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Posts posted by SinglePot

  1. BTW. It was me who introduced JFK and MLK into this thread in the naive attempt to demonstrate that unity behind a leader is a good thing for the US.

    Little did I expect such perversion and cynicism from the posters here.

    Unity behind a leader is so 1984.

    And so Thailand.

    Yes Sir!

    US National Anthem on national TV, 8am and 6pm daily.

    Imagine NY Grand Central Station stood, 8am on a Monday morning.

    MoChit. Have a nice day.

  2. Generally large commercial jets can operate with up to 10 to 15 knots of tailwind, however the performance particularly on landing increases by a large margin.

    Large increase is an understatement, Huge increase. Most normal airports operate up to 10 knots down wind as a very general rule of thumb without any issues.

    You really learn about down winds when mucking about on skies (snow/ice) and floats (water), things get really 'exciting' really bloody fast.

    Don't know about every operator but 10 kts of tailwind is pretty standard for landing. However, there are plenty of airports that stuff aircraft in with winds at (or beyond) those limits. China for one comes to mind.

    Yep. I believe in aviation language it's called: ' The Pragmatic Approach '

  3. From the same article posted above by pkspeaker:

    Osama al-Madi, a refugee from the southern city of Daraa, said he opposes transition talks with the regime, as proposed by the U.S.

    "In each tent here, you will find people who have lost a martyr or have people in prisons, we have missing people in Assad's prisons," he said. "How can we negotiate with a killer regime?"

  4. Most of the 10, if not all, the ASEAN nations have an intangible belief system or ideology that goes beyond the practical pragmatic.

    China has only Deng Xiaoping pragmatism. No faith other than the harsh reality of survival and an increasing nouveau riche greed mentality.

    Reducing the 10 ASEAN nations to the belief system of Deng Xiaoping is an insult.

    Thai people for example are very different in many ways from Chinese people. Yes, they have the lowest common denominator in common, 'is there food on the table'.

    But that is as far as it goes.

  5. Just thinking outside the box Lawrence.

    China want to be the big boss in SEAsia?

    As I say, thinking outside the box. That's what I'm paid to do.

    And that's why me and Beijing never worked.

    BTW. Pragmatism is Chinese speak isn't it? Introduced by Deng after Mao slipped up.

    Wasn't aware it was necessarily a SEAsia attribute.

  6. JFK had America behind him. Somebody didn't like it.

    I'm not drawing comparison between Democrat Kennedy and Democrat Obama.

    Just saying the US needs to be strong and unified. Like Liverpool with Shankly and United with Ferguson, to use a football analogy Stevie.

    you're right of course but it's never going to happen while those that hold the power in the GOP continue to live in a world from a hundred years or more ago. they're fundamentalists who can't deal with the fact that the world has changed and humanity has evolved and moved on - while their beliefs remain anchored to the bible and the constitution - two staggeringly outdated documents - they won't evolve themselves. and the country as a whole, which democratically (and emphatically) elected this current administration, will continue to suffer and he held to ransom by a minority of maniacs. it's tragic to see and has massive implications for the world as a whole if they keep this insanity up.

    I agree.
    I think it isn't outdated and a thing of yesterday that the power of the president is limited by other forces like the Republican senators who are also elected by the people.

    This actually a great system America has and should not be written off.

    Yeh. But not limited by <deleted>. Know what I mean.

  7. JFK had America behind him. Somebody didn't like it.

    I'm not drawing comparison between Democrat Kennedy and Democrat Obama.

    Just saying the US needs to be strong and unified. Like Liverpool with Shankly and United with Ferguson, to use a football analogy Stevie.

    you're right of course but it's never going to happen while those that hold the power in the GOP continue to live in a world from a hundred years or more ago. they're fundamentalists who can't deal with the fact that the world has changed and humanity has evolved and moved on - while their beliefs remain anchored to the bible and the constitution - two staggeringly outdated documents - they won't evolve themselves. and the country as a whole, which democratically (and emphatically) elected this current administration, will continue to suffer and he held to ransom by a minority of maniacs. it's tragic to see and has massive implications for the world as a whole if they keep this insanity up.

    I agree.

  8. Food for thought:

    If the 10 ASEAN nations (population about 600 million) got their act together they could be a real competitor to China.

    Imagine. The 10 nations working closely together as a unit, with Japan and Australasia as very close economic partners. Financial centre in Singapore. Economic and international cooperation from Europe and the US.

    ASEAN would be very powerful.

    They might even need China to do some manufacturing for them. Indonesia is well placed to do this in the meantime.

    Geographically ASEAN very well placed with shipping lanes north, south, east and west.

    Maybe China is already worried about this possibility? It is not in China's interest for ASEAN to become strong unless China is the boss.

    China Sea dispute, economic ties between China and individual ASEAN countries being forged by Xi and Li, high speed rail track all the way from Southern China to KL and beyond?

    What is China's long term plan for the region.

    ASEAN with Japan and Australasia could be fantastic.

    And they will trade with who on the scale you talk about ??

    Any moderate understand all inclusive is better than exclusive and yes china is sealing deals faster than the west which is causing some green eyes naturally as they are making friends with no ties underscoring what they are best at ...commerce

    They have learnt a quick lesson from the recent failures of the west .., don't put your trade on one source alone.

    They will trade with Papua New Guinea!

    All the countries China does trade with. And China if the Chinese don't get too spiteful.

    Anything China does ASEAN can do better, given the will and the coop from Japan, Oz, NZ and distant rumblings of people in Europe and the US clapping and saying 'well done you guys'.

  9. Food for thought:

    If the 10 ASEAN nations (population about 600 million) got their act together they could be a real competitor to China.

    Imagine. The 10 nations working closely together as a unit, with Japan and Australasia as very close economic partners. Financial centre in Singapore. Economic and international cooperation from Europe and the US.

    ASEAN would be very powerful.

    They might even need China to do some manufacturing for them. Indonesia is well placed to do this in the meantime.

    Geographically ASEAN very well placed with shipping lanes north, south, east and west.

    Maybe China is already worried about this possibility? It is not in China's interest for ASEAN to become strong unless China is the boss.

    China Sea dispute, economic ties between China and individual ASEAN countries being forged by Xi and Li, high speed rail track all the way from Southern China to KL and beyond?

    What is China's long term plan for the region.

    ASEAN with Japan and Australasia could be fantastic.

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