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    Udon Thani

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    Ban Dung --- Udon Thani

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  1. Does this mean the TAT are going to have to revise their tourism revenue algorithm Again - Again - Again. Maybe I should lend em me abacus!!
  2. Don't think I would act rationally if I had to live with some prick sitting on my neck shoving a steel spike into the back of my ear!
  3. Maybe should have opened a bank account after accumulating her 1st million. (Assuming the money/gold/whatever? was clean.)
  4. Yea but he did borrow the watches!!!!! or did he???
  5. Yep the street venders and motorcyclists are going to luv it.
  6. Agree, I was given a shack down in Dec when renewing my retirement extension based on 65K/mth. at Udon Thani. Insisted I prove where my Wise transfer monies came from. = NONE OF THERE EFFIN BUSINESS!!!
  7. Build the worlds tallest building with the worlds worst cranes/operators. Yea sure!!!!
  8. Dunno wot junk food has to do with a FB topic but BOTH belong in a trash can -- of coarse, IMHO!!!!
  9. The OP is not a 50 year old vehicle. Gimee a break!
  10. Thanks guys for all your replys. As the W10 (somewhat older notebook and don't ask) machine is my primary work station I have decided to use FF for now. Got better things to do. 5555
  11. Yes George, I could probably wear that if I was routing thru Europe but 100km up the road with 2 machines running in parallel over the same WiFi connection. There is the problem.
  12. Are you for real? Hard to clone a Jeep without 4WD! The casual driver, even in Aus., should never drive onto a beach.
  13. 4 Wheel drive engaged? Front wheel hubs locked? Reduced tyre pressure (10 - 14 psi)?
  14. Questionable as 2 machines with very close specifications, accessing the same WiFi Router and same Chrome release have such a big anomally in Chrome performance.
  15. Yes, I did this morning:- Uninstall Restart Registry clean Restart Reinstall Chrome Made no difference???
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