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    Florida, USA.

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  1. ...assisted?--yes, doctors will assist you as fast as you run out of insurance.
  2. Russia? Russia firmly entrenched in past and will stay there for another 1000 years.
  3. ...300bt?--good start. Highly advance countries like Russia charge me 200$ or about 6000bt.
  4. After I watched crypto market for a while FTX claim bankruptcy and Bitcoin drop to 15K area. Thank you for the warning.
  5. I guess none of you visited Angeles city and mentioning Akihabara is useless.
  6. My understanding is this more typical for Angeles city so definition of virgin connected to not having kids and/or abortion. I had some chicks claiming being pure virgins but during sex it became clear fake.
  7. Anybody has experience with so-called cherry girls. Please share.
  8. Yes I do and the winner will be Africa.
  9. I suspected for a long time we, humans, are not really humans--just computer program.
  10. Without Pattaya soi6 and Bangkok Nana plaza there is nothing to talk about. Especially consider Thailand crime rate same as USA.
  11. I'm not sorry to say but my long life teach me that poor people should not multiply.
  12. Talking to a hot 30yo woman?--yeah, while sticking your finger in her snatch.
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