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Everything posted by Homburg

  1. There will no doubt be a lot of the "financial leakage" to which you allude, but such "leakage" helps to ensure that these major infrastructure projects do go ahead and Thailand benefits as a result. 30 years ago No swampy, No skytrain, No subway, No Airport Rail Link, Etc. Thailand is moving forward!
  2. No-one with money has to spend life in jail in Thailand, an alternative can always be purchased.
  3. That's the problem with prisons, no accessible high windows to fall from.
  4. Wow! Prostitution in the Nana area! Who'd have thought?
  5. Omigosh! That is scarily similar to many in the car park at the Nana Hotel....
  6. So it could be that more guilty parties will be convicted? Or is this just an exercise to make lawyers even richer?
  7. Prostitution linked to a karaoke bar? I'm shocked, shocked.....
  8. Hey Sararat Saengmook, All that hassle for 0.56g of Ketamine! Choosing to attempt to smuggle that was probably not one of your better decisions.
  9. Hey Bob, I can sympathise as I've had similar back problems. The first time it happened was many, many years ago when I was getting out of my Fiat X-19 (anyone remember those?) the pain was intense and my back was completely immobile for hours. My solution was to sell the car! The problem recurs from time to time, always without any warning, but happily so far it hasn't happened in Soi 6, or Nana, or Soi Cowboy, etc. Word to the wise Bob, go to a BJ bar next time. Less stress for your back.
  10. ....so not dislodged because it was not properly secured?
  11. The UK government is in denial about the solution to the problem. The UK government is spending beyond its means and taxes to support this excessive spending are too high. The current taxation and benefits system consequently disincentivizes work. It sends a very simple and clear message to taxpayers: you are not working for yourself, you are working for us, with effective tax rates up to 61% many have worked out that they are better off on benefits. And for those who do work, then potentially IHT up to 60% on anything they have saved (no, UK IHT, despite the UK government's rhetoric, is not limited to 40%) can leave some workers with less than 16% of their earnings to pass to their children, and many taxpayers are now voting with their feet and leaving the workplace or even going to work in other countries.
  12. BBC telling lies again? I'm shocked, shocked!
  13. The attacks are every day, hour, minute in London and are certainly not big, or even small, news. The Big News is probably that the Rozzers actually caught the perp AND that he was given, wonder of wonders, an eight year custodial sentence!
  14. There's no point in arresting suspected offenders in the UK as the British Criminal Justice System has no prison space available and so sentencing for convicted offenders is mostly limited to "community orders" which are laughed off, suspended sentences which are ignored or fines which remain unpaid. Import the World's criminal classes and crime is rampant plus the prisons fill up. Who'd have thought? Clearly not the UK Authorities who failed to plan for the increase in prison space needed.
  15. Michigan State Rep sterilized herself What a public spirited lady! Let's hope that this approach to protest catches on with all those ladies who share her politics. It would also be helpful if such ladies were to always wear a badge at all times to publicise their protest so that they can be kept away from employment in education.
  16. Everyone in Thailand will receive the legal treatment that they pay for. Ask Tony, he is no doubt an expert on the subject.
  17. Hey Idiot Liberal Politicians, you did this just as surely as if you had driven the car yourselves. YOU HAVE DESTROYED WESTERN CIVILISATION AND YOU SHOULD HANG YOUR HEADS IN SHAME.
  18. Alcohol sales are banned on election days, so voters remain sober. We are living with the result of that approach. Perhaps it's time to repeal that law for the future elections?
  19. I've never been tempted to take a cruise, but now........ .....I'm even less tempted!
  20. The behaviour of these nurses is a symptom of a far deeper issue, which is that they not only felt that it was appropriate to display their hatred, they felt comfortable doing so - comfortable seeking validation of their hatred from their community. The deeper problem is importing members of a death cult which instructs, encourages and even incentivises its followers to kill all non-believers and expecting somehow that these followers will somehow change their culture, beliefs, attitudes and intentions because they have changed their geographical location. This death cult is a cancer which will consume its host country wherever it is permitted to flourish. It cannot simply be contained by prosecuting obvious aberrant attitudes such as those on display here. Prosecution will drive the problem underground, but will otherwise change nothing. As the saying goes: You can take Mo out of Mogadishu, but you cannot take Mogadishu out of Mo.... The World's "enlightened" liberals decry China's reported approach of attempting to "re-educate" followers of this death cult. China's approach may or may not be successful, or even acceptable, but at least China is confronting the problem rather than pretending that it does not exist.
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