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Posts posted by Deli

  1. 4 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

    Even if- how would that help him?

    Because the relatives of the 160.000 dead will suddenly have amnesia?

    All those slipping under the poverty line, due to his complete lack of leadership and sensible policies?

    All those PEACEFUL protesters, that were brutalized by his secret police?

    And HAVING a vaccine doesn't mean having it AVAILABLE for everybody!

    He is just full of ...it!

    The 160k dead I would blame on China, as well unemployment and poverty. The protesters ( peaceful ?)

    have nothing to do with the Chinese Virus. And yes, I hope US will be the 1st to have the vax ready - and not giving it to the commies

    • Sad 3
  2. 1st of all... never forget who brought this misery to the world !


    However, how many of these deceased who have died anyhow soon coz of excisting pre-conditions ?

    700.000 of 8 billion people... how many will die of the side effects due to lockdowns and restrictions ?

    How many will suffer mental problems due to poverty, broken up families, etc. due to caused economical problems due to restrictions ? All this costs billions of $ to fix, if it can be fixed.

    Wake up and get your real life back.


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  3. They flash also when not exceeding the limit, from that what I saw. Otherwise, the 60 / 80 limits on that road or just f*** insane and don't correspond to the road and traffic at all.

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