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Celer et Audax

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Posts posted by Celer et Audax

  1. All the more reason to get good, reduced size, laminated photocopies of your passport and visa and leave your real passport in a secure safe place.

    Which is fine if they didn't say that there's a law that says you have to carry it with you at all times.


    no there isn't you have the option off producing you passport at the police station within 24 hrs
  2. i had passport stloen in bkk 4 years ago. do not lose your passport , it is such a ball ache to go through all the s**t of obtaining an ETD in uk embassy. 2 miserable long days sitting around waiting for passport prosess in uk embassy plus police station and immigration centre in north bkk.

    2 days wasted off my trip.

    WARNING. look after it.

    leave your passport in the hotel room safety deposit box!!

    How difficult is that?

  3. These types of threads always bring out the worst in people, especially when it's a British topic. The yanks think they have it bad but EVERYONE loves to bash the Brits, or the English to be more precise. There is no discussion, just pure unbridled bitching.

    Bottom line, people are sick and tired of being dictated to by a foreign entity; a club which has burgeoned from what was signed up to as the common market that now controls most facets of life. We didn't sign up to that, and I most certainly didn't. The UK is a small island running out of space fast, services are struggling to cope and the EU cats just want to keep on shovelling the people in. Enough is enough, whatever is costs, even if, as some of you uninformed folk seem to think, it will lead the country to ruin. I'd rather have the latter and control of my backyard than ever closer ties to essentially being a diluted state. What's the point! It's not about wanting to be better than anyone or delusion of grandeur of days of empire etc (stroll on... whatever, most Brits couldn't give a monkeys about any of that past). Anyway, bash away haters, I'm done with this predictable thread.

    I see you got difficulties to accept that all what comes from Brussel is the result of consense. Brussel's administration rules out what even you Brits agreed. So don't complain. Once you have signed a contract you have to fulfill and follow the rules. To make it easy for you to understand: If you are going to get a loan from a bank you are happy if you get it, but you have also to accept their rules in repayment and interest.

    So if you leave EU you have to accept higher import taxes and also that your products are not competitive with EU products because of taxes/customs. Subsidies will be gone as well. So for me it's hard to see some blindfolded people on this small island. Open your eyes!

    I just can't wait to see the look on the little englanders faces when they find out, no longer part of the EU, find the French gendarmes at Calais shrugging their shoulders and pointing out to the refugees that 'angleterre is over there'.

    Cooperation gone: It will be one way to lessen the EU's migrant load, that is for sure.

    And you don't think the French do that already?
  4. Whats a disgrace is that we send our boys off to fight 'to help' foreign countries,---sungod

    Wow is that why they were sent........and to think some people were cynical enough to think it was all about Oil.............coffee1.gif

    Well, I did use inverted commas, besides where are the oil fields in Afghan? smile.png

    The article only refers to the Iraq War.

    p.s. it's called "Afghanistan"

    For those who have actually been there( unlike most contributing it seems on this thread) its known as 'Afghan'
    Or the "ghan"
  5. That post is BS, it claims that the victims were murdered at the place they were staying, they were sharing rooms with friends.

    Unfortunately it's the kind of BS that is consumed with gusto by those that don't want to accept reality for what it is instead of what they wish it would be.

    Besides that, a man claiming to be Burmese, using a Thai celebrity photo taken from Panthip as his image creates an account to make one post... Say, anyone wants to buy a bridge?

    Only if you promise it's tower bridge!!
  6. Try Sattahip beaches that are controlled by Thai military. It doesn't matter if you have a work permit or not, you pay the 'farang" price anyway. That's what they say right in your face "You are not Thai, you pay the foreigner rate even if you pay taxes in Thailand!". Some beaches in the area are actually prohibited to foreigners, only Thai nationals with Thai IDs can enter.

    Sincerely I felt that it was over the top. This is a pure widely accepted discrimination encouraged by the government.

    Nang Ram beach is 20 baht for each vehicle to enter

    So I can take my girlfriend and three others to that beach in my pickup and it costs 4 baht each

    Thai drivers pay the same!!

    It is true that some beaches around that area are closed to non Thais but that is because they are inside Thai Military bases so what's wrong with that?

    Nang Ram is looked after by the Navy but is not inside a base.

  7. The lesson: Never in recorded history has a guerrilla army been defeated on its own soil.

    Not even by the most powerful armies. When combatants are out of uniform and blending into their country including civilians they can't be found in such as way as to exterminate them.

    The US should have learned that from the history of others and if not from Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan.. Somewhere it has to be learned.

    The allies defeated Germany and Japan by holding the people responsible for their governments and declaring war against entire countries and bombing relentlessly including using nukes. Those wars were won outright to the point of surrender.

    With current rules of engagement we might as well stay home.

    How about reviewing professional analysis on strategies that lead to win / loss against insurgencies. BTW the UK population centric strategy in Malaya was successful as was the US Sunni Awakening campaign in Iraq.



    The Malayan Emergency

    springs to mind

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