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Celer et Audax

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Posts posted by Celer et Audax

  1. OK, I accept that your interpretation of the word 'loophole' in this context differs from that published in every dictionary.

    The fact remains that an immigrant's entitlement to public funds is extremely limited; even those from EEA countries are not entitled to as much as the general public seem to believe.

    I am not disputing that benefit fraud is a problem. It is a crime and anyone who knows, or suspects that, someone is committing it can report it anonymously here,

    But, as acknowledged earlier in this topic, it is not a crime restricted to immigrants, legal or otherwise. Most offenders are white British.

    However, as is obvious from the OP onwards, some people here are not interested in that; they simply want to have yet another dig at immigrants in general and Muslims, British or not, in particular.

    "White British" wow imagine if someone was to use the phrase Black British there would be uproar

  2. I think this account holds some truth to it. In prison, inmates run what happens inside and guards only watch and, as in this case, the guards perhaps are as evil as the inmates.. What bother me so about this is that this guy is probably in jail just because he is a foreigner. I have read so many instances where death has occurred due to negligent driving yet, the Thai never seems to go to prison for it. A good example is this recent case where the guy drove 200 kph and crashed into the back of a car killing to students. I don't see him even looking at a charge for their deaths, only his bad driving. Pathetic to see double standards across the board with foreigners and Thai.

    Kill 9 people in a mini van and your family is (connected) no worries, you don't even have to do your community service.

    Run over a cop in your Ferrari and drag him down the road killing him and go on holiday's too Singapore.

    Smash your merc into the back of 2 students car incinerating them pay your way out just fines for bad driving.

    Why has his lawyer not put these precedents forward to secure freedom for this bloke?

    Now if your a flang and you don't have video evidence proving innocence's and sometimes even if you do, you will need a lot of cash just to stay out of the monkey house... Welcome to the land of scams...

    Insurance, have or no have, there's the difference.

    There's no way to get an insurance for a motorbike in Thailand. You simply can't get it. On the issue of bail, only first class insurance for cars and also with the bail bond inclusion clearly stated in the insurance papers, you have insurance bail bond possibility. This is a good reminder of people driving cars to check their first class insurance if bail bond is included. But it's invalid if you are caught being drunk, in fact the whole insurance is.

    Rubbish..... I have big bike insurance from Viriyah and it comes with all the bells and whistles

  3. Irish Consulate in Bangkok sent my application back because It only had a signature of the witness.

    They need 2 photos signed and stamped and the form singed and stamped by a witness,

    for a replacement passport.

    How do you put a company stamp on the back of a passport photo?

    My company have a smaller stamp specifically to enable their expat staff to have their photos stamped when renewing passports

    Simple really

  4. So all these farangs come to Thailand and marry local girls. They do

    not have a SINGLE thing in common. Not religion, not education,

    not language, NOTHING. Then later on they wonder why the marriage

    did not work out, and the Thai girl just wanted money.....cheesy.gif

    I would suggest most foreigners in Thailand have mainly little or no education, no skills, and are generally the dregs of western society.

    In which case they have a lot in common with the 'Issan farm girls' they marry.

    As for my marriage,

    My parents bricklayer and hairdresser, her parents farmers.

    My education to post grad, her education ..... junior school when we met, she was very young .... but now finished high school, started university.

    Once she's finished our educational levels will be the same.

    I find your comment very insulting both to me and my gf

    I have a very good job here but have no formal qualifications other then city and guilds in engineering

    My gf is from a farming family near surin she is not and I quote an "issan farm girl" she speaks two different Thai dialects and perfect English and passable Afrikaans due to having lived in SA for a number of years

    She didn't finish high school due to both her parents passing away when she was only 15-16 so she came to Bangkok to work in a factory to support her younger siblings with the help of her elder sister and she studied hard to better herself

    She has now done night school to catch up on what she missed by not finishing high school and will start at university soon

    And I am so proud of my "issan farm girl" she's 38 by the way

    so I think you should desist from taring everyone with the same brush so get back on the bar stool and drink another Chang

    Rant over

  5. Find a girl your age and one that has an open mind and some appreciation for the fact that you come from a different culture and that there is such a term called "meeting in the middle". There seems to be this perception that all Thais are dead set in their ways but that's not necessarily true.

    Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

    A woman my age is likely to be wrinkly with sagging breasts and maybe a few teeth missing. Why on earth would I want one of those? blink.png I might as well be back in my home country, or doing without.

    A woman over 35 definitely - for me. Much better biggrin.png

    And before you ask, No, I am not perfect, but I'm not considered too bad either laugh.png

    I am 77 and she 27 been together 4 years now get along great. No its not the money as I am not rich but after I snuff it she will get enough for a small house on the land she now owns. She will have enough to survive on till the next lucky gent comes along and thats OK to. Somebody will get a darn nice gal after I am blowing in the win. What worries my is that so many expats now want only the thinnest most beautiful girl around. They seem to be on a mission in this respect. I lucked out really because my g/f met my 3 criteria. No kids, speaks tolerable English and does not work. For the sake of disclosure she was my 3nd attempt at finding somebody compatible but the wait was worth it.

    We're discussing your granddaughter right?

  6. When I first got here, I had two relationships where the girls were 19-21 and I was in my fifties. I was hoping for love, but later I realized neither one loved me. They were just using me for sex.

    Lucky you!!

    How much did they pay you?

    Was it for shirt time or long time?

  7. It makes me laugh too much that some on here who pi**ed it up against the wall while they went to University think that anyone who has not been to Uni is uneducated. Do Thai students who go to Uni turn out educated? Do those in the USA that go to Uni yet still believe in creationism turn out educated?

    I left school at 16, at 22 was a fighter pilot in the airforce, flew as a professional military pilot until 38, started three businesses, one training pilots, two selling aircraft, I can currently debate with any other person on the planet concerning quantum entanglement, have just been 'invited' and accepted for separate private meetings in the last week with the PM, Dep PM, Def Min and Dep Def Min in a local country to here and got bored after a while transferring more than 150k USD per month to myself as a token salary. All without a degree!! What a waste of a life and an uneducated person I am. Guess I have no right to comment on Brexit, I am not clever enough. Glad we have so many educated people on here that can tell non degree holders they are not smart enough to make the right decision. Guess I need to spend more time trying to improve myself and figuring out how to spend 150k USD a month from my stupid uneducated upbringing and career.

    Minimum qualifications to be a fighter pilot in the US Air force is a Bachelor's degree.


    And how prey tell do you know that this poster was in the US Airforce?

    Please provide a link that confirm this! Otherwise stop nitpicking

  8. Not sure why a witness is needed to get a passport renewed. But that must be a requirement from your home country.

    Why is your wife reluctant to try the local police? They might do it.

    The U.K. Requires a witness to confirm that the photos you submit with your application are actually you, the back of the photo is agh ed by the witness.

    The witness must be a Policeman, Doctor(MD), Lawyer, Accountant or. JP

    Same rules apply in Ireland

    No they do not.

    Not if you are applying for a new passport.

    Only if applying for your first passport.

    Yes they do as I have recently applied for a new Irish passport and the form had a section that had to be completed by the witness who signed the back of the photos stating their occupation!!

    The financial director at the company I work for did this for me as obviously being the financial director she is an accountant!!

    However I will stand corrected about the British passport renewal as mine still has some time to run

    And before you get all unnecessary I have dual citizenship

    One of the benefits of being born in England to Irish parents

  9. Not sure why a witness is needed to get a passport renewed. But that must be a requirement from your home country.

    Why is your wife reluctant to try the local police? They might do it.

    The U.K. Requires a witness to confirm that the photos you submit with your application are actually you, the back of the photo is agh ed by the witness.

    The witness must be a Policeman, Doctor(MD), Lawyer, Accountant or. JP

    Same rules apply in Ireland

    • Like 2
  10. Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

    Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

    Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

    The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

    Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

    So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

    Oh, so you are the representative for all Brits and all Aussies as well. Were you elected or were you born into the post? I don't represent all Americans, but my opinion would be that most Americans don't care whether what is left of the UK stays in Eurozone or not. However, the US leader who has an approval rating in the UK of around 76% (2015 Pew Research Poll) shared his opinion as a Brexit will be costly not only to the UK but to other countries including the US. He made the remarks I think quite respectfully and without any bullying or racist remarks unlike Boris Johnson or yourself for that matter. As far as Americans having an allegiance to their British roots, that is absurd. We're quite proud of the fact that we revolted against British rule and kicked George III out of our little part of the world. Oh, and only 13% of Americans even have British roots and I'm sure most of them never think about it. As much as we love the UK (despite your crankiness) you will never see "I'm proud to be English" on a tee shirt in America.

    Obviously as anyone born in America is not English

  11. one thought,

    can you claim the VAT back at airport when you leave for the overpriced tickets you paid for ?

    get you a little back at least

    Unfortunately not as you have to produce the item you bought to get the VAT back and I suspect that dragging a national park with you through check in and immigration would be a bit difficult but hey give it a go!!

  12. Isn't this the same guy who wrote the "Farang is racist" piece not long ago? Is he just running through TV's greatest hits?

    Oh dear, has the nasty man upset you by writing something critical about discrimination?

    You can bet if the expat pubs starting charging Thai's an extra 50 baht a pint a certain someone in here would be the first to claim it was racist.

    Not much point really as most Thais I have seen in an "expat pub" were accompanying their terrak when he was meeting his mates to watch the footie and to whinge about Thailand so he was paying anyway lol

  13. We shouldnt complain about it really but our countries of birth should reciprocate as it is reasonable. The British Museum in London I believe charges the equivalent of Baht 400 so charge Thai's visiting Baht 1,600.

    That is fair after all the Thai's who come to England are rich and can afford it.

    Entrance to the British Museum is FREE!!

    As is entrance to most of the other major museums in London

  14. "Brexit campaigners who argue the UK could get a better trade deal with Europe outside of the EU are “economically illiterate” and dishonest, the Chancellor has claimed."


    Well that's it then. George Osborne must be right. ( sarcasm)

    This is the same Eton educated toff of a chancellor who never gets his figures correct, relying instead,in borrowing large sums of money, that has at some time to be paid back.With interest of course.

    Not something a Labour Chancellor ever did!!


  15. Thread update. laugh.png

    OUT 70

    IN 34

    Single white males probably [emoji1]

    All 104? Bizarre comment!

    I was alluding to the apparant correlation between Brexit supporters and aTrump supporters which is indeed bizarre

    So you reckon just under 70% of the people on this forum are single white males - I doubt you're even close.

    And as for Trump, he's just a complete <deleted> wit who spouts nonsense in order to avoid dealing with any real issues. There, Trump supporters and me are poles apart and I will definitely be voting to Leave the failing EU. And when the UK leaves, the EU will crumble within two or three years.

    Don't know why I put single! I meant white males, probably without tertiary education

    But, as for the correlation with Trump supporters based on opinions expressed, that still stands...

    BTW it is interesting to note that Peterborough and Cambridge, similar size and about same distance from London are at the extremities of pro and anti Brexit. Can you guess which is which? Why do think that is?

    Peterborough for in due to the fact that it is now almost completely over run by people from Eastern Europe

    Cambridge for out due to the fact that there are still some English people living there

  16. I am a a UK citizen, I believe it would be sad to leave the Union, we are surrounded by it, the sensible thing is to make changes and stay

    I have MY UK postal vote even here Thailand and will be voting to stay, may I suggest others who are eligible also get their postal vote, it can all be done online

    Nice sentiment, unfortunately it only takes one member state to block a change,and this will not happen on most issues, as they will vote on their own nations interest. Check out how many times the UK tried to change existing regulations, and how many were successful.
    Same as it would only take one member state to block a trade deal with the UK should we leave.

    Yes I can see BMW, Mercedes,VW, Audi, Fiat, Alpha Romeo,Seat,Skoda to name a few going along with that!!!


  17. My answer should be no1, but my first loyalty is to myself, and if it means that the GBP plummets if we leave the EU

    as what some people are saying, then I could not support leaving as it would make my lifestyle here in Thailand more expensive.

    Strange post given that your avatar is the Irish Flag!

  18. If by expats you mean expats from Western countries, they tend to be disproportionately older white males, and older white males are the population segment in Western countries most apt to harbor racial prejudice, though of course not all of them do.

    I suspect this mainly accounts for what you have noted.

    That is perhaps too generalised. Maybe more applicable to USA (which does have issues because there is a large population of Africans, most of them descendants of slaves.) Then, UK, France, Germany...? Same, or some differences?


    "Western" is usually a way of saying White. When it is used in the context of people and culture, the person saying it usually means White.

    Poland, Slovakia, Russia? They are White countries but not Western. i have often seen people that they are more racist, particularly against Africans.

    Older white males? Maybe because they are less well trained, and the same applies to Asians and Orientals, and the same applies to East Europeans and Russians. In other words, have not yet been trained in "Political Correctness." The Asians, in particular, are more inclined to call a spade a spade.

    Unfortunate choice of word

  19. Being beaten to death is of course totally unacceptable and those responsible should go to prison for life.

    That said, allow me to make a few observations that many will want to bite at. I was a young squaddie circa 1974 and was knocked around by the senior guys quite often. It was "all part of it" and I was forewarned, my older brother received the same treatment back in '64. I took redundancy as a Warrant Officer Physical Training Instructor. in '93 when it all started to get PC and silly. Being a soldier is a tough life, it's no place for wimps. Even in the changed British Army, there are probably 'rough' things that go on behind closed doors. When you're faced by an enemy ready to cut your ba**s off, those days of being a 'sprog' and getting some rough and tumble can actually serve to help you through the rough and scary times.

    It can't have been that bad as I still miss those hardy days, but as always one man's meat......

    And so where did you see your 'rough and scary' front line action soldier !

    Dear me, why the venom matelot?! Jolly Jack Tar pi*s you off today? Get out the wrong side of the hammock? The Streets of Northern Ireland and Falkland Islands. Do I need to send you a full resume?

    You tell him mate!! I took a beating on a lance jack's course for leaving one of my guys behind during a command appointment tabbing across the plain in wintertime the whole section was on our chin straps including me but I failed to look after one of my blokes so the DS gave me a good kicking

    I never ever forgot that lesson and I never complained about it either!!!

  20. On leave AGAIN from the air ambulance service ?

    Disgusting news video of them visiting a slum and peering into the shacks these poor, unfortunate people call home.

    It's disgraceful that slum residents are put on display for people who will never have to worry about scraping an existence. Sure some nice words of concern might be said then onto the next freebie piss up.

    Wow your bitter!!

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