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Posts posted by hobz

  1. Without enforcement the theory is doing more harm than Good. Following the rules on the streets today will get you killed. You need to follow what everyone else does, otherwise you will get into an accident. Not sure how many times I've had the right of way But nobody stops..

    Stop for pedestrians? Good if you want to get hit from behind,

    Stop when yellow light turns to red light. Good if you want to get hit from behind..

    Thinking nobody can overtake you from the left side, Good luck.

    Thinking lines and safety zones means anything, prepare for getting into accidents.

  2. The tank question is still there in the new test.

    What is prohibited?

    racing with permission

    Driving war tank during warface (misspelled wartime )

    driving _vehicle_ without windshield.

    The problem IMHO is that motorbikes are vehicles too. And they don't have windshield's... anyway correct answer was vehicle without windshield

  3. All that being said, the problem is not the testing, the problems are from lack of enforcements on ghetto road.

    Looking at signs and stuff is just dangerous when nobody else follows them. Better to drive careful and keep 100% division the other vehicles and stop for red lights, except when it just turned red and they guy behind you is accellerating

  4. Michaelshort, I not only felt that way, I can with 100% confidence tell you that some of the questions are wrong. I checked rechecked and triple checked.

    One of the questions is about a right curve warning sign.

    The correct answer is "proceed with caution and turn to the right"

    another option was "proceed with caution and turn right"

    the latter was wrong. I failed that question yesterday But passed it today.

    Another one is "what picture shows proper parking?"

    two pictures show bad parking.

    One picture shows parked cars in a parking lot.

    One pic shows a car parked by the side of the road.

    The parking lot pic is incorrect answer.

    Then the same question comes later in the test, But at that time the options are 3 pics with illegal parking and the same pic of the cars in parking lot. This time the parking lot is correct....

  5. The next step should be to start enforcing the rules on the road. Not just checkpoints for tea money But cameras everywhere, 10x or 20x higher fines etc.

    Abiding by the rules today is too dangerous, I once stopped at a pedestrian crossing to let people cross But caused an accident because the motorbikes behind me was not prepared to stop.

  6. I passed the test in Chiang Mai today after failing yesterday. The test software is buggy and some of the english questions are of very poor quality, some are completely wrong.

    Don't take my word for it. Go see your selves.

    I tried to point out some problems with the English questions, But they ignored me, simply stating "you pass go away!".

    expect to fail the first time and see where u got it wrong and remember The bad questions and their incorrect (correct) answers for when you retake the test next day.

  7. Did it today in Chiang Mai.

    Failed the new test, got 40 out of 50. Needed 45. Was told to go back tomorrow 10am and/or 1pm for additional attempts to pass the test.

    I was handed English study material before the test. It was pretty Good for the most part. But it felt like Google translate.

    Same with the test. Majority of the questions were good. But some of them were poorly translated.

    After test I was shown where I was wrong including the correct answer.

    Some of those were hilarious. You have to go there and see it to believe it.

    Either way, I'm glad they have stuff in English and I'm confident that I will pass tomorrow.

    Everyone that was there taking the test in English got around 30 / 50 and failed worse than me.

    I will try to point out the bad translation to the officers tomorrow. But i think they will ignore me because they will think I'm trying to get help during the test.

    Either way, I have to try to forget all the rules. Because following the rules on the roads of Thailand will lead to death. Stopping to let pedestrians walk? I'm not gonna do that until I want to have people crashing behind me again. ;)

    P's. It was lovely spending time with all the Thai people in the classroom today, they are really adorable lovely polite positive cute people. Reminded me of why I love Thailand in the first place.

  8. I hope they change the fines for driving without a license too.

    200 baht at the police station

    or ~500 baht on the spot if the cop is as corrupt as usual.

    I also hope they install cameras everywhere and send huge fines to everyone for everything crazy they do..

    Can someone please link to the study material for the theoretical test? It's supposed to be on department of transportations website

  9. Hi guys,

    Just want to report that BOTH my 3BB connection AND my sinet connection have problems tonight.

    I have dual internet connections, and I'm having to keep switching between them tonight because they both are unreliable.

    For just a few minutes my sinet connection was displaying some kind of "wifi direct" page.

    And my 3bb connection does not allow me to connect to sites using SSL (encryption) or to allow me to connect to my ec2 servers using SSH (encryption).

    I'm guessing that the providers are complying to new junta orders about restricting access to certain content (facebook). And that is what is causing these glitches tonight.

    I'm pretty savvy with computers (probably an understatement) and I'm pretty sure this is not a problem on my end.

    But I imagine that I'm not alone in experiencing glitches tonight,, anyone else have some downtime / problems with ssl / ssh,, being displayed "wifi direct".. etc?

  10. I have been questioning the reasons for curfew.

    Here's what iv'e come up with

    * Criminal activity happens at night when it's harder to see.

    * If something bad happens at night the military can deal with it easier when all normal people are home.

    * If something bad happens at night the normal people will be safe at home.

    Ofcourse it does not solve all problems. But it makes it a bit easier for the military.

    I hope it's over soon.

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