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Posts posted by sebastion

  1. Have you checked out “ Back “ same guys ( Mitchell and Webb ) has similar storyline, Mitchell unable to fit in ! and Webb a waster sponging off everyone else !!
    Worth a look

    Currently only 1 series of 6 episodes but series 2 is supposedly out this year .
    I'll search it up now. Thanks.
    Those two are a great duo.

    Sent from my EVA-L19 using Tapatalk

  2. Quality tourists then!!!!!
    That's the business.
    8 hours to kill with little or no money to spend.

    Tour operators love it as it costs them only a bus for the day and they get paid to bring their horde there.

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  3. Why?? If you don't like the transport here go back to your "air-conditioned" taxi country !!!
    The "Go back to your country" line.
    The most overused line I've ever read on Thaivisa.
    Phuket prides itself as a world class destination.
    Just a pity that the infrastructure or amenities don't match that description.

    Would you trust your life or anyone you love in that car?
    Shirtless men drunk with no standards.

    No thanks.

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  4. In a 11 years of living here and - that - is the first time I've seen a cop in hot pursuit with the intention of pulling over someone who violated a traffic law.
    Now if this country would implement that approach country-wide, perhaps they would only be in the top ten most dangerous roads in the world instead of maintaining the Number 1 position. 
    Thailand has a highway patrol but it's used to shuttle VIPs thorough traffic.
    Not once have I seen them pull someone over.

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  5. The big plastic/styrofoam "mountain" in front of the new Central was burning, not the Central building itself. Damage should be limited though I guess this Tribum attraction wont see many visitors anytime soon. Afaik there was still work being done on that attraction and it's basically a big pile of plastic and other flamable materials with lots of electronics inside => high fire risk. Not a good combination with local safety standards.
    That mountain was to house a show.
    Much like Phuket Fantasy.

    It would have failed for sure. Can't see that being popular.

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  6. Mrs. Kidd just showed me some FB video taken from across the street. Looked pretty bad, too much stuff in the way to see exactly where but seemed to be on the west side.
    I just drove past. It's that fake mountain made of Tiger disco styrofoam.

    It was ugly and made the place look cheap anyway

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  7. Big fire at the new central right now.

    The fake styrofoam mountain is ablaze.

    Traffic is slow because people love to look.

    Avoid the area


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  8. The reasons the Chinese tourists sleep around the shopping centres is that the tour company dumps them there for a few days out of their package deal.
    They are stuck until 5pm pick up.

    So they hang out all day picking at cheap food and taking a nap.

    You even see this when they are departing at the airport.
    They might be flying in the evening but get dumped at the airport at 9am.

    This is the reality of zero baht tours.

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  9. Except the Chinese will boycott American made and know the rest of the world 6.5 billion plus will buy Chinese.
    China doesn't really buy American anyway. They just copy it and sell fakes of American intellectual property.

    The trade imbalance is 550 billion a year in China's favor.
    They flood America with their goods and buy very little American made.

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  10. "Sanctions are still in place." 
    Tell that to the Chinese and the Russians.
    "Nauert did not respond when asked if the United States was willing to take "corresponding measures," except to say: "Nothing can happen in the absence of denuclearization; denuclearization has to come first."
    That's pretty straightforward."
    It seems there is some lack of clarity in the administration's positions. And God knows what Trump will give away at the next summit.
    What did he give away at the summit in Singapore?

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  11. 1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

    Will this American worker be looking for a job in Vietnam, Serbia, or Mexico?

    Chinese companies flee overseas to avoid US tariffs

    A growing number of Chinese companies are adopting a crafty way to evade US President Donald Trump’s tariffs: remove the “Made in China” label by shifting production to countries such as Vietnam, Serbia and Mexico.

    That's biting off your nose to spite your face.
    China gains nothing by doing that. Unemployment will rise just to enrich a few oligarchs.

    Does nothing for their economy but Xi will feel he wins face.
    That's all that matters to Chinese.

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