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Everything posted by H1w4yR1da

  1. When does the nightmare of Songkran in Pattaya end? Have the man-child Europeans and psycho hoes stopped yet?
  2. Never! But explain where the hypocrisy is to me.
  3. There's is no "anti-gender stuff going around the world." All people are saying is stop trying to groom kids and trans women (biological men) don't enter sports competitions that don't align to your biological sex, as this is blatantly unfair. Other than that, no one gives a toss.
  4. Did he come and personally apologize for the fire? I'm assuming the land is in the wife's name and she seems to be taking ther side. It doesn't look good.
  5. Right. I mean, there's no way that truck just did a upturn in front if him without looking. They never do that, do they. Looking at the picture, it appears the truck was turning left from the right lane. Any bets he didn't check the way was clear before turning?
  6. Both are fine. Only negative is Shopee's Android app isn't in English.
  7. The best I've currently seen is SCB 36 months at 1.75% with Epassbook. Anyone seen better?
  8. I'm surprised as Thailand seems to be moving more towards being under the Chinese sphere of influence. Which enemy is Cobra Gold geared towards fighting exactly?
  9. Then she's an exception. Even Thai teachers who teach English grammar can't eem to hold a decent conversation in English. At least the temporary fly in teachers give the students some practical experience.
  10. To be expected when copying is rife in the Thai school system and there's a minimum 50% exam score so everyone passes.
  11. Motorbike dealers always do this. Advertise the vehicle with the registration year, not the model year.
  12. I wonder if anyone has tried a Bangkok Bank or Krung Thai Bank Mastercard debit card.
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