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Everything posted by ozz1

  1. Well well that didn't last long must be a record on flipflop and loosing face anutin could not happen to a nicer person
  2. It's ok knowing this mob they will probably change their minds in a couple of weeks
  3. Yes it will put some off travelling to Thailand a friend just got quoted 60000 baht for Thai covid insurance someone is trying to make money as he has already booked his ticket that was expensive but he has got his back paper
  4. I guess the government will have to do something because it has to hurt exports and tourism at some point meanwhile the Russian currency isn't too bad that and the war is probably why they a flocking here
  5. Just watched Karen pirie Scottish police series very good
  6. What they fail to understand is that being vaccinated doesn't stop covid or the spread it eases the symptoms it will effect the tourists numbers why not do what everyone else is doing and provide a negative test I guess they are trying to appease their masters without upsetting them
  7. Thailand is one of the few countries that doesn't have random breath tests I guess if they did the jail's would be full
  8. Yes and the police are in their tents looking at their phones watching drivers speed past it's sad really
  9. I see Australia is requiring tests from passengers from China just been announced but will Thailand follow probably not we will see
  10. Unfortunately I can see this biting him back as more and more countries are making testing mandatory from China but he knows better it's all about the money
  11. Meanwhile I just went through a check point all police on their phones stopping no one cars speeding through no one looking up from their phones
  12. Yes all sitting down playing on their phones like every year it's all for show
  13. They are going to make a lot of money if they are going to charge them all what a joke
  14. Maybe they can make a submarine out of it
  15. What a bunch of paranoid politicians just shows you how this country is run
  16. I don't think they have lifejackets on a submarine this is going to be great and why wouldn't they have enough lifejackets on a navy ship this is stupid
  17. Can't wait to see what happens when the submarines arrive up periscope down periscope woops
  18. Hopefully he can stay awake long enough if he's the best they have what hope have they got none!
  19. Expectations don't always come to reality dream on with the baht up against most currencies except the us it's all talk again
  20. He is right good luck with that but without guns and tanks it won't do much good sad really for the Thai people
  21. Peas in a pod stick together this is shameful by this pm hopefully thai people realise what he is like and get him out
  22. I do the deposit method it's not that hard just as long as your deposits are over the amount every month and update on the day you go no problems
  23. This is the best news I've heard today only time will tell if it's true
  24. The carpet that this will be swept under will be very expensive
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