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Posts posted by Deli

  1. No ferry from Phuket to Lanta in these days, who knows now about October ?

    Prior to the Chinese Virus you had to change boat in PP, long and boring trip.

    • Like 1
  2. There must be a 2nd Phuket which I donno.


    Patong is dead and 6 feet under. Karon yesterday dead the same and everything closed.

    Kata Beach had the usual surfers, as conditions have been nice yesterday, and a few families. Kata itself dead empty. Heavy rain this morning, of course quiet. No idea about the north west, as it is a boring corner with resorts only.


    The reporting by mcot is rubbish.


    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, ezzra said:

    So no foreigners coming in by air but hundreds of thousands laborers from neighbouring countries pouring in overland borders presumably unquarantined is just dendy...


    Has nothing to do with the flight ban for tourists, though I understand yr point.

    Workers get in and stay in a certain area, tourists come and go and move allover the place

    This is what scares the poo outta the Uniforms, as they must give up their fetish, which is control.

    For me: open borders tmw with control as in Europe

     All good.


    • Confused 1
  4. 14 hours ago, robblok said:

    Because even though there is loads of unemployment the leaders of this country need cheap labor. The Thais won't do it. The rich factory owners wont pay enough and Thais wont do it. So I see why to benefit the rich again.


    The official minimum wage is equal for Thais and foreign labor. If this would be enforced to pay, no diifference. As there is no unemployment money, guess Thais sooner or later would have to take on theses jobs to have an income. Much better for the local economy, as money would syay in the country @ 100 %

  5. 24 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    Why not be Normal and leave the bikes/scooters Stock, Than No problem No Fines No Crushed Pipes . 

    But Hey, Some want to be different and Challenge the Law. Put up with what the Law  Trows at ya. why Should the government make Race tracks ? Just to Please the Little sods ?Grow up Be Normal . 

    You want to race on the roads ? Fine But if Caught Don't Cry /Whinge .    ????


    Did you ever have a life, whinger ?

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