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Posts posted by kekalot

  1. On 2017-06-29 at 4:57 PM, possum1931 said:

    You should weigh around 90K? you must be some height, I always keep my weight on the 77. 5 k mark, and I am 6ft. 185 Ks on my pink ID card.

    no doubt that person is either really tall and/or disillusioned about weight in general (extremely common and slightly annoying)


    I am athletic (not buff, save me the BS) at 191cm, (6 ft 3) ±69kg, 31' waist (Arnold had a 32' waist). 14-15% body fat

    I used to be leaner (10-11%), probably around 67kg or so I would see abs again.. definitely not now


    my dad who is slightly overweight told me one time "you should gain at least 15kg to be healthy" and it was at a time that I couldn't see my abs anymore because I gained 2-3kg..

    so, I had a good laugh because he is the same height as me.. I told him "15kg for what? so I could be the same size as you and make you feel better?"


    oh boy, he didn't like that much, but it made him think.


    from my experience, most overweight people will tell athletic or thin people that they should gain weight because their view of what "normal" is, is overweight.

    every time I see pictures of people that I went to school with back home (Canada), I see 90% of them people are quite a bit overweight. like Facebook pictures of my thin sister with her 9 overweight friends.


    anyways, from this calculator linked previously:


    Your weight: 69 kilograms

    Healthy body weight range is: 67.3 to 90.9 kilograms

    The weight range does not consider your level of fitness.

    If you are a lean athlete, your weight goal based on your percent body fat would be a better indicator of what you should weigh.



  2. so I have to send some stuff at the post office,

    a 32" monitor, some computer stuff in big enough boxes (about 4-5 boxes at most)


    i show up at the post office on Ruamjit in Cha-am.. and he looks at me like I'm an idiot for showing up there.. tells me he can't do it. fails to explain why (something about boxes)

    tells me to go to Narathip. issue is. it's about 4km away and I'm not walking there or doing 5 runs with the motorbike taxis


    I would rent a taxi or someone with a sidecar (or even any thai truck) for like 5 minutes but i'm afraid that I don't know anyone who has any of these.

    I have about 4 days to send that stuff before moving..


    Logispost from the post office can do up to 200kg of stuff for 2400 baht.. and I'm sending maybe 20kg. called up some door-to-door delivery company and they quoted almost 3000 baht price to ship 2 boxes out of 5


    so if anyone knows anyone with a pickup or a sidecar in the Cha-am area, that would be helpful. it's a 10 minute job at most but have to be done before I move out on Friday

  3. 13 hours ago, Billy Bloggs said:

    Ok I know this goes a little off this topic but would you do 1 extended ride on the bike say over 2 or 3 days( I will be moving to Lam Plai Mat later this year and would like to buy local to not only help out the locals but to keep in good with local dealers) I will use the bike locally for maybe 10 days to source a place to live and then ride it back to Chiang Mai before shipping it back with the rest of our stuff once all is done here(it wont cost extra as its a all in moving cost), so do you or any others do extended trips on scooters. Once settled I will be getting either a Forza or maybe another make for extended travel.

    I have had plenty of extended trips on scooter myself.


    I drove back and forth from Phetchaburi to Mae Hong Son (practically nonstop, ±1000 km each way) + visited most of Isaan the previous year which amounted in another 2300kms in 3-4 days.

    I ran it on a Honda Wave, but it would be feasible on any bike as long as its in good condition and you don't wring the throttle 100% the whole way. I would suggest getting oil changed/maintenance first of course.


    about the trips, locals strongly against it, "bike would run too hot" and blabla

    It seems they are scared of running a motorbike more than like 20kms for some odd reasons


    I went to Myanmar border in Kanchanaburi for visa runs from Cha-am which is a 8 hours or so deal a few times..


    local taxi guy asked me where i would sleep.. I said "what? I'll be back here the same day!" to which he replied "Impossible."

    next day at 1pm I am sitting on the beach.. he comes around and asks why I didn't go to Myanmar. I told him "I already went and was back 30 minutes ago"



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  4. On 2017-06-15 at 2:02 PM, Lampang2 said:


    did you get original dimensions for the michelin pilots ?


    where did you get them ?


    Even if Lampang is no small city I have found it hard ro get since no normal thai seems to order michelin pilots in that dimensions and for reasons unclear to mankind no dealer wants to bring home on request.


    So how did you manage to get your hands on a pair, or did you buy frontweel only ?




    I am interested in better type/dimensions information etc myself.

    I have just gotten a second hand one, and while can't say I have looked into it much and by no means an expert (far from it), the front tire looks a bit crappy..


    anyone knows offhand how much we talking about for proper replacements?

  5. i had to google that, aren't they kind of tripods too?

    the only issue here is there is 1-2 spinning things inside with lasers, gyro of some sort and it makes tripods vibrate and some annoying noise..

    could be dampened i guess.. but the contractor poles are the best idea.


    besides, i went to homepro yesterday and found some extendable shower curtain thing that went to 310cm but they would not let me open it to see how it was tightened and told me it was a screw.. if its a screw it means the inner part was drilled with holes at every X cm.. and that doesn't really work if you want to put something really tight.


    so back to square 1 for now ;)

  6. I am looking to rent a Chiang Mai based pickup+driver to come pick up my stuff in Cha-am, Phetchaburi and bring it back along to Pai (give or take 2000km total back and forth)


    I do not have a lot of stuff, mostly plastic bins (6 so far) and then my dog (in or out of his large crate) which I can all load and unload myself from the pickup. not much if any help needed. same at end location


    would be hoping for a drivers rate plus I pay for gas (or flat quote all the way, depending), preferably a pickup with cover and LPG would be preferable

    would prefer an overnight, leaving at 8pm if possible.


    using the Chiang Mai forums as ours is a little bare, maximizing the chances.

    any help is appreciated.

  7. I live in Cha-am, looking to move to Pai (in Mae Hong Son, which is a little bit shy of 1000km)

    I need a pickup and thai driver because I can't drive myself


    I do not have a lot of stuff, mostly plastic bins (6 so far) and then my dog (in or out of his crate) which I can all load and unload myself from the pickup. not much if any help needed. same at end location

    would prefer doing an overnight, leaving at 8pm if possible.


    would be hoping for flat drivers rate plus paying for gas, preferably a pickup with covered box and LPG.

    any help is appreciated.



  8. I am looking to move very soon from Phetchaburi to Mae Hon Son (800km or so) with my dog, he is about 33kg.. I have a travel crate.

    Issue i am having is that apparently Nok Air (and maybe Thai Airways) will not bring a dog over 20kg


    I thought "fine, I will bring him by train then".. I get my lady friend to call the train station to ask how much and they tell her "can not, only up to 20kg"

    that can't be right? can it?


    normally on trains I load up his crate myself unload at end station and bring him to next train from BKK to Chiang Mai (no more trains after that)


    I am not sure if she asked someone who has no idea what they are talking about or they really have this ridiculous rule


    I don't have a drivers license for car/pickup so what would be the other options if those airlines won't load a 40kg at most box for a 1.5 hour flight or on a train?


    I didn't expect the train to NOT be an option so now i am feeling like i will be quite stuck.


    any ideas?


  9. 4 minutes ago, jankan88 said:

    yeah, I just had to drive about 500 kms this morning to do a visa run myself. on a motorbike (not the big kind)


    left at 4am, was back at 1pm. almost got run over by some huge truck. I am planning on getting TE visa in January or so and won't miss driving to the border, I can tell you that!

    • Like 2
  10. yeah I don't really want a photography tripod or anything like that.. that is an option but the boxes have a very fast spinning laser thing in there .. replacing one box would not be any fun (if even possible here)

    extendable shower curtains, yes but..not sure if i would trust that much compared to those poles.


    acrow poles worst case scenario, fine.. but but they look like they would be MUCH heavier and not as portable.

    feel like i should get them poles with me next time I fly in but.. that might not be for several months.

  11. haha. yeah, nope.


    aye, I googled Acrow props and definitely got a lot of hits but those maybe are a little heavy duty for my use.


    I want to mount two of these (similar to the ones i posted if possible) bottom part up and mount put a clamp/bracket with a camera mount on top very high in opposite corners of room


    it's for mounting Virtual Reality tracking hardware (2 little square boxes), saves me from drilling holes (and much more portable!)


    would they have a different name if I am looking for the .. ceiling fixer type then?





  12. hey, I am looking to see if any of you guys knew where I could buy something similar to this




    I might be using the wrong terms here. but I searched for contractor pole thailand and all i get is information about contractors (people) installing telephone/electric poles.


    homepro here does not have and not very helpful.


    technically only need 2 of them at maximum range 3m but those linked are 365cm I think


  13. hope your sweat guard works properly.. I know of at least 2 people who killed their VR set with sweat.. but.. they were quite out of shape (fat etc)

    I know you are fit, you should be fine.

    just be careful with it. it's not covered in warranty "water" damage. haha

  14. hey Rob,

    would you by any chance know where I would be able to find some Contractor Poles in Thailand..




    I am sure you can figure out the use for them ;)

    goes up to 365cm. with a little clamp with camera screw. can mount the lighthouses.


    I thought of long shower curtains but. some ceilings are very high here .. in my room 280cm now. most tension rods 2.6m at most.


    i saw a few VR games in E3, can't remember any names tho


  15. yeah I just looked up Robo Recall I had seen it before but wasn't sure if it was the same game, the game works on ReVive..

    I guess I just wish they had all the games on Steam (too) even if they charged a premium.


    not like there wasn't enough with uPlay, Origin, GOG Galaxy and others


  16. I'm a gamer and upgraded day 1.

    I have  4 proper computers and a laptop on Windows 10 and never had a single issue.


    regarding the "bloat", you click all the stuff off. if you REALLY don't want the updates you set your connection to metered.

    for the crap Metro UI, install Classic Start menu, my start menu looks like Windows XP set on performance


    absolutely no need to play around with Metro unless you really want to, there's a button for that too if needed.


    I have never had any issues with a single app or game yet.. plenty of people stuck on Windows XP  and Windows 7 and there is no "real" reasons to.

    my friend was trying to play some old game on Steam like 2 weeks ago, game wouldn't start on Win7 but worked on Win10.

  17. 11 hours ago, NormanW said:

    GT Rider on Pattaya Tai sells original Cub accessories which include panniers. I've got the old brown saddle bag postman type however they've got the new groovy Kevlar type similar to the Ducati Scrambler bags. 


    1500 baht. I might treat myself tomorrow ?

    do those have to go on the half seat for the super cub?




    or would it be just strapped over under the regular seat.


    I am planning on getting a Dream for 38,500 instead of the Super Cub for 46,000 and get it vinyl wrapped if the prices are not ridiculous.


    I would wrap the Super Cub too so it's not like I am getting a Dream to make it look like a Super Cub.

    just because.. they are exactly the same bike, why pay 7500 baht more if they will end up looking the same


    thinking little bit darker olive green would be nice like this:





  18. I heard all the Oculus games were playable on Vive, not sure if that's true or not anymore since Touch controls..

    it was called ReVive or something. I know they were trying to shut it down,


    saw a video yesterday of some dude playing World of Warcraft on the Vive (might have been Oculus too)


    to be honest, I think the exclusives should be on ALL VR systems if they can..

    they already proved it was quite easy to do with ReVive, even if only before touch controls.

    everyone should get all the same games, I hope you guys get Fallout 4 and hope some of the good games come to Vive too..


    Accounting, Tilt Brush, Job Simulator and Home Improvisation : Furniture Sandbox are good.

    for one, I want to play that Rick and Morty game, quite silly... also Superhot came to VR. interesting stuff.

    I haven't tried Project Cars but my son and brother did..


    Resident Evil 7 is getting VR at some point too, it was PSVR exclusive


    exclusives, bah!

  19. I have not tried the Oculus Rift (or PSVR) but I had an HTC Vive which most people said was a better experience.

    it is pretty good, the games differ.. but the room scale stuff is wonderful.. however I feel like most of the games are merely Technical Demos more than real games.


    I think this is due to the amount of time the headsets have been released (close to 2 years for the Vive) and it takes more than 2 years to make a "proper" AAA quality game.


    I bought my Vive from Canada using the Microsoft online store which came with a 30 days easy returns.. I ended up returning it for 3 reasons.


    1. I didn't want to bring it with me to Thailand and IF some technical issues arised I would have a hell of a time getting warranty support here.

    2. in addition to the 1st reason, I was a little worried that they would come out with a new better version of the headset very soon and promptly only program for the new version

    3. I had barely played with it for the 25 or so days I had it.. my family and friends were coming over and wanted to play all the time..  (which is annoying cause you can't really do anything else with the computer at the same time)


    with that being said, I am looking to buy it again soon as they have it at InvadeIT in Hua Hin and I would get proper warranty.. just have to make sure that #2 doesn't happen.

    just need to move to a new place with an empty room :P

  20. 4 hours ago, bendejo said:

    kekalot: a question about this:  After doing the free upgrade to 10 from Win7, can you create recovery drive  and use it to do a pristine install of Win 10? 

    I ask this because I've been running 10 for about a year on a laptop (Asus) that it was pre-installed on.  It seems that most of the problems I've read on the net regarding Win10 are posted by people running the upgraded version.  I may be installing Windows on another laptop soon, and was thinking of doing what you mention -- getting a cheap key, installing Win7, then upgrading to 10.  After that, create the recovery drive, then scrub the disk and do a completely clean install.



    I install usually Windows 8.1, upgrade to Windows 10 and then once Windows 10 is up you can go in settings and do a "Reset this PC" and use the option to delete everything.

    not exactly an answer to your question but it achieves the same results

  21. I get that or a different problem


    when I go to the licensed Honda shop where I bought my bike, I ask them to do oil change AND check everything/maintenance. they say yeah yeah yeah.. they do the oil change and ask me 100 baht

    half the time i am annoyed and just leave.. once they did it and charged me towards 200..


    the last time. I said there was something wrong with the chain or something was making this noise.. they called the mechanic. he took the bike for a little stroll and came back and told me "no problem!"


    it literally takes like 10 minutes to check everything, and it's not like I am not paying them for it. but they won't do it.

  22. not the first time I hear about this Graap thao nonsense to be honest


    I have an Alien friend that is married with a foreigner and living together.. this foreigner's ex wife has a daughter... recently that ex wife that was back in Europe decides she wants well.. her house back because it's under her name.. the guy paid for it and there was some legal arrangement in Europe as far as understand but anyways.


    her (the ex's) daughter started to make some drama on Facebook because she felt like it was HER house and that the house was not extra clean when she came from Bangkok to check after they had moved out..

    she was making all kinds of threats directly on her own facebook wall saying she was basically going to assault her or pay someone to and/or getting her kicked out of the country (for some odd reason) and that she would not stop until my friend went and kissed her feet. (she didn't)


    so they get kicked out and apparently now the house is being used on weekends so that girl can bring all of her friends to party and not have to rent

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