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Posts posted by hobz

  1. Nothing wrong with Phuket if you accept all that goes on, keep yourself to yourself and don't cause trouble, everywhere else in Thailand is of course perfect!! I'm happy here, up to others to decide if they are happy or fed up enough to move elsewhere!! was at the airport earlier and everyone seemed happy enough, Meter taxis were doing good business as far as I could see!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Nothing wrong with Nazi germany if you accept all that goes on.. smile.png

    *edit* Just a joke. Seriously, yes, instead of moaning, i will simply not go to Phuket, that is best for both you and for me :)

  2. Is this turning out to be a Phuket bashing thread all of a sudden, if you people hate Phuket so much don't come here!! Keep your opinions to yourself and complain about where you live on the appropriate forum!!

    Phuket is Phuket if you don't like it <deleted> of somewhere else, it's never going to change so get used to it or leave, stop complaining and moaning!!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    The most common solution to this problem is to not visit Phuket.. So yeah, it becomes relevant to mention why or why not one would want to go there anyway.

    • Like 1
  3. My instincts wants me to join in the complain-festival, but I went against my initial instincts and asked myself how this can be solved... Looking for a solution I remembered something about Italy having special laws (and judges?) to deal with the MAFIA. Ofcourse, even in Italy, it has failed. Even in Sweden, my homecountry, they fail to get rid of MAFIA.

    What it takes is special law and very good law-enforcement and probably alot more.. Looking at thai law enforcement today it becomes obvious to me why this problem has not been solved nor will be solved anytime soon..because, well, thai law enforcement is a joke, a very very sad joke, and they can barely stop anything, so why would they ever be able to stop something as organized and powerful as MAFIA, simply wont happen hahahahahah

    so, what to do? For me it's obvious, I never, ever, set foot on Phuket or Koh Samui unless i'm absolutely forced,, i recommend to anyone I know to avoid these places like the plague, sadly, I can not recommend any place in Thailand for a beach holiday anymore... Pattaya is pretty good, just have to be careful with jet-skis, but the beach is not very swimmable, is it? ;)

  4. Sorry a bit offtopic .. Showing breasts didn't harm anyone?

    I wish they would arrest the people that threw water at me and my girlfriend when we were heading out for dinner at 8pm on the night of the 11th April. Oh, yeah, we were on a motorbike. Oh, yeah, we knew there was a small possibility that it would happen,, so we waited until it was dark out and people usually stop.. What to do... what to do... glad I didn't assault anyone :) ..

    But seriously, does throwing water on traffic when it is not songkran count as some kind of offense/crime? I mean, if I throw water at motorbikes in January for example,, where is the line drawn? what hours / days is it legal to disturb traffic in this manner?

    Maybe I should ask the lawyer.... :)

    ps. Don't take me wrong! I _LOVE_ Songkran!! it's way funnier and better than any celebration that we have in Sweden.. I just dislike the small minority of people that do not follow the "rules"...

  5. As a man i always thought it was wrong to hit a woman, i still do.

    However in Thailand, when it comes to this sort of things, even police stays out of it.

    As sickening as it sounds and looks, best to stay out of it, as most possibly you would be in the wrong.

    It's not only Thailand...

    There's atleast two problems in these situations:

    1) You might get beaten (possibly killed) for intervening.

    2) You might get accused for the assault, or assaulting the guy etc, getting into trouble with the oh so competent police force is always a gamble in my eyes.

    *edit* Just want to add that I still think it's right to intervene!

    • Like 1
  6. My only personal experience with them is getting stopped when driving my motorbike without a drivers license, yes, i'm a criminal.

    Both times i was asked to pay a "fine" *bribe* on the spot.. No receipt... I know for a fact that if I would have gotten a real fine I would have to go to the police station to pay it as has happened with other people in my town. SO yeah, my picture of the police is that they are corrupt. For a police officer to take money into his own pocket is completely unacceptable in my home country. So in my standards the police here are totally unacceptable.

    Oh, and don't shoot the messenger. Me driving without a license is a separate story and doesn't excuse the police _asking for_ bribes.

    When asking how bad the police in this country are you will generally get a grouse overstatement. This thread attests to that.

    I think they're actually not that bad. My impression after living here for a long time; Few foreigners that are not involved with illegal activity have had a bad experience with the police AND few Thai's that are not involved in illegal activity have had a bad experience with the police. If your a foreigner you also have the tourist police to appeal to.

    The corruption in the police is where people that are doing illegal things bribe their way out of it. People that are involved in certain types of illegal activities such as hard drugs, counterfeit(monies, passports,etc), rape, etc. will not be able to get out of prison easily. People who murder or manslaughter a thai will be able to get out of prison if the victims family forgives (which usually happens after some..). If the victim is a foreigner then it is not easy to get out of prison, especially if the victims family complains to the police via their embassy.

    Most of the corruption takes place in these other crime areas such as white-collar crime and Gov.to G and G. to big biz corruption and collusion with the police. One reason for this corruption is public officials here have power but their salaries are not robust, making the risk of getting caught taking bribes more attractive. Another issue is the lack of white collar prisons. All prisons in Thailand are the same, the conditions are poor, they are filled with people who lived in abject poverty prior to being imprisoned. The authorities in a developing country have to consider that if money is spent to improve the conditions, then the institution may loose it's deterrence, making it even more expensive. This reality makes police and prosecutors more likely to consider other forms of punishment to many wrongdoers such as forcing them out of the country like Thaksin was.

    So 'ending police corruption' in Thailand would have a big price tag so it has to be phased down-overtime-attacking the worse area's first. Attacking it too harshly and hastily will not be possible unless the government spends more money out of it's limited budget to address the above issues, politicians are unlikely to agree to that because they want robust spending on infrastructure and economic development, not spending on nicer and bigger prisons and better quality prosecutors and cops. Ask the average Thai would you rather have better roads, education and infrastructure, or more prisons..?

  7. Get all the soi dogs off the streets!

    Pit Bull or Soi dog Thailand has one massive problem with wild dogs

    This country is being taken over by dogs and one cant walk the streets without fear of attack, if you disagree with that then you must live in central Bangkok, which is the only area apart from Muslim areas that do not have a huge problem.

    The noise, howling

    biting and attacking

    Disgusting crap all over the road, diasase

    i believe, 2nd worse rate of deaths from dog bits in the world, only one African country above us(correct me if im wrong)

    The situation has only got worse over the years and in some places it's a breaking point. Packs of 20 to 30 wild dogs running around in some soi's

    What is the solution?

    sorry to hear what happened to your wife, but this has happened so many times to people i know over countless years. Everyone i know goes out with weapons to protect themselves, it's the only way

    I had to beat 3 dogs from attacking my son, i usually pick him up from school, just one time im late and he is walking half way home and he is surrounded by 10 dogs ready to attack, he is not as aggressive as the thai kids are. I jump out my car and took my steel pipe and beat at least 3 of them away, the story could of ended up with a dead child, but luckily enough i got there in time. One lady who feeds them all did not take to kindly to my actions(what planet is she from) she would of rather seen my son in hospital than the dogs getting a kicking.

    Anyone with kids take note. Do not let them walk alone if wild dogs are around, you may live to regret it. These dogs are killers at the slightest sign of weakness.

    • Like 1
  8. Politicians should represent the people. Police should not have to feel bad about working for politicians (indirectly the people).

    Police should uphold the law.

    If there is an illegal protest the police must act. It doesn't matter if they think the protest should be legal. That is not for them to decide.

  9. I'm sorry let me Google that for you. rolleyes.gif

    Go pay your bills at 7-11 or the post office.

    I tried using 7/11 today. It did not work. They tried to scan in the barcode. Scanning the barcode failed. At that time the guy behind the register started reading the bill and said "You need to go to kasikorn bank".

    This is the same 7/11 that i pay my electricity and 3bb bills..

    That was the bad news.

    The good news is that i managed to pay the bill online with my "verified by visa" visa card. I simply signed in to the ISPs customer portal where I could see and select the bill for payment. It forwarded me to Kasikorn bank where I could fill in my payment method, visa, mastercard etc.. NOTE Nothing said "just pay" .. So I believe there is still some way to pay using "Just pay" .. Ofcourse now I am satisfied because paying online from home is probably as convinient as it gets.

    Thanks for all the help and suggestions guys!

    Even the suggestion to pay at 7/11 is a good suggestion even though it didn't work for this particular bill it works for most other bills and is good for a thai newbie to know :)

    BR Robert

  10. Just Pay is a secure online payment service from what I can see. If you go to the homepage for your ISP (Sinet) it should be part of their payment methods.

    According to TOT there are 200+ Just Pay outlets in the country as well, haven't a clue where though.

    If that doesn't work (ISP homepage) then follow Sayonarax's advice earlier and use 7/11

    Thank you, I will report back on how it worked out for me so that others with the same isp will know :)

  11. I'm disappointed that there's no replies after 16 minutes. I thought this forum had a million people with nothing better to do than to research my problems.. *joke*

    I realized it actually is "Just Pay" not "Justpay" .. It might make a difference in searching... (makes it even harder to google search :( ... )

  12. Hello guys,

    I have a bill that can be paid using "Justpay".

    I have no idea what "Justpay" is and how I can pay the bill.

    Does anyone know how it works and where I can go?

    I tried some google searches for justpay and came up with nothing usable.

    ps. The bill is from Sinet internet and I can also pay in any Kasikorn Bank (inconvinient imho) and at sinet offices, Even more inconvinient.)

    Sorry for my spelling / grammar. My English sucks!

  13. Does triple entry visas give you 9 months time in Thailand? I know from personal experience that a double entry can give you 6 months. So I assume a triple entry would give you 9 months. But I read somewhere that it is somehow limited to 6 months. Is this correct?

    The "visa" will have a validity of 6 months ----- All entry's must be made while the visa remains valid.

    Thanks for replying like a politician :)

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