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Posts posted by Deli

  1. 6 hours ago, samsensam said:

    Then they’d be clear to roam around the island for their third week. After 3 weeks on the island the visitors would be free to travel to other parts of Thailand.


    how are they going to know which tourists are which? which tourists have been in thailand for more than 3 weeks? which foreigners are tourists and which foreigners are long term residents, retirees, employees? will they have police checks all over the country continually stopping and checking foreigners? it's a mad plan.

    They have the super smart BMW ????

  2. 20 hours ago, ShindenGo said:

    Honestly I’m worried about the US. Imagine when Joe Biden wins how will the Republicans react?? You will see cities destroyed, minority businesses destroyed, livelihoods destroyed, burning cars, people walking around with guns and killing people. This is scary and I wish I could go back to pick up my family and head over to our cabin in Colorado. Trump supporters are terrifying. They’ll destroy this country for their own selfish desire for power.


    This is why we need to elect Joe Biden. He has a politician for nearly half a century. He knows America’s weaknesses and our strengths. We need Joe and Kamala to heal the racial divisions that Trump and his supporters have caused. We need Joe to end the racial strife and unprecedented violence of blacks at the hands of whites. We need Joe to end the violence of LatinX at the hands of whites. Only through Joe, The Light Bearer, can he navigate through the darkness that has befallen America. Please vote for Joe Biden. Please vote for Democrats. 

    Didn't get your meds today ?

    • Like 1
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  3. 5 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    Think on this, over 40 million Thais live in rural locations that never see a tourist and don't need them for their local economy.  Don't get tourism out of proportion.  It is less than 18% of GDP and not absolutely vital to Thailand. Watch this space. It may all virtually end and I dont think that many Thais will cry any tears if it does. At the very least, it may be confined to a few restricted areas only, such as Phuket and Pattaya. 

    You better change your nick to "Caveman"

    • Like 2
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  4. Spent about 2 years in a condo building with almost 400 units, starting from very basic to better middle class. Sharing a room with 4 or more mated for some Thais was normal. On some floors aisles looked like in old jails and people in and out could scare away the faint hearted. However, never had a problem, maybe coz of 4 locks, but met some very interesting people... and got serious fun.

    • Haha 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, CapeTown said:

    Where is the pressure from other thai tourist resorts - the islands, hua hun, chiang mai?


    It is this kind of pressure from business, and pressure from the public, that will encourage the govt to nuance its single goal of 0 covid.


    Given that tourism is a fifth of gdp, and china a third of tourists, you could hike gdp and employment by almost 10% simply by letting in visitors from China.


    No 100,000$  insurance.

    No 14 day quarantine.

    Just a fit-to-fly certificate.


    After all, China is as clean as Thailand.

    I would rather prefer that China pays for the damage they caused, without sending their spitting hordes again.

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