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Posts posted by kekalot

  1. On 8/9/2018 at 10:58 AM, robblok said:

    How legit are those keys really.. because i don't understand then why its so expensive from Microsoft.

    since no one answered this particular question, I will


    most of those keys come from something that used to be called Microsoft Dreamspark, it's now called Microsoft Imagine

    anyways, the short version of it is it's some kind of program for school/universities to give them practically unlimited genuine keys to Microsoft software for testing and whatnot


    of course that was abused and they take those free keys and sell them for a few dollars.. I used to buy a few of the windows 8.0 pro keys for like 250 baht and upgrade them to Windows 10 Pro when it was still free.

    they have keys for other MS software as well including Visio, Project, Visual Studio, Office 365, Windows Server.




    I think they expire a short while after being generated, I didn't use 2-3 keys for a few weeks and when I tried them they got declined.. but the seller replaced them pronto.

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  2. 3 hours ago, secondfusilier said:

    It's quite shocking to see how badly wild and often endangered animals are treated in captivity in a country were you could be sent down for kicking a soi dog.


    it is shocking. I went to Ao Manao about two months ago and they had some deer looking animals  (don't think they are deer) that seemed to have mange and also an ostrich which might have 20% of the feathers left in the same enclosure (probably got mange too)

    and they got soldiers sitting in a small shed selling those pellets to feed them which are likely to be the crappiest food you can give them (herbivores)


    they are in bad shape.

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  3. 23 hours ago, happy chappie said:

    I was thinking why don't they all join grab/uber but looking at it they won't be able to rip anyone off and would soon break all the rules of these companies and be booted out.


    because Grab would rip us off instead of them, they can't have that!


    Bang Kapi to Mochit Terminal (40m or so drive), friend suggests I use Grab, the car fare was 255 and the motorbike I think 160 or so.

    I had a laugh, went out and took the first cab I saw (30 seconds) and made it to Mochit for 165 baht


    If I had taken Grab I would have had to wait for the closest Grab which from the app seemed to be 5+ minutes away

    and pay 90 baht more for what? it's not like its faster or more convenient

  4. 23 hours ago, HampiK said:

    I would like to know what was the difference in what Kasikorn not meet the agreements? 


    I got an account with Kasikorn about two weeks ago, was told to bring my elite card, my passport and the answer to a few questions (what kind of account etc)

    however when i showed up there they did all the paperwork and asked me for 20,000 baht first deposit which I did not have on me and they wouldn't budge about it. i had to walk back home and borrow money from a friend in a pinch but then told Thai Elite about this, who knows maybe that is the reason why they don't meet their agreement


    quite useless the first deposit to be honest since i just transferred it back out to my friend the very next day but still, annoying red tape is annoying.

  5. no worries, I went to Bangkok and ended up at Pantip Plaza Bang Kapi.. found a repairshop (could see broken TVs and whatnot everywhere)

    buddy took it, job was done within 2 minutes and I paid 100 baht.


    2x 10 seconds heatgun, used tweezers to pick it up, swap the chips and gave it back to me, then I left.. just came back an hour ago and it worked!

    problem sorted!

  6. On 6/30/2018 at 1:38 PM, sirocco said:


    at HUA HIN, try INVADEL Co LTD, at 60/22, see on the map.
    Also ask vendors in malls. There may be one who knows a repairman.
    At CHA-AM, there is the Cha-Am IT, near the building of the electricity, angle of self ray pli1 or soi fai fai.

    I don't need an IT reselller shop I need board level soldering

    InvadeIT (not INVADEL) is a reseller, they don't tech repairs only sell hardware and build computers (I been there many times)

    Cha-am IT, same deal, I highly doubt they have the gear to do micro soldering.. they just sell stuff and replace parts in PCs or install software (been there before too)




    this is technically what I am looking for but they declined the repair (probably thought I wanted to "repair" the hard drive).. I didn't have the boards with me but as soon as he saw the hard drive picture he said "mai dai", wasn't about to try to argue with him since I didn't have what i needed worked on on me either way


    i never soldered before but i'm sure even i could do it in 5 minutes given the proper tools, just not worth the price of getting a proper microscope, solder and soldering stations for this little job

  7. I am looking to find an electronic repair shop that does board level soldering, I need a chip swapped a motherboard (I have it)

    when I was in Bangkok at Amorn they told me they can not do it but..

    I have a feeling he did not understand what I wanted him to do (remove a chip from one board and solder it to the other)


    it's very simple and quick work but I don't have the soldering station or the skills to do it.




  8. Chokdee is okay but I felt the price was a bit high, I might be mistaken but 1000 baht per month

    it's just an outside gym with a few machines and weights and little bit out of the way to get there too


    for about the same price back home you'd get access to a massive indoor gym with a pool


    there is a free proper fitness gym in Mueang Phetchaburi with a track but that is about 35+ minutes drive. I used to go there when I lived there.


  9. I have done much further rides than this. I drove from Phetchaburi to Pai (and back 3 weeks later) with very little stops (food, gas, a little nap under the sala)

    it's not that dangerous, just wear a helmet and take your time.. you will likely feel like falling asleep after 10+ hours.. if that happens just stop for a while at some 7eleven/gas station, that sorted me out.


    also did a tour of issan before heading to chiang rai and drove straight from chiang rai back to Phetchaburi after


    the worst is the bottom is going to be hurt and you won't get to SEE many things.. unless you want to stop everywhere or make detours..

    it sounds like an adventure but it's just driving on the side of highways at like 80 km/h (Fino?) it's just roads and roads and roads.


    even on my Honda Wave when I was getting close I was wringing the throttle and going over 100 just to get it over with


    it reminds me of that time that I told one of the local guy i know that I was going to Kanchanaburi / Myanmar border to get my visa run,

    he asked me "where will you sleep?".. I said "sleep? I will be back the same day!" to which he replied "IMPOSSIBLE!"


    the next day, I was on the beach at about 1 PM when he came and asked me why I didn't go to Myanmar and I told him "I already went this morning". I had left around 4am, was done with it at 9, back on the beach at 12:30pm.


  10. 3 hours ago, sanemax said:

    Girls just say to you : "You are a nice guy , I would like to have your children , I dont want any financial support , dont want to get married or any long term relationship , just get me pregnant and be on your way and never see me again" 

        You must be a very hansom, charming guy .


    I've had that told to me numerous times in the 5 years I've been here.  I'd say about a dozen times so far.

    also got quite a few women that looked very sad when I told them I got the snip.


    Met a particular one that was quite forward about it too, I didn't give her one obviously (snipped, lol) but I looked her up about 12 months later she had a mixed child so she got what she wanted.


    I am 35, tall and athletic body type, maybe that has something to do with it?

  11. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    Space is not a problem. The rower is quickly separated into 2 pieces that can be stored upright in a very small space.  


    Note: if you do go ahead with a purchase from Aviron and you have a US dollar account, send US dollars by bank wire. It will save you on the MYR price which is processed through PayPal. That saved me about $100. I have free bank wires, so the savings will depend on your transfer costs.


    yeah i know about the space, I owned two Models Ds before, one before I moved here and one that I ordered after with Amazon and meant to bring here but they literally shipped it in two plastic bags so I returned it


    do you recall how much the taxes were on the SkiErg?

    I'm just trying to guess how much it would be for the C2.. also can't wait until they get the BikeErg!.. I'm tempted to send one here myself manually ;\

  12. cool, checked their website which seems to be a rip off from Rogue Fitness website, haha

    the price is semi fair I guess (59k) but I think it's obtainable around the 45-50k range either directly with C2 (they would ship here) or with Aviron Racing


    I will look into it within two months, i don't really have the space to put it right now so would have to move to a place with 2 bedrooms (not as much as an headache as it sounds)

    thanks, I really need to get back in shape, have an extra 2-3kg to lose, 555

  13. I've been wanting to get a C2 Rower for a while (had one back home)


    Seara in Bangkok sells them but they overprice the hell out of them (can't remember how much but I was thinking 75k)

    Aviron Racing (in Penang, Malaysia) are (or were) selling them with door to door shipping for 1055 USD but ... apparently TNT  would need to send someone to pickup my passport for a "few days" while they create an electronic importers account.

    I have found that to be quite strange I asked my partner at the time if she'd let TNT get her Thai ID (and was hoping to not get the farang price) but she said hell no..  also I am quite wary of them being able to charge whatever they want for this document and then for taxes instead of the correct amounts (something UPS likes to do to Canadians) and then if I refuse they either keep the package or return it and who knows if i'd get a refund


    if anyone has any idea about where to get one (Model D, black) (in the 50k range without all the faffing..) i'm listening.

  14. 39 minutes ago, Box fighter said:

    If everybody who goes to Thailand picks up their litter and picks up a little bit on the beaches then Thailand would be wonderful again or Thais could employ litter Marshall’s already the deck chair operators are responsible for their patch on the beaches 

    on the whole I find the streets of Thailand very clean but now the beaches are alone maybe much plastic and debris will wash up on the beaches the story of the pilot whale dying of 8 kg in its stomach is enough to put an advert out all best the poor creature died for it but it’s worldwide not just thai so everybody pull together before the beautiful places are gone forever 


    when I was living in Pai someone on the local Facebook group was complaining that there was garbage being left around and that there should be a group made to pick it up.

    there were only two options to this:


    #1. pick it up, put it in bins, then the dump trucks brings all of it to the football field sized rubbish dump, piles it up with the rest of the 7-8 meters deep of unsorted garbage (batteries, plastics, you name it!) and burn it..  and it would burn nonstop for AT LEAST least 2-4 weeks and EVERYONE in the valley would breathe the toxins (Pai went over 450 on AQI this year, the average in Chiang Mai during burning season was 150ish)




    #2. leave the garbage laying around.

  15. I agree with the take the bike, then charge 000 baht or even more to get it back.

    then if it happens 2-3 times or bike not claimed within X amounts of days, sold at auctions.


    the kids don't own the bike, of course.

    but if the parents knew this would happen there would be a LOT less kids driving on the street, a lot less adults without helmets/drivers license/insurance too.

    less accidents, less deaths etc

  16. On 3/12/2018 at 10:21 PM, dfdgfdfdgs said:

    This thread inspired to me to have a go running barefoot properly (on tarmac).  Bar once or twice, I've only really run barefoot on sand before.



    hey, I would like an update on that if you kept at it.


    this is my experience:


    I ran barefoot most of my running, always lost feet calluses in the winter when I wasn't running, sadly (I'm from Canada).
    most people do not know how to walk anymore, let alone run. they heel strike on both due to shoes. I don't (not anymore)


    I used to run 20m 5Ks on my lunch breaks at work quite often..

    at the start of the "season" I would end up sometimes with some blisters (much less than I got with hot shoes).. once i had blood filled ones


    I can recall about maybe 2 times that I hurt my feet on glass in the last 11 years. just very small shards, took them out.
    I stepped on still lit cigarettes 2-3 times,  no needles or anything silly.

    now in Thailand I have practically stopped running long distances (soi dogs) but still walk barefoot practically everywhere I go.


    humans were walking and running barefoot for hundred of thousands of years before the invention of the "running shoes".

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  17. On 1/24/2018 at 12:07 PM, mtls2005 said:


    There have been a few threads here on this subject. That's how I learned about these.


    I think the EU courts have ruled (against Microsoft) that licenses can be resold. So as PCs get recycled the SW licenses can be resold. Hence most sellers are in the UK and Eur, and the low prices. Legitimacy should not be an issue.


    Sites like SCDKey and Kinguin are also options, although these may be bulk OEM licenses and a bit more expensive.


    If you're wary, avoid.




    nope, most of those keys are coming from Microsoft Imagine (was called Dreamspark before) which gives technically practically unlimited number of licenses to "students" in universities.. generate hundreds of those and sell them for a few dollars = $$$


    I bought a whole bunch of them over the years and they have other stuff too, including Windows Server, Visual Studio, Visio, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, etc.

  18. 9 minutes ago, EddieBaBaBoBo said:

    From the web:


    One day a merchant came to the village to buy monkeys. He announced that he will buy the monkeys at $100 each. Villagers wondered why somebody would want to buy stray monkeys at $100 each? Still, a few people caught some monkeys and sold them to the merchant. This news spread and more people caught monkeys and sold them to the merchant.


    Then, the merchant announced that he will buy monkeys at $200 each. The villagers sold the remaining monkeys at $200 each. Then the merchant announced he will buy at $500 each! It took a lot of effort but finally, the villagers caught the remaining six monkeys, and they received $500 each.

    Then the merchant announced he will buy monkeys at $1,000 each! The villagers were very sad as there were no more monkeys left for them to sell. Then, the merchant’s employee told the villagers that he will secretly sell some monkeys at $700 so that the villagers can make $300. Rich people bought monkeys in big lots. Poor people borrowed money and bought monkeys.


    The villagers waited for the merchant to return. But nobody came. They ran to the employee’s house. But he was missing too.


    Too late, the villagers realized that they have bought useless stray monkeys at $700 each but are unable to sell them.


    Bitcoin is the next monkey business. It will make a lot of people bankrupt and a few people filthy rich.

    the point where this story fails vs Bitcoin is that there is not JUST one merchant.


    there are millions of them, and some of them don't give a crap if you want to buy their bitcoin for $10,000 or $20,000 because they will not sell it under $50,000 (or $100,000)

    weak hands will sell it for less but then when all the weak hands selling low (or at loss) are done.. there will only be the ones selling at $50,000 left then the price will be $50,000


    in the end, it doesn't matter if you don't understand how limited availability works, you can still use dollars who get printed in the billions every year and enjoy inflation.




    it's been "dead" 236 times now

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