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Posts posted by bfc1980

  1. 13 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

    Later in the day took wife's Auntie out to lunch with us and she did not want to wear a belt as 'she never does' in her own car.  I insisted that she put it on and she moaned the whole way in both directions because...  ''it's uncomfortable''.

    Next time she's in the car with you, I recommend performing an emergency stop. If she doesn't put her belt on, then keep repeating the procedure until she gets the message. Or until she breaks her nose on the seat in front. 

  2. I'm in need of some golf lessons to tighten up my swing and improve overall consistency. Currently have a handicap of 22 so whilst I'm far from being a beginner, I'm certainly not a bogey golfer (yet). Can anybody recommend a pro/teacher/coach whatever you want to call them that isn't too pricey and is easily accessible from the Sathorn area or bts/mrt stations. Their English doesn't need to be great



  3. 1 hour ago, MikeyIdea said:



    You have heard that from other Westerners who don't know anything about Thailand. Don't listen to people who aren't smart enough to keep quiet even though they don't know anything :angry:


    You're right I have heard that from other Westerners. Mainly on here :smile:


    So basically she'd need to get a lawyer, which I guess she has't got the spare cash lying around for (unless they have legal aid for civil cases here). 


    So no worries then. 


    Thanks for your help.

  4. Hi all,


    Not sure if this is the correct forum/room but I couldn't find one regarding Thai law. So here goes. We recently hired a nanny and everything was going great until we found out (through complete chance) from her last employer that she was physically abusing the child she was looking after. She had references from the job before which were very positive about her hence the reason for hiring her.

    Anyway we confronted her about it and she denied it but we still fired her since there's no way I'm taking that risk. Now she has said she is going to make a police report regarding defamation but we are unsure who she is trying to sue. Us for firing her or her previous employer for telling us. 


    Basically, is there any chance that we or her previous employer could be successfully prosecuted for it?

    It's also worth noting that she was here on a student visa from a neighbouring country and it wasn't until recently that we realised this doesn't allow her to work. Would she be shooting herself in the foot if she went to the police since she isn't entitled to work? 



  5. In an ideal world we'd love references, but out of the 15 or so candidates we've interviewed so far, about half of them haven't even bothered to turn up for the interview or were at least 30 minutes late and none of those that did come have had references despite having experience (I find that very weird),  Although there are ways and means of faking references anyway. It would be great to get a nanny recommendation from someone we knew or at least a fellow expat we could trust to give an honest opinion.


    Technically it wouldn't be a tracker for a 16 month old, but a tracker for her stroller. If I had my way, she'd be GPS chipped but unfortunately the tech isn't quite there yet.

  6. We're planning on getting a nanny soon and obviously we're concerned about the lack of background checks nannies get (to the point of paranoia actually) and the fact that we are actually handing our baby over to a complete stranger. Added to this that all of the nannies we've interviewed so far don't have any references from previous employers. Does anybody have any experience regarding discreet GPS trackers for toddlers? Obviously the watch types are not appropriate as daughter is only 16 months old. I had read about a little clip on tracker at http://pocketfinder.com/gpschildtracker/ but I'm not too sure it will work in Thailand. The idea is that we'll clip it onto the stroller as any possible abduction will probably involve the nanny taking her out in that (like I said paranoia). Obviously the idea isn't 100% fool proof but it will at least give us some peace of mind during the working day. Rather than praying that when we get home from work everyday our child is still there.


    How do all of you with babies/toddlers cope having nannies? The stress must be unbearable. Any advice is much appreciated.



  7. I've just recently switched to Loxinfo and they are streets ahead of True with speed and value. was paying 650baht/month or thereabouts for 13mb/s and was lucky to see even half of that downloading torrents (never got more than 700kbps and the speed was never consistent).

    Now I have sth like 28Mb/s  for the same price and can reach torrent download speeds of over 3Mb per sec. Plus the download speed is much more stable. All this for the same price I was paying True. I'm still on the free month trial so it'll be interesting to see what happens to the speed when that ends and I'm tied to them. 

  8. That's great info. Thanks a lot. A few more quick questions... Would it be possible for my MIL to 'piggy back' on my non-im b extension or can it only be done on my wife's (just in case my wife decides not to go back to work)? 

    When my wife applies for a non-im b visa next year, can the application for MIL's non-im o visa be made at the same time or does my wife need the extension of stay first?


    Many thanks 

  9. Hi,


    I'm currently here on a non-immigrant b extension and have a work permit. My wife and kids are all on non-immigrant o extensions as my dependents. Next year my wife is wanting to go back to work and we were hoping to bring her mum over to help with childcare etc. Which visa would be best for her to get??

    I know that technically she wouldn't be allowed to be our nanny and get paid for it as she wouldn't have a work permit or be eligible for one so we were originally thinking about a tourist visa with an extension from immigration, then a visa run to get another SETV when that runs out. But that could be a lot of hassle as she doesn't speak English and my wife and I may not always be able to travel with her as we'll be working.


    Today my wife was at the Thai embassy in her home country getting a non-im o visa for our child recently born in Thailand and asked about our options. The person there (Thai national) said that maybe she would be eligible for a non-im o visa as my wife's dependent (once she goes back to work and has a non-im b visa) if her place of work writes a letter to say that it would be good for the children to have their grandparent around so they can practice their mother tongue. 


    Does anybody have any experience of this situation and what are the chances of her being allowed a non-immigrant o visa? A retirement visa is out of the question as she wouldn't qualify based on the fact that her pension isn't enough.


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