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Everything posted by Homburg

  1. All of Mr Kim's missiles are aimed at the sea. I guess he must really hate fish.
  2. It seems that someone has started early: Prawit Wongsuwan today (Mar.23) confirmed there will be no more coup after the May 14 general election.
  3. Wow. RIP Pietro. A million ways to die in LOS! Perhaps there should be a private room for all visitors to the Kindom to enter, just before they pass through immigration, where they can bend down, put their head between their legs, and kiss their ass goodbye.
  4. The slow old guy could be a plus. I always choose an older motorcycle taxi rider - the fact that they have survived into later years suggests to me a lower likelihood of an accident.
  5. No more coup. Until the next coup.
  6. Ahhh, doesn't that give you a nice warm glow? Just like the isotope would!
  7. Cannabis, from what I have seen so far, can cause problems as can all drugs, however the problems from cannabis appear to be considerably less than those from alcohol, the misuse of which leads to violence and deaths seemingly every day. Could it possibly be that the anti-cannabis rhetoric is being funded by the booze manufacturers, worried about losing their profits?
  8. That's fighting talk. I thought that ambassadors were supposed to be diplomats?
  9. So sad, certainly not the first, and won't be the last. Thai roads are dangerous. RIP.
  10. Good point. He survived for far too long unfortunately. But he only remained alive and in power because he had support, similar to Vlad The Invader. Any successor to Putin could be worse. Let's be careful what we wish for and let the Russian People deal with their own Government as they surely will ultimately.
  11. If you build it, they will come throw exploding ping-pong balls.
  12. At a guess it sounds like some Chemistry students may have been making Mercury Fulminate. I hope they all survived the experience with the same number of limbs and digits that they started with.
  13. If the police arrested everyone then they would be too busy doing actual police work to make any money. Oh, hang on....
  14. It is likely to be Russia's game plan to make it apparent that continued opposition will lead to a terrifying escalation of the conflict with the expectation that this will discourage resistance. Meanwhile China is watching Russia and the West weakening each other and waiting for its opportunity. It will not stop at Taiwan. I am greatly saddened to discover that we live in interesting times.
  15. Something flammable?
  16. I wish that the Thai Government was as committed to road safety as they claim to be committed to "maintaining a safe, clean and healthy atmosphere for all".
  17. Is there a country anywhere in the world where a police account would match the video evidence?
  18. I'll always have fond memories of my many trips in 747's. For some reason I always felt safer in those than I do in more modern aircraft. Farewell to a great aircraft.
  19. It's not a foregone conclusion. The verdict is also often "heart attack". Suicide is an all too frequent verdict when a fall from height is involved, although wasn't that also the Thai verdict in the David Carradine case? RIP.
  20. Totally pointless. No-one born in this century reads books.
  21. Anyone thinking it's going to drop off would probably not visit Pattaya! ????????????
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