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Celer et Audax

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Posts posted by Celer et Audax

  1. Tsk, tsk Trans Am, it's exactly the opposite.

    These people want to go on UK because they come from your former colonies and they speak English.

    They will join their parents and friends came previously  for the same reasons.
    France has its own immigrants (several million !) also came from its former colonies. They are similar but they are not the same.

    Finally, a lot of leaders from Boulogne and Calais want to let these people to Dover care, accepting or return in their origin countries. It is only to respect the 2003 agreement with London to avoid new boat-people in the Chanel that France still agrees to make this dirty work instead of English.

    Last time I looked, Somalia Afghanistan Tunisia Morocco Syria Libya Chad Eritrea Iraq Iran etc
    Were not former British colonies
    But please enlighten me if I'm wrong
  2.   Following a second attempted kidnap of a British serviceman by Islamists, the British military has banned the wearing of British military uniforms on the streets of Britain. The first time this has ever happened in our history. It's to stop them being attacked and murdered by the Islamic enemy.   When you consider that the British military, created to serve and defend the interests and lives of British people, have been removed from the streets of the country they serve because British governments have introduced a fifth column of militant Islamists, hell-bent and dedicated to the annihilation of Britain and the conquest and subjugation of the people of Britain something is rotten at the top.   Instead of taking radical steps by detaining and deporting those with murderous intent our treasonous politicians are hell bent on bringing even more of the prospective enemy into what was once our country.  

    No it's not the first time that servicemen were banned from wearing uniform on the streets
    This ban was in force during "the troubles" as was the necessity to check your car before driving anywhere
  3. Corruption in Thailand generally.

    Also, if we want to get to the root of the problem, we might consider, as an example, that the entry-level salary for a police officer here is around 8k Baht a month.

    Last year a friend of mine managed to get a UK visit visa for his girlfriend after forking over 35k Baht to an "agent".

    She would almost certainly not have been able to get a visa without the "fee".

    There were no British staff in evidence at the Embassy on my last visit there.

    What does your last comment have to do with your first 2?

    Then your friend possibly wasted the 35k

    the visas aren't granted by the processing centre or by the Thai's that work at the embassy.

    I too know people that have used agents and personally all they do is collate the paperwork and present it well - not worth the money!

    I totally agree the staff at VFS have no control over who gets a visa they are only there to collect the documentation for onward submit trance to the British Embassy

    The last time I went back to the UK with my(Thai) gf

    All the was required was the following

    A letter of invitation from a family member in the UK stating that they would be supporting her financially during her stay (accommodation and food)

    A letter from me stating the same as above

    A letter from her employer stating her income and the fact that she had a job to return to in Thailand ( this was in Thai so I think we paid 1000 baht for it to be translated)

    A letter from my employer here stating that I had permeant employment here in Thailand and also confirmed my salary to show I had the means to support her whilst we were in the UK

    We also provided the following to back up her application although it wasn't asked for

    Travel insurance with BUPA Thailand

    Copy of the rental agreement on our condo which is joint names

    Total cost approx 5000 baht plus the 1000 baht for the translation

    So next time I will do all your paper work do 20000 baht and you won't have to pay an agent 35000 unless of course your ducks aren't all in a row as they should be

    IMHO if your Kosher then you have no need to pay

    Any one to do this stuff for you

  4. The Full Moon Parties were always a bit crap really.

    The whole thing was a rehash of the Rave scene of the late 80's, early 90's in the UK. Illegal parties in warehouses and fields, the whole "summer of love" thing.

    What you have is:

    - beach

    - music

    - People doing stuff that their parents had done 20 years earlier

    It pales in comparison to a Monday night at Club Ku in the mid-90's when Manumission were running the night. 6,000 people in a single nightclub, amazing music, great people and things to mess with your head every turn you took. For example, I was walking there one time and right in the middle of the dance floor was a girl at a table, dressed as a nurse, peeling potatoes.

    Then you had other nights at places line Amnesia, Pascha etc. - absolutely amazing places, with top DJs and top sound systems.

    What do you get here? A crappy sound system on the beach, get your face painted (like a 10 year old), drink a mushroom shake and pee in the sea. Your choice of drinks? Singa, Heineken, Leo, Chang or a bucket of crap with moquito repellent in it.

    It's hardly Cafe Del Mar is it?

    Thailand has never been a party paradise. It's just a cheap place to get wasted.

    Your an Ibiza vet then and I agree with you completely

    There is nothing in Thailand that compares with watching the sun set whilst enjoying a drink outside cafe del mar or any other of the fantastic bars that liner the beach there

    A truly chilled out place

    Then get yourself of to manumission followed by early morning after party in playa den bosa

    Pure class

    Apologies for any spelling mistakes lol

  5. Great Britain has always been little, but we are Great because we can fight, explore, do stuff. Back in '39 an unprepared little Britain came to the aid of many against a well prepared war machine attacking little countries. It is in our genes to try....

    The EU thing is just Brits showing when enough is enough....

    I think you do a great disservice to conveniently forget the large number of Poles, Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis, Free French, and many other nationalities who not only helped defend GB during the Battle of Britain but who "came to the aid of many . . ." until the US joined in.

    I started reading from bottom to the top. The first sentence (from the bottom) has always been enough for me. the rest is just icing on the cake so to speak.

    To the OP stop winging. The UK people do not see themselves as European but from the UK. Its called patriotism. They are proud of their identity and have seen this dwindled away since joining the EU. This was an opportunity to get our identity back. Now deal with it.

    Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

    We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

    It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

    Sure, but folk dislike being controlled by Germans, you Scots folk want that then do it and remain under their control...Scots bleat about Westminster and the English but WANT a German master..

    Well YOU get on with it, if Germans are in your opinion better than the UK union, do your stuff......

    silly statement, the EU is not German it consists of 27 countries all with voting rights, Junker is president of the EU commission and he comes from the little country of Luxembourg.

    Luxembourg is a principality

  6. "The kid was having a 'night terror' which he hasn't

    Had since he was about 10. The powder was electrolyte tables crushed up. He was running up and down the corridors as if someone is chasing him in a dream, Not halusinating from pills. He is from Liverpool, not Ireland. The people in his from was his older sister and her husband who went to Bankok with permission from his parents because he had 'supervision' from his family."

    So you know him personally then?I think that most people are interested in removing the slurs placed on this poor little kid's name over the use of Ketamine etc.A typical non-investigation by the RTP,he was drunk and high on drugs,another foreign suicide case closed! sad.png

    yes I know him personally. He's my aunties brother. He was so happy on his trip that he wouldn't even think of suicide. Look mate if you think you know him more than I do then your a bit mental

    So he was your aunties brother? So he's your uncle then?

  7. Do you remember Scotland had a referendum, the leave group lost, they accepted the result for now, so they have unfinnished business.

    Scotland referendum was not unfinished business. They had always said that they would accept a remain vote (at least for a generation) IF the terms of the union do not change SUCH AS Scotland being taken out of the European Union AGAINST HER WILL. The English electorate have initiated a change and are trying to drag Scotland out of the European Union against her will.... therefore it is England that is driving the need for a final decision on whether Scotland will remain in the UK or remain in the European Union [which apparently they cannot have both]. In other words, it was not unfinished business it was triggered by the UK referendum results.

    No need to shout.

    It still boils down to "unfinnished business" if your goal is to work for the same goal, no matter how long a time frame you give it.

    The vote was for the UK to stay or leave not Scotland.

    I think the terms of reference for the Scottish referendum was grossly unfair as it potentially would have had an effect on the UK as a whole so therefore I believe the whole of the U.K. should have been able to vote

    End result bye bye Scotland

    Off topic sorry

  8. A 2nd vote could come along. Don't be so quick to diss the peaceful protestors. It was peaceful protesters against the US war in VN which influenced that war. Initially, powers-that-be were chiding the protesters as a bunch of bedraggled hippies who didn't know how to brush their hair.

    I think a 2nd vote would reverse Brexit.

    The English lost the match the other day against Belgium... should they get a chance to try again?


    Which match was that? Tiddlywinks ?

    I think you need to refine your google search skills or maybe better still watch the news

  9. The referendum produced a small majority based on lies and racist bigotry.

    Hardly a glowing mandate.

    We can only hope that PM Teresa May manages to slow down or halt this mad rush to oblivion.

    That's an inevitable situation whether people like it or not. The end result of all this is not, and never was, an exit from the European Union regardless of how fervently Leave voters may have ticked the boxes. The game now is for Teresa to negotiate a position technically outside Europe but without losing the benefits of Europe.

    It's not an enviable position as the UK now has the weakest hand and stands more chance of being forced to accept EU rules and costs without much say. Their other option is to extract themselves fully and rely on the WTO. Given the UKs deep reliance now on a European market for just about everything it's not a good place to be. What a mess.

    Lest we forget that the UK was largely forced into joining the EU to survive in the late 1960s. (Britain, post Empire, really was not all that great despite the rosy memories - it was in huge trouble)

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    I think you will find that we joined the "common market" as was called back then in 1973 which is hardly the late sixties but please correct me if I'm wrong
  10. I think the police are in a difficult position here. One one side, there is pressure to

    preserve the positive image of Thailand, and on the other hand, they have to deal

    with idiots like these Brits. From what I have read so far, it seems the Brit deserved

    what he got.

    I don't care how much the cocktails where ... he could have ordered a bottle of water.

    The restaurant has the right to set it's prices as they see fit. And customers can either

    order and pay for the items or move on ...

    This Brit was obviously a retard and got what he deserved ...

    The manager should have kept his cool as well ... but I don't see abusive behavior

    from the Manager, just a reaction to an action ....

    I hope this type of "tourists" stay home - we don't need more of these shit heads ...

    Well put, im amazed that most posters here do agree that the Brit was out of line and the cause of the trouble. Usually its .. farang good.. Thai bad case close.. oh.. bash Thais a bit more ad infinitum.

    I'm just wondering why Brits have to drink their beer in plastic cups back home? Would they really hit each other with glasses and bottles?

    And they told me at primary school that British people invented the gentleman. I'm confused and lost in Isaan. facepalm.gif .

    Is very common in Ireland and UK to get plastic cups, particularly in the rougher pubs/areas.... I think its because the bar owner is liable for compensation if someone gets pint glassed in the face or bottle over the head....

    Some places are just rougher than others

    Plastic cups are common at sporting events and concerts etc

    I have never been served beer in a plastic cup in a pub/ bar in the uk or Ireland where I lived for 12 years

    I did how ever go to Buriram for the big bike weekend in March and was served beer at the venue in wait for it Plastic cups

    Poor attempt at Brit bashing IMHO

  11. Its quite possible they were beaten while in prison----but I wouldn't put it (solely) down to the guards, Britain had many years of Erawan shrine bombings,(IRA) A girl I went to school with lost a leg while having a quite drink in the local London pub. Those who were caught-----weren't treated to well by their fellow inmates in Prison also.........................................coffee1.gif

    You're 'spot-on' oxo1947. While I was an administrative detainee at San Pedro Service Processing Center, awaiting deportation from the United States in 2004; if you are familiar with the murders of British Army corporals David Howes and Derek Wood on March 19th, 1988 - well I became acquainted with the man who was first to get to their car and started kicking this vehicle.

    Although my acquaintance did not actually murder the two British Army corporals, he shared with me how he was unmercifully beaten by Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) police officers in detention. In fact he was beaten so hard, he had to have ALL his teeth replaced. For what it's worth though oxo1947, my acquaintance was never assaulted by fellow inmates while detained in prison. It was just the RUC and prison guards who would constantly beat him.

    If he was beaten by the RUC then he obviously was not detained on the mainland so would have been in a segregated part of the Maggiligan or Maghaberry or even the Kesh if it was still open at the time

    Perhaps had he been in the scrubs or belmarsh the experience might have been slightly different

  12. I love reading all the threads relating to this horrific events that occurred on that fateful night but IMHO all this discussion is pointless!!

    And why is that you ask?

    Well a statement was made early on in the investigation that and I quote " no Thai would do this"

    The same person also implied that if you walk around in a bikini you are asking for it!!

    So they have their culprits and they are not Thai so no need to look else ware

  13. I have had the Tesco card for 4 years and never received anything from them . Maybe they got the wrong address? Do they send out coupons to your e-mail address?

    Go to customer services and ask about you mailing address, confirm it. If your not receiving---maybe check your local post office---something wrong ??

    The problem with Tesco customer service it is not often you find one that speaks English. At Big C no problem. balo's experience is the same as mine, with some of my other friends experiencing it and they speak fluent Thai.

    Why would they speak English? In case you haven't noticed your are in Thailand

    Let's just pretend your home country is the Uk how many Tesco customer service staff in your local Tescos speak Thai?

    Just a thought!!

  14. I don't drink or frequent bars, so it does not affect me, but it just shows you again the Thai mentality of shutting down places where alcohol is served in the name of religion.

    I think it is wrong to shut down bars when tourists travel all the way to Thailand for holidays, then find that on one or two nights they cannot go out for their entertainment.

    Given your avatar I'm surprised that you don't know pubs close early evening on Christmas Eve and don't reopen until early evening on St Stephens day if at all and good Friday is also a closed day and where does this happen?

    Yes you've guessed it Ireland!!

  15. I have read replies ...

    I do not have a solicitor or anything ..

    What started as my main concern was if the Thai family could get hold of our money .. Until he pays me wage he owes me ..

    I have no idea if the villa has actually sold..

    If it's sold, I have no idea where the money is as he is on tourist visa ..

    I have no idea where he is living cud be with daughter in law.

    He does not seem to want a divorce .. If I mentioned it.. He ignores ..

    I am just kissed off .. He just changed and all because this daughter in law was affectionate to him.. But I do know whatever she or however she acts.. It's for her own agenda .. She also played me, my so. And my Hsiang against each other and she was the one that always was the victim if her and my son had fights.. Nasty piece of work ..

    So, there is nothing I can do .. But in the end his loss .. As he is loosing his own family for the Thai family .. Silly man..

    And your a native English speaker? Please!!!

  16. I truly look forward to their return to England, when the true

    story of how they feel will come out.... Plus am sure the Mirror

    will pay handsomely for the story. Also am sure the part where

    they tell how much the Thai government paid them to say they

    would return to Thailand should be interesting.... cheesy.gif

    Don't you mean their return to Wales!!!

    They are Welsh not English!!

  17. I can remember seeing this type of Hooliganism before, in Europe, committed by English soccer (excuse me football) fans (let's not forget skin heads and other trash in the west as well). This type of behavior is brutal no matter where it takes place, and it takes place everywhere. For many here to suggest that Thai men are more prone to this type of behavior than others is just stupid. I'm not making excuses for the Thai people involved in this incident but to link this type of behavior to all Thai men or all Thai people is ludicrous. It happens in my own country and in the home countries of the rest of the old, white people who frequent this site.There are bad apples everywhere. Now, what the criminal justice system here does with the case is another story. Thailand has many problems for which constructive criticism is called for, but there is a group of trolls on this site that just hate the country and the people. If you hate the country and the people, leave the country, stop visiting, and leave this site as your hatefulness is not helpful.

    Nonsense, why post off topic rubbish on a subject that you know little or nothing about. English football hooligans have never gone around bashing old women, they tend to keep it among themselves.

    Tell us where you were when you saw this.

    And no, I am not nor ever have been a hooligan, football or other, but I have followed football for forty years across England, Wales and Europe.

    Agreed 100% during the height of the English and I should point out other nationalities hooligan years

    "Civilians" as in normal supporters walking to a ground with a team scarf on we're as a rule not targeted

    The violence was on most occasions was pre arranged between the different firms and also quite often was well away from the match venue to avoid being interrupted by the police

  18. I sort of understand what happened with that incident. It definitely shows what Thais are really about - this is what they would do to all Farangs if they were given an opportunity to do it.

    On another hand, you know that 43 year old was kind of really stupid for putting the whole group in danger. If I saw a few drunk thugs sorting their business out - I would keep a good 500 meter safety distance from them in any case, and Especially If I had my own family members with me around - this is so elementary, I had no idea I could have to explain this to some people apparently. I've seen this before in other countries and I know how quickly these things can escalate. These British people out of 10 things they could get wrong in the street survival Bible got all 10 wrong somehow - I just don't understand how naive these people are and how it's possible. It's no excuse for the thugs of course. But I mean seriously British people - you need to get a clue and fast because thanks to your stupidity you could put a lot of other Farangs in danger as well who could happen to be in the same area where you are stirring up some trouble... I pretty much stayed indoors the entire Songkran period - that's when all the muppets are out getting drunk and causing all kinds of mayhem - but if you were going to get in the middle of it all - the least you could do is at least try to stay away and not agitate the already extremely drunk and agitated - this should be as clear as 2x2, but apparently not to some people...

    I don't understand why they were even walking through that area, I would have walked a whole mile around it, but I mean brushing people and then punching them instead of calling the police - I mean come on... I understand that we are dealing with some seriously disturbed racist people - but the least you could is minimize the damage to yourselves and others...

    What do you mean 'seriously British people'? These are three people, not representative of the whole nation. If we're not going to tar all Thais with the same brush then perhaps you can do the British the same courtesy?
    Do Scots people living in Wales count as British?

    Everybody who is a citizen of "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther Ireland" is British!!!

    However some often prefer to describe themselves as English, Welsh, Scottish or indeed Irish depending on which part of the UK. They hail from

  19. You can say anything u like to me I will not hit you. I dont care. Insult my mum, my sister, my gf. I dont care. All the machos on this very forum, geriatrics, quite funny. And quite pathetic. 555
    Might want to include: if a 65 year old woman slaps me, I will just laugh and walk away, no doubt muttering choice phrases, rather than beat the crap out of her.

    Only low life scum would do that.

    True. But then we were not slabbed by a geriatric but some young Thai lowlives were. In other words: apples and oranges. I can not stress this enough. It's scum versus scum in this story. Old white trash hits young yellow trash and vice versa. Somnamnààààààààà. coffee1.gif

    No, they're not the same. Anyone who assaults pensioners in this manner are the lowest form of scum.

    Nothing can justify or explain away their vile behaviour.


    Most agree with you and many others.. There is no way to explain away the vile behaviour of the Thai's..

    There's also no way to explain away the stupid behavior of this family from Whales.

    Anyone that assault not only Thai's, but drunk Thai's.. Can't be in touch with reality!

    Or, just another bunch of ignorant tourist believing they are entitled to push around and assault the locals, as if it's part of their travel itinerary.

    I'm on the side of... "Both" the tourist and Thai's were.... WRONG!!

    do you mean Wales the country rather than Whales the largest mammals on the planet?
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