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Posts posted by sebastion

  1. Did you read the entire article?
    "Washington calls for concrete action, such as a full disclosure of North Korea's nuclear and missile facilities, before satisfying Pyongyang's key demands, including an official end to the war and the easing of international sanctions."
    We haven't given them anything so far.
    Sanctions are still in place.

    Heather Nauert states clearly in the article.

    "Nauert did not respond when asked if the United States was willing to take "corresponding measures," except to say: "Nothing can happen in the absence of denuclearization; denuclearization has to come first."

    That's pretty straightforward.

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  2. Wants more concessions from Donald they are getting what they want easing of sanctions and recognition as a world nuclear power they played us like a fish Donald was outsmarted by a backwoods Asian hillbilly another of Donald’s failures

    Why not read the article.

    U.S.A won't negotiate anything until they de-nuke.

    It must come first before they negotiate.


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  3. He will loose, Elon has a endless supply of money and I'm sure he has  evidence to support the accusations...
    He could call me a pedophile 1000 times and I wouldn't sue. I'd ask him for a job.
    I'm not stupid enough to sue a billionaire with connections worldwide.

    I sure hope Vern is squeaky clean because they are digging deeper than he would ever imagine.

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  4. By all accounts it was an heroric effort by all involved - not everyone had to enter the cave to provide a valuable contribution.               
    He contributed yes. Doesn't make him a hero.
    The ladies selling noodles to the bystanders even contributed. Are they hero's for setting up food carts and making a few baht?

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  5. >>It's called research. Try it.
    Palestine had Jews resettling there since 1896 because it was under British control

    Well that is mighty strange because the British did not even capture Palestine until 1917. 
    The rest of you post is similarly inaccurate.
    You're trolling. Goodbye.
    Jews were resettling long before 1917.
    Britain was there but not in control in 1896 when Jews were invited to immigrate.

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    • Confused 1
  6. Where is the link that proves your claim they sold the house?   Who was it sold to? Where is the link to prove they lost the case?

    The case was ruled to the plaintiff.

    Then it was dismissed due to both parties coming to an agreement after the fact.

    Happens all the time and it's the best outcome the Blasey-Fords could expect.




    "The records suggest that the dismissal was granted after the Blaseys and the bank cut a deal that avoided a sale of the property at a foreclosure auction.


    Martha Kavanaugh signed off on the motion after the case had initally been assigned to another judge."




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  7. You claim they lost the house.  The onus is on you to provide the link.  I know for a fact that Thakkar can, but you can't as you are not telling the truth.
    They lost the house yes. It was sold in conjunction with the bank because they lost the case. They had no other choice to settle that way or get nothing.

    He says they didn't so I'd like to see a link.

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  8. Complete baloney! Link please.
    It's called research. Try it.

    Palestine had Jews resettling there since 1896 because it was under British control. The Palestinians didn't bat an eyelid because the money was flowing for them to allow Jews to integrate into Palestinian society.
    After the 1948 Holocaust a mass migration happened and that's when things got heated. Britain couldn't control the fighting from Palestinians so the U.N carved it up.

    Palestinian leaders accepted the first map because they were heavily compensated which probably went to a select few at the top.

    We have this mess today because they can't accept that they made a bad deal and the Israelites are just protecting themselves.

    Muslims didn't give a crap about Jerusalem before the Jews claimed it. It was in disrepair.
    Things would have been fine if they just honoured their original deal.

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  9. Yes, she ruled in favor of the plaintiff’s SECOND motion which was to ask the courts to dismiss their first motion to foreclose as the defendants had arranged for a refinance. By agreeing to dismissing the first motion, the court allowed Ford’s parents to keep their house. This was a ruling in EVERYONE’S favor.
    But, pkease, keep embarrassing yourself for our entertainment, thanks.
    They lost their house when they agreed with the bank to sell. They lost the case and made a deal with the bank so they got something out of it.
    How hard is that to understand.

    Stop reading brainwashing MSNBC.

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    • Haha 2
  10. Indeed.  I did a full text search on the text and guess what the top hit was (apart from the snopes debunk):

    Type in case number 156006V

    It's plain as day.
    Motion was filed by the plaintiff and the status was granted.

    She ruled against them.

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    Court proceedings are public records and easily verifiable. “They” must know this, so it says a lot that they would try this shenanigan. It shows several things:
    1. Their utter disregard for facts
    2. They have no real arguments
    3. Their utter disdain for the Trump base they hope to fool, convinced that the idiots will buy this uncritically.
    Typical deflection when confronted with facts.
    Belittling opinions doesn't make you right.

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    Martha Kavanaugh actually ruled in favor of Ford’s parents, so that they were able to keep the house.*
    Ford must hate her parents so much that she waited decades to take revenge on the son of the person that ruled in favor of them. Women, eh? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    *Links to court records at this site:
    She ruled to the plaintiff, not the defendants.
    Try reading the court paper before replying.

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