at all amused.

    I griped up the guy who grabbed me and lifted him to eye level with me, about 10-12 inches, and yelled at him extremely loud, US Marine Drill Sergeant Style, "DO-YOU-SMOKE-CRACK!?!? <deleted> is wrong with you??? you don't just walk down the street grabbin dicks!!! Did your momma teach you how to grab dicks?!?! MF' you don't ever touch me!!" All the while walking around with him shaking him like a lil ragg doll as he waied frantically for dear life and his eyes got as big as a bar girls with a 10 baht chain waving in front of her face. At this point I felt a lil sympathy for the guy and I looked around to find that his boys had ran as fast as their lil platformed sneakers could carry them and more and more people had come out into the street to see what was going on.

    At this point I came back to my senses (I was almost shocked how quickly that raised my ire. Obviously any man who has had a physical has had a guy touch him there. I mean no big deal. But I think the insinuation that I was so soft, as to let some one just run up on me in the street like a bitch, is what really pissed me off.... First time in my life for something like that, never thought I looked the type :o

    Little did I know I was about to experience another first. When I looked around the people that came out were laughing and seemingly bemused at the gay boy's horrified demeanor. And by this point I had to say I had to snicker at him too he looked like he was about one shock short of pissing himself. So I decided to test the theory and jump at him like I was going to hit him, but not. You know that pseudo-flex that almost looks like an attack but isn't? When I did he leaped back and stumbled over himself and landed in a NASTY oily black street puddle of stagnant water and just totally trashed his clothes.

    At that some of the people who had gathered, notably some bar girls started cackling at him and laughing it up. By this time his boys had came back. But surprisingly, kept their distance. Had they been where I'm from I'm sure I would have been rolled on and got my ass kicked. But lucky me they weren’t and I didn't (Yay!)

    What did happen was that boy, now horribly mortified having been thoroughly punked before his freinds and the girls beckoned to me as I walked away. "Hey..Hey You!" he barked. I turned around to find him with a small folding pocket knife out waving it at me. Growing up most of my life in West Philly, going to schools were, crack selling(no not for me before anyone asks), and the related violence was a everyday thing, Being married twice, and working in Iraq with Iraqi's outside of the green zone or military bases, I NEVER had a knife pulled on me until that day!

    That took me back for a second and I was still for about 5 seconds then I just knuckled up (put my fists up ready for a serious fight) and said calmly.... "Oh.....you wanna cut some body?? Cut ME MotherF*&^#er" and advanced too him.

    Fortunately, for my crazy ass, he put the knife back and power walked away and I turned and did the same as the crowd started to grow.

    Gotta Love Thailand, I don't think I would have had that kind of luck anywhere else.

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